Chapter 11

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It was Saturday, Quinn just drove over to Rachel's after Cheerio practice; the blonde was already changed and ready to go visit Rachel's extended family. The blonde knocked on her girlfriend's front door and then let herself in.

"Hey," Quinn said casually as she walked in.

Rachel came out of the kitchen to meet her girlfriend walking through the hallway, "Hey, baby. How was practice?"

Quinn shrugged and wrapped her girlfriend in a welcoming hug, "It was okay... Glad it's over and I get to spend the day with you," Quinn smiled as she pulled out of the hug.

"Awww, you're so cute."

"How was dance class?" the blonde asked her girlfriend.

"It was okay. We just went over a few old routines."

Hiram and LeRoy came out of the kitchen with bags of food. "Hey Quinn, how are you?" LeRoy asked.

Quinn smiled at the two Berry men. "I'm good thanks."

"You ready to leave?" Hiram asked.

The blonde nodded, "Did you need a hand with anything?"

The men shook their heads. "It's okay, Sweetie. Thank you though," Hiram added.

Quinn then looked over at her girlfriend, "Do you have your things for tonight?"

Rachel smiled, "My bags near the front door."

The blonde nodded and they all made their way out of the Berry's house, Quinn quickly grabbed the brunette's bag before Rachel even tried to reach it. The diva smiled and whispered a sweet thank you into her girlfriend's ear.

Once they got outside LeRoy turned to Quinn. "So, Quinn, just follow Hiram and I, if you lose us Rachel knows the way." Quinn was taking her and Rachel in her car because they may leave before Hiram and LeRoy to head back to the blondes house because the Glee Club members were going to be there tonight.

Quinn nodded and popped Rachel's bag in the back of her car and then headed to jump in the front seat. Once she got buckled in she then turned the ignition on, backing out of the driveway. She waited for the Berry men to back out and then drive off, so Quinn started to follow.

"I can't wait to get my license," Rachel beamed.

"Just over a month, baby... Not long," Quinn beamed. "Choose some music to listen too?" Quinn asked handing her girlfriend her iPhone with her music on it.

Rachel beamed, took the iPhone and plugged it into the adaptor for the car, she then scrolled through her girlfriends music. "Baby, I really need to update your choice in music," Rachel said honestly.

Quinn looked over at her girlfriend "Why?" Then she quickly put her eyes back on the road. "Because your music lacks variety."

"Are you just trying to say I have bad choice in music or that I don't have show tunes?" Quinn chucked.

"I'm just saying you need to broaden your music style, it will help you being in Glee Club," Rachel smiled.

"Or it will make you happy while in my car, seeing as you will be able to listen to Broadway music," Quinn turned and smiled at her girlfriend.

"Maybe," Rachel smiled back.

"Rach, you know you can just use your music if you want, I don't care. I actually should start to learn more about musicals anyways, I only know songs from Wizard of Oz, Grease, Rocky Horror, Hairspray and some Footloose songs."

"What?!" Rachel squealed in surprise. Quinn looked surprised. "What?"

"Quinn, how come I did not know this? We were friends for a month before we became girlfriends and we have been girlfriends for over a month, which means we have known each other for more than two months... And I just found out your lack of knowledge when it comes to musicals and Broadway."

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