Chapter 4

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Quinn woke up the next morning not feeling the greatest but hey she couldn't complain she was the one who chose to drink. She hopped up from Hayley's bed and headed into the bathroom, choosing to have a shower. After she got out from under the hot water she got dressed for the day, choosing not to put any makeup on yet and letting her hair dry. The warm water refreshed the new Cheerio, now she was quite hungry.

She went back into the head cheerleaders room and saw that she was awake, "Hey Hay, how did you sleep?"

"Morning... I slept pretty well last night. What about you?"

"Actually quite good, I think I passed out when I hit the mattress," Quinn laughed. "I'm hungry though."

"I bet you are, after how much you and Santana drank last night I'm surprised you're even up at this time," both the girls laughed and then the brunette continued, "Let's go get some breakfast."

The girls headed downstairs to grab some breakfast, Hayley's mom was already down their cooking. "Oh good morning Hayles," Hayley's mom turned around from the stove to say hello.

"Hey mom, this is Quinn, Quinn this is my mom."

Quinn walked over to shake Hayley's mom's hand, "Hello Mrs. Anderson it's nice to meet you."

"You too Quinn, Hayley has told me a lot about you... I'm surprised you're both up this early. Did you have a nice time last night?" It was only 9:30.

"Yeah it was all right," Hayley said.

"So would you girls like me to make you some breakfast... How about bacon and eggs?" "Bacon and eggs sounds great, I love my bacon," Quinn said with a smile.

"Really, me too," Hayley said as she turned to her friend and smiled.

"I can eat a whole packet by myself in a morning," Quinn added continuing to smile.

Both girls and Grace chatted over breakfast, it was nice and pleasant between them. After breakfast the two girls went upstairs to get ready to go out, Quinn already had her shower so she decided to lie on the bed and wait for Hayley to have her shower. She chose to check her phone and saw she had a text from Santana and Brittany.

She chose to look at Santana's first.

S: Q! I'm feelin like death today, wat did u do 2 me bitch! I had a hell of a time though. I'm loving our new Pong partnership.

Quinn laughed at what the brunette wrote and chose to quickly reply back.

Q: Hey S, someone can't hold their alcohol then haha, I've already showered and had breakfast and ready to head out for the day ;). I'm glad we have formed a new partnership, no one will ever beat us ;P.

Quinn chose to see what Brittany wrote, it was actually the first time Brittany texted her.

B: Hi Q, I hope I can call u dat, I no S made it up. I just wanted 2 say I had fun wit u last nite.

The blonde smiled and then replied.

Q: Hey B, of course you can call me that, I had fun with you too, definitely have to do it again!

After she sent the text to Brittany she received a reply from Santana.

S: Are you shitting me Q, how the fuck are you ok? You're smaller than me and drank the same amount of alcohol as me.

Q: Actually I'm taller than you... But the Aussie's must have a better tolerance then you American's ;P haha, joking, I'll see you on Monday.

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