Chapter 21

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Rachel knocked on her girlfriend's front door and waited for someone to answer, Jack swung open the door. "Oh, Hi Rachel," the blonde boy said as he moved out of the way.

"Hello Jack, is Quinn still here? Her cars still in the driveway..." Rachel trailed off. Jack nodded, "Yeah, she's in the kitchen with Paige."

The brunette smiled and then made her way to the Madden/Fabray kitchen, overhearing her girlfriend and Paige having a conversation as she continued to walk closer.

"So what your saying is you could be a freshman already?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah... Mum spoke to your principal and because of my age and what I've already learnt in Australia, I just need to do an exam to see if I'm smart enough to move up."

Rachel then walked in as Quinn asked her sister another question, "But we're two years apart... Does that mean I could be a Junior? Why wasn't I told this before?"

Paige shrugged, "I have no idea... Maybe you could be... Speak to your principal."

"What's this?" Rachel asked. Quinn swung around on her seat on the stool as she heard her girlfriend's voice. "Rach?!" the blonde said surprised.

The brunette smiled and walked over to give her girlfriend a hello kiss on the lips. As she leaned back she spoke to her girlfriend, "I thought to drive you to school today..." Rachel smiled shyly.

Quinn shrugged and smiled, "I'd love that."

Rachel beamed and nodded, "So what are you two talking about?" the brunette asked as she sat next to her girlfriend.

"Well supposably Paige can be a freshman already..." Quinn trailed off with a shrug.

"Why weren't you placed in your proper year when you moved here?" Rachel asked.

Paige shrugged, "I have no idea... Something about my birthday being early..."

"Does that mean you should be a Junior?" Rachel asked her girlfriend.

"I have no idea... Maybe, but I'm not going to ask Figgins to move me... I'm happy being a sophomore," Quinn smiled.

Rachel beamed, "Good, because I don't want you to move up in years... But if you could leave school earlier why don't you find out... You could be in Pucks year." The mohawk boy was currently a Junior.

The blonde shook her head, "No... That doesn't bother me. I wanna stay with you."
Rachel smiled and leaned over and gave her girlfriend a kiss on the lips.
"Hello Rachel," Judy said as she saw her daughter's girlfriend when she walked downstairs into the kitchen.
The brunette pulled back from kissing her girlfriend, and turned and smiled at Judy. "Hello Judy."
"Are you ready, Paige? Where's Jack?" Judy asked her youngest daughter.
"Yeah, I am... And he's just getting his backpack," Paige answered.
Judy nodded and went to fill up a thermal cup of coffee. "So are you transferring to McKinley for second semester?" Rachel asked Paige.

Paige shook her head, "Mum spoke to your principal and he said that I should just finish my year in middle school and then do the exam and if I pass then I can be a sophomore when school starts back after summer."

"What about all your friends?" Quinn asked.

Paige shrugged, "They will just be freshman's... And I'll make new friends in my year... It shouldn't be hard, I'll be a Cheerio," the younger blonde smirked.

Quinn laughed, "If you get on the team."

"Of course I'll get on the team... I'm better than you," Paige smiled.

"Oh... You are soooo up yourself."

Both Quinn and Paige burst out laughing. "Sisterly love," Judy smiled.

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