Part 3

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i ended up walking to the pizzeria by foot since I forgot my car keys and didn't want to go face what switch had to say.

opening up the glass front door I was met by screaming children and parents tugging their children away from the robots that were up on stage, they were creepy but cool looking, I can see why the kids liked them. However I only noticed that the were two... where was the brown bear? I thought he was the main character.

looking around the room I tried to spot henry but wasn't able to find him causing me to let out a frustrated sigh, I told him ill be here trying to get a job.

i suppose my frustrated and confused look caught an employees attention because they came up to me with a sweet smile.

"Hi, you look lost dear. Do you need any help?" I looked down at her name tag, Ruby, this caused me to smile as its a type of crystal.

"Oh yes that would be great. Im looking for a man named henry?" a smile appeared on her face as she recognised the name, I'm guessing deep down she was afraid ill ask her something she didn't know.

"of course I know my own boss, come on ill take you to him." she expertly weaved past the kids and parents enjoying the day out in this establishment, I suppose they think that the missing children are just a rumour because god knows why they decided to come back here, that or they are oblivious.

Knocking on the door ruby patiently waited for the door to open while telling me he may be busy causing me to smile back and tell her that once he sees me, he'll have time for me.

The door crept open and there was a tired Mr emily "crystal! you showed up earlier than I thought you would." the look on shock on his face was apparent before he noticed ruby and thanked her for getting me here.

he rushed me inside and handed me a purple uniform before going to sit down on his desk "I managed to convince afton to accept you as your assistant, he kept insisting that he didn't need one but I told him you can help out with most of the chores. i suppose you know how to repair animatronics?" I gave him a quick nod as I started to slide out of my clothes causing him to turn away. "you could have asked where the toilets were!" i gave a shrug which he obviously didn't see but i couldn't care less as i don't have time to waste.

The uniform consisted of black trousers and a deep rich purple button on that perfectly complimented my skin. "alright, when is he going to be here?" i asked annoyed and as if on cue i heard a knock on the door.

"speak of the devil." henry whispered to himself and then immediately called the man in question to come in.

he bent his neck forward as he walked into the room and stared at henry. "so where is this assistant." wow that is rude, he didn't even look my way. i cleared my throat as i stared daggers into his back causing me to capture is silver blue eyes.

"you're looking at her." crossing my arms he chuckled as he looked back at henry causing him to go stiff, i don't blame him, after all he was in a room with two murderers.

"William, this is crystal. She hadn't had a tour yet so id appreciate if you could show her around..." this caused william to give out a huge sigh as he seemed annoyed almost like it inconvienced him to take 10 mins out of his schedule. even i have more standards than him and i definitely killed more than him.

He walked out of the office without even motioning for me to follow him so naturally I trailed behind him as I looked at Henry causing him to shrug.

"So William.." I began causing him to stop in his tracks and glare daggers at me which I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to use them.

"It's Mr Afton to employees." Rolling my eyes I decided to try again but this time with what he wanted... with sarcasm obviously.

"Alright, Mr Afton. I was wondering that we could do some... employee, employer bonding and talk a bit about ourselves." He scuffed as he heard my idea while taking me from room to room most of which consisted of screaming children.

"Like what?" Turning back to me as he showed me where the kitchen was, he asked in a more critical way rather than a curious way.

"Such as why is this hideous colour chosen for my uniform?" I knew full well that this wasn't a question about any of us but I knew he wouldn't have answered the question if it was about his personal life and I need him to trust me.

"Because I like it." Short and simple no need for more elaboration. But I had to pry more.

"Why's that? I don't hear a lot of people professing their love for purple and those that do obsess over it." I always find that people who like purple are obsessed with it and they proudly put it on everything, this guy is only proving my point further.

"Didn't know it was illegal to like a colour" William rolled his eyes like he didn't do something that was illegal yet I wasn't about to tell him that I know, maybe I'll tell him after he's dead.

Shrugging I followed him up to that last door labelled parts and service.

"Now I need you to remember this room, you'll be visiting it often to get some stuff for me." He waited for my acknowledgment before opening up the door to a dark room that I could faintly see a glow of mental from.

The room faintly stank metallic in a way, a normal person walking into here wouldn't even pick up on it because it was that faint but I could... because no matter how much you scrub and scrub some of the blood seeps in between the tiles and you can't get it out without taking the whole floor out which I knew William wouldn't do.

Here was where he had killed them.

He had showed me all the equipment and wires along with all the little things were, it wasn't too complicated to remember so I zoned out half way through.

"I trust that you also know how to fix the animatronics" asking blankly he crossed his arms while staring at me causing me to nod.

Before my military service I completed a degree on engineering on robots so I knew plenty about them since I wanted to join NASA originally.

"That's great because your first job is to fix the wiring in Freddy, some kid decided to get on the stage and climb Freddy causing the suit to rip and for him to grab onto the wires trying to save himself" Afton brushed his hair back with his fingers annoyed at the memory of the kid "we have the suit replacement so all you need to do is fix the wires and put the new suit on then come back to me." He uncovered the robot I saw missing earlier and it was in a horrible state. The torso of the bear was completely ripped off and I saw the wires that were torn from their original places.

I'll do a lot worse to William tho. The thought made me tempted to smirk but I didn't want to seem like a psychopath just yet so I kept my poker face on while inspecting the robot.

"Do you think you can handle this, love?" My eyes instantly darted to him in the room that you could barely see the corners in but his eyes were easy to find with the mysterious glow they gave off.

My action caused him to smirk as he noticed my eye twitch from the nickname. If he called me that a couple of years ago I wouldn't have minded but ever since my abusive ex, I cannot stand them anymore.

Taking a deep breath I allowed myself to relax "of course, I didn't get a degree in engineering for nothing" smirking he strutted towards the door making sure he caught my shoulder in the process. I was so tempted to dislocate his shoulders right there and then but I decided against it. I don't know why I needed to keep him alive for now but something in me told me it was a bad idea for now.

"See you in two hours, love." Now it was my turn to smirk as the doors closed... so he thinks I'll get it done in 2 hours.


Tbh i find that meeting the love interest is always the most boring part for some reason .-.

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