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So funny story.. I just got into this whole afton x reader thing and I might have told my and friend about it ... and I might have dragged her along with me....

Hi friend if you are most definitely reading this because I'm sending you the link.

I actually wasn't planning on posting this because I thought I'd have no ideas for this but so far I'm addicted to writing this and I think it's pretty good so I'll be posting all the chapters I feel confident with :))

🦋Major notes here🦋

- I am taking a twist on the fnaf lore, some of the things will be out of place or won't happen in order but either way it's not following the actual lore

- I'm not using any map and just making it up as I go along so imagine it how you want it either way I'll only mention the rooms

- NOTHING is going to be historically accurate so please give me some slack when i reference something out of our timeline.. just let me write my story XD

- I don't actually have a degree in engineering animatronics like it says in the story so if I say something wrong pls forgive me

- I'm mostly making this story up how I go along, as of the time of posting this I have no idea how most of the chapter will go but I do have a few endings in mind so I think I'll post the main ending (duh) along with some alternative ones

- I don't know if there will be a sequel to this book, I do have a good sequel idea to an alternative ending tho :p

Warnings about what will be in the story:

- gore (obviously, you are reading about a child serial killer, what did you expect)
- swearing (so if you don't fucking like that go away)
-other dark topics I can't think of now but will most likely be in the book
- cringe (I know I'll most likely be cringing at this in a few years XD)

So all of this means that the story is meant for 17+ so anyone bellow that shoo.

Otherwise enjoy this sick fantasy with me ._.

him (William Afton x reader)Where stories live. Discover now