Chapter 27

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A/N: So sorry for the long wait!

Here's a new chapter and i'll update another one to make up for it :)

The Cheerios were just congratulated by McKinley's Principal on winning Regionals over the weekend... As if they weren't going to win... Not on Sue Sylvester's watch, that was for sure. Rachel went with Quinn's family to watch the blonde perform with her Cheerio friends but unfortunately won't be able to go watch her girlfriend perform during Nationals because it was being held in Florida.

After the Cheerios scattered from Mr. Figgins office, and after receiving some out of date movie tickets as a congratulations, Quinn was walking down the hallway to head to Glee when she spotted a group of her softball friends. Casey; the red haired girl, Tasmin, that yelled out to her when she was with Rachel and her friends just before her first game, and a blonde girl by the name of Allison.

"Barbie doll," Casey yelled out to her friend, Quinn laughed and shook her head, Casey was the only one that called her that but she was okay with it, she knew the dark haired girl was just having some fun.

"Hey," Quinn said as she walked up to them.

"We missed you on the weekend," Allison said a bit flirtatiously.

"Not my fault that cheerleading Regionals fell on a softball day," Quinn said with a shrug.

"Where are your loyalties, Blondie," Tasmin smirked.

Quinn just laughed, "It's not like you needed me, you seemed to handle it, you won by eight runs."

"That we did, but we could have still had our star player," Allison stated.

"A star player who still isn't allowed to play a full game... That doesn't sound like a star player to me," Quinn answered back.

"Quinnie?" Brittany said as she walked up to the small group with Santana next to her, pinkies linked.

Quinn turned around and smiled at her best friends. "You comin to Glee?" Santana asked ignoring the other girls.

The blonde nodded, "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

Santana nodded and started to walk off but Brittany was still standing still, so the two were forced to release pinkies, the Latina turned to look at the tall blonde and watch said tall blonde walk over to Casey and wrap her arms around her, "Hey Casey, how are you?"

The dark haired softball player smiled in the hug, "I'm good thanks, Britt, how are you?"She calls her Britt? I call her Britt, Santana scoffs to herself.

"I'm great! I'm just about to go to Glee... You know what, you should so join!" Brittany said enthusiastically.

Tasmin started to laugh, "Oh, I've heard her sing in the shower... You don't want her to join." Casey rolled her eyes and moved over to push her friend on the shoulder, "Shut up, Taz!" The dark haired girl looked back over at the smiling tall blonde, "It's not my thing, Brittany, but thank you for asking me."

The tall blonde nodded, "Did you want to go for coffee after softball and Glee practice tomorrow?"

Santana scoffed again... Britt doesn't even like coffee... She drinks hot chocolate with extra cream!

Casey shrugged, "Sounds good to me, Britt."

Santana scoffed yet again and moved closer so she could grab onto Quinn's shoulder, the blonde turned around to look at her best friend. "Can we talk?"

Quinn nodded and said a quick goodbye to the small group and walked down the hall with Santana. "What the fuck is with this Casey girl?" the Latina angrily said in the hallway right near the choir room, however it was now deserted.

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