Chapter 6

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It had been a month for Quinn at William McKinley High. Her friendship with Rachel was progressing, they were spending a lot of time together. Even Hayley, Santana and Brittany started to tolerate Rachel. Brittany of course loved hanging out with Rachel. Santana was still a bitch sometimes to the diva but Santana was a bitch to everyone. Hayley was just happy that the small brunette wasn't going after Finn anymore. If you asked Rachel why she was so obsessed with Finn she would tell you that he was her duet partner and thought it would be romantic to date her duet partner, but after she had that conversation with Quinn, and once the blonde left that night she really thought about Finn and it dawned on her that's the only reason she liked him, she wasn't even physically attracted to him, and he wasn't someone that she wanted to kiss again. The brunette wanted someone who she was physically attracted to, someone who would treat her right, someone who was a good person inside and out, and that won't cheat on her. Someone who was her friend, maybe even best friend; she would love to fall in love with a best friend, and she knew that person was definitely not Finn. She was glad that Quinn spoke to her so she could realize that early before something may have happened.

Everyone seemed to get along with Quinn, she definitely was a different person to have in McKinley, yes she was probably the fourth popular girl in school but she never picked on the losers in the school. And because Rachel was like her best friend, Rachel's popularity status went up because she was hanging out with the Cheerios.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when Quinn went over to the Berry house for dinner, she did have Cheerio practice that afternoon but she told Rachel she would come over after.

After Quinn had dinner with the Berry's, Rachel asked her to come up to her room to work on her Glee project together, Quinn didn't have any solo's in Glee yet, the blonde just joined in with the group numbers, she was just helping Rachel out with something that the brunette wanted to sing. So Rachel wanted to get in some time for Glee before the cheerleader had to leave to go home as it was a school night, not that Quinn had a curfew or anything but the blonde knew that the brunette likes to have her eight hours of sleep. So Quinn and Rachel then worked on the Glee project together and once they were finished the brunette insisted on walking the blonde to her car, but Quinn told her to just get started with her nightly routine and that she'd see her tomorrow. Rachel nodded and said her goodbyes to Quinn, the blonde walked downstairs into the living room. Hiram and LeRoy looked up from watching TV as they saw the blonde walk in.

"You on your way home, Sweetie?" LeRoy asked.

Quinn nodded, "But I was wondering if I could please talk to you two for a couple of minutes?" Quinn was a bit nervous with what she was about to disclose to the Berry men but she knew she would have to do it. She's had this on her mind for a while to ask and she thought this was the best opportunity to tell the men seeing as Rachel's not around.

"Yes Sweetie, what did you want to talk about?" Leroy said. Both men sat up on the couch to give the cheerleader their full attention.

"Well this is something personal, I haven't told Rachel yet, but I will be... I just thought that it was best to tell you first." Both men nodded in understanding and Hiram added, "We won't say anything to Rachel."

"Thank you, I appreciate that... So I don't know how to easily say this so I'm going to just come out and say it... I'm a lesbian... Rachel doesn't know yet and I will be telling her soon but there's also something else," both men nodded again for the girl to continue.

"Well, it's that I like Rachel more than a friend and I wanted to ask for your permission to ask her out on a date... I don't really know Rachel's sexuality or anything, but I can't hide the way I feel any longer... I know in a small town like Lima there's a lot of judgments and criticisms and before I even know if Rachel was up for dating me I wanted to ask your permission, because I know if something does happen there would be a lot of gossip and I wouldn't want to expose Rachel to it if you aren't comfortable with it," Quinn finished, she looked at both Hiram and Leroy and waited for one of them to respond.

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