Chapter 19

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New Years Eve found Quinn laying on a lounge chair out the back of Puck's house, chatting with her girlfriend and some of her friends. The blonde was currently snuggled up next to her girlfriend while they chatted with Hayley, Santana, Brittany and Tina... Ever since Tina gave Rachel a birthday present the two girls have formed a close friendship. The rest of the Glee Club were inside somewhere... Puck chose to invite members of the Glee Club that weren't a Jock or a Cheerio or someone dating a Cheerio (aka Rachel) to his New Years party. Kurt and Mercedes were currently inside getting all the gossip and making the most of their first every high school party... They were drunk. Artie decided not to come to the party because he wanted to celebrate and start the New Year off by playing some COD. Puck was inside scanning the room for a chick to kiss at midnight, there was two hours left so he was positive that his Puckerman skills will help him score tonight with a hot girl to make out with... Or maybe more... Of course more, we're talking about Puck here... Finn was... No one really knew... Ever since Hayley broke up with him his reputation plummeted, even though he is the captain of the football team, people really didn't care anymore... But things worked out well for Hayley, even though she is the most popular girl at school her status somehow went up, maybe it's because she didn't have a big oaf weighing her down anymore... So Hayley could get any girl or boy she wanted and it being New Years Eve and her now being single she was hoping to pick a hot guy tonight to kiss at midnight... And maybe even more... Who knew, being single could be awesome.

"Hang on! What the fuck did you get Berry for Christmas?" Santana voiced. The Latina was just finding out what Quinn got Rachel for Christmas, she spent the holidays with her family outside of Lima so this was the first time the dark haired girl was being informed of everything that had happened since she's been away... Talk about Rachel keeping everything silent... Okay, it wasn't her fault... When a friend asks you what your girlfriend got you for Christmas what are you gonna say? So Quinn told Hayley and Brittany, and Rachel told Tina... And Rachel being Rachel she had to talk about the private driver... Because who wouldn't?

Quinn just shrugged, while Rachel snuggled next to her with a smile on her face. Hayley, Brittany and Tina were just watching the scene in front of them evolve. "Hang on! Are you a Heiress?" Santana then asked.

The blonde went wide eyed, none of her friends asked such a specific question like that, all they asked was so you're rich, she said yes and asked them to keep it a secret and that was it... Quinn looked at Santana and nodded her head...

Rachel then beamed and looked over at Tina, "Well I picked good." Tina chuckled and nodded. Quinn turned and glared at her girlfriend. "I was joking, baby. I picked you before I knew about this... And I'd pick you again if you weren't super rich." Quinn just nodded, Rachel leaned over to give her girlfriend a peck on the lips, the blonde then smiled and wrapped her arms tighter around her brunette.

Santana huffed and downed the last of her drink, frustrated that no one was showing any sign of shock like she was. "Why aren't you fucking driving around in a Lamborghini, or dressed in fucking Prada with a Louis Vuitton bag at your side... Or why the hell are you at McKinley? You should be in some posh private school."

"That's not me, S," Quinn stated.

The Latina looked around and found that none of her friends were reacting in any way to this newfound information. She jumped up and flung her hands around, "Why the hell isn't anyone saying anything?"

"Does it really matter, San. It's not like your dad couldn't afford a Louis Vuitton bag for you... He is a doctor," Hayley voiced.

Santana whipped her head around to look at the head cheerleader, "Yeah, one fucking bag... Quinn could have a whole fucking wardrobe!" No one said anything, and Santana huffed, "I need another drink," she said as she stormed into the mohawk boys house.

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