Chapter 18

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Christmas day at the Madden/Fabray household was a joyous occasion... It was the family's favorite holiday and they always decked out the whole house in decorations. The family just had present time; they all sat around the beautiful fresh Christmas tree, sipping on hot chocolates and handed out their gifts. This was the first time the family were experiencing a white Christmas as they are use to very hot and summer filled Christmas Day's, so they were all snuggled up in warm clothes with the fire on, unwrapping their presents together.

Once the family of five finished, Quinn decided to go upstairs and Skype with her sister, Fran. Time difference actually made it difficult for the sisters to talk whenever they wanted but because Fran was up very early in the morning on the day after Christmas Day to head out with her boyfriend on a cruise for New Years, Quinn took the opportunity to Skype with her.

"How's Auntie Kim? I haven't heard from her in a while," Quinn asked her sister.

"Oh... She's good... Still single but I guess that's the sacrifice you make if you want to be a successful lawyer," Fran answered her sister. Quinn nodded along. "She actually came over here yesterday for a couple hours... She looks good... You should Skype with her sometime," the older blonde added.

"Yeah... I've tried but you know how busy she gets," Fran nodded along to what Quinn said.

"So how was practice yesterday?" Fran asked, changing the subject. The older blonde got a call from her mother the day Quinn got told by her doctor that she could play softball again.

"Dad and I went and threw the ball for about an hour..." Quinn trailed off with a smile.

"How's the shoulder?" Fran asked curiously. When her mum told her the news, Fran actually burst out in tears... And Quinn has yet to cry over it... Not that Quinn wasn't happy... She's just a person who doesn't cry... Well she hadn't cried in a very long time, so she's just use to not reflecting all her emotions on the outside.

Quinn nodded and subconsciously rubbed her right shoulder, "It's good... I've been doing the exercises and stretches the doctor told me to do... And dad's been helping me with the stretches I can't do myself."

Fran smiled and nodded. "Fran! Where's my board-shorts?" Lachlan, Fran's partner yelled out. Quinn watched Fran roll her eyes and yell back to her boyfriend, "Already packed, you retard!"

The younger sister just burst out laughing at hearing her older sister and boyfriend banter together... They were a weird couple... Most of the time they yelled and made fun of each other... But it was all for fun and love... They truly loved each other and were prefect for the other.

When Fran turned back to the computer screen Quinn opened her mouth to speak. "So no Wedding ring for Christmas?"

Again Fran rolled her eyes, "Oh don't get me started on that... I am almost to the point of actually getting down on one knee and asking him."

Quinn laughed, "But you're too stubborn to do that."

Fran smiled and nodded, "Yeah I am... Plus the guy has to do it."

"Says who?" Quinn playfully voiced.

"Oh... Am I going to get some lesbian rant about lady power? Because I will disconnect our conversation right now," Fran said through the computer with a big smile on her face, and both the sisters just burst out laughing together.

"I'll talk to Lachlan if you want?"
"And as if he will listen to you... He doesn't listen to anyone... You know that," Fran said and they both burst out laughing again.

Right as Quinn got herself back together, there was a knock on her door, "Come in," she said as she turned to see who was about to walk in.

Rachel opened the door and smiled when she saw Quinn sitting on her bed. The blonde's eyes light up when she saw her girlfriend walk through her door. "Merry Christmas!" Rachel said as she walked over to the bed and gave her girlfriend a kiss on the lips... Judy asked Quinn to invited the Berry family over to celebrate Christmas together. Leon, Louise and Michael were also invited but they were actually spending the holidays with Louise's family in Mississippi.

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