𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖟𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖎 | 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔

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Traveling was incredibly exhausting and yet exhilarating. Dahlia had never step foot outside of Italy or even the abbey really. There wasn't really much of a reason to when everything was conveniently in one place except perhaps a chance to shop. But Dahlia usually would purchase spur of the moment type of shit online; usually after a few bottles of wine when she's feeling tipsy.

"Are we pretty close?" Dahlia's head was still spinning over who the driver was, well what the driver was. Ghouls weren't unheard of but there wasn't any running about in Italy. They were usually only summoned to assist Papa with his work, nothing more or less. Still the basics were taught at the abbey in case any sibling was to come in contact with them. After all, ghouls had particular behaviors and you wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of things.

"Yes, we should be at the abbey in less than five minutes." Her father seemed ecstatic about the trip whereas she couldn't quite match up to his joy. At this point, Dahlia would've suggested him become the prime mover with how positive he was about it. She had grown to become indifferent towards it. There wasn't really a means out of it and if anything, Cardinal Copia seemed pleasant enough. He wouldn't have any reason to cause harm to her mentally or physically (even in the sexual manner).

Once the abbey came in view, Dahlia held her breath in for a short moment. It was hauntingly beautiful to see even in these circumstances. She'd have to admit that it would be exciting to explore the corridors and start a new life somewhere different. Dahlia wasn't exactly great at making friends with the other sisters of sin back home. There was apparently something off putting about her that made the siblings run in the other direction.

"Are you ready, figlia?" Who was he kidding? Dahlia felt like she was being thrown to the wolves. The butterflies in her stomach were in an uproar and it was like she couldn't breath. She managed to bob her head up and down with a small smile. Maybe the smile was to convince herself that all would be okay. Wasn't that suppose to be her fathers job?

Sister Imperator had been waiting near the entrance doors once the three of them entered. Dahlia was clutching onto her suitcase strap for dear life. You could probably have seen her knuckles turning white in contrast to her tanned skin tone. Her smile was tightly screwed onto her face trying to appear that she was excited about the move and all that came with it.

"It's wonderful to see you've all made it safely." It felt as if Sister Imperator had been staring into her very soul. Dahlia's father admittedly went straight towards pleasantries, thanking her for covering the cost of the plane tickets. Whereas she stood awkwardly to the side making note of her surroundings.

It was quiet even inside the corridors which wasn't normal for Dahlia by any means. Back home, the abbey was bubbling with chatter and warmth. Here it seemed more of a timid environment but perhaps it would be different in the earlier hours.

"I'll have one of the ghouls bring your luggage upstairs while we sit down for a chat. I believe the Cardinal is waiting for us." It took her a moment to bring herself back into the conversation. She had nearly forgotten where she even was once she zoned out thinking of home. The warmth was what she missed the most, it was too cold here and it unnerved her. As soon as Sister made mention of the ghouls, one came from her right side to grab her luggage. It came as a surprise to Dahlia as he seemed as silent as a mouse.

"Thank you Rain. Now you'll follow me." Sister started towards the end of the hallway as her father closely followed. She took a deep breath and glanced at the ghoul that was making his way towards the staircase. He was definitely the silent type from what she could gather.

"Thank you again!" Dahlia sent him a small smile as a way to say thanks while slowly following the other two. Rain had simply given her a nod as acknowledgement while making his way upstairs. She could feel her nerves bubbling back up and it took her a moment to catch her breath again as she made her way down.

 "We are certainly excited to have you join our abbey, Miss

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"We are certainly excited to have you join our abbey, Miss. Amato." The walk hadn't been that bad, granted awkward for Dahlia who was trying to catch her breath every few seconds. There in front of her was the doors leading to her future husband and all she could think was how wrong it felt. It was like a nagging voice in the back of her mind telling her to run away. Still, Dahlia slapped a brave face on as possibly unconvincing as it was and nodded.

Sister Imperator clicked the door open to her slightly dimmed office where a man in a black cassock was passing back and forth. It seemed like he was mumbling a few words in another language Dahlia couldn't quite decipher. At least he seemed just as nervous as she was in this moment. As soon as he heard the click, he was spinning around to see who has come through.

"Ah s-sister! I see you brought company." Dahlia could sense his nerves unless he was always this jittery in social settings. Not that she had any room to criticize, Dahlia wasn't the most social butterfly and lived in her novels.

"Yes I have. This is Cardinal Amato and his lovely daughter, Dahlia our future prime mover." Sister had moved towards her desk and gestures towards the few empty chairs. Cardinal had nervously looked towards the younger women who was to become his wife. He was quite fortunate to say the least, she was beautiful truly. Tiny however at probably five foot three inches, tanned skin with a few scattered sun spots if you looked closely enough. Her hair was dark with a few strands hidden in there that were lighter. It was curled at the ends and fell just a bit below her shoulders. He noticed however that she radiated a sort of calm aura even through her nerves. You could tell she was trying to put herself at ease and it was sort of working.

"It's nice to meet you signorina." Cardinal had titled his head in greeting. They both seemed incredibly unsure about this situation and it relaxed Dahlia immensely. Perhaps she wouldn't be so alone in this after all. Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't as bad as she thought. Could she learn to love Cardinal Copia through all of this? Dahlia wanted to say yes but something in the back of her mind was shouting no.

introduzioni - introductions
figlia - daughter
signorina -  miss

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