𝖚𝖓𝖆 𝖘𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆 | 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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It had been a week since her father departed back home but it felt like months. Not that Sister Imperator wasn't giving her plenty to do. Apparently the position of prime mover wasn't just about becoming a wife and baring children. She had her hands full with books about the history of the abbey, the ghouls and other important matters she'd attend to. Plus she was to attend Latin classes per Cardinal Copia's request. It wasn't easy for sure when she was jumbling up her English and Italian, but to throw in Latin? Dahlia felt exhausted beyond belief hence why she had holed herself in her room all week.

Her room was situated closely to Cardinal Copia until their marriage was official. Sister wanted to move the ceremony closer than it was but the both of them wanted to hold off. It would be nice to at least know who her husband was after all it was a big commitment.

The one positive that came from this was she no longer had to wear her habit. She was free to dress as she pleased which was a nice surprise. Her closet was pretty bare except maybe a dress or two that she purchased this week. It was what she wearing as of now while she sat by her window reading one of the many books given to her. There was so much to learn about the ghouls that it made her head spin. Dahlia had  just reached the chapter pertaining to soulmates before there was a knock at her door.

"One second!" Dahlia closed the book before walking over to her door. It must've been Sister Imperator with another lesson or meeting, she had been to a lot of those this past week. Opening the door, Sister stood with a small smile in greeting.

"Good morning Miss. Amato. I have a something lined up for you." Dahlia tilted her head to the side at the prospect. It was Monday which meant her Latin classes would be around 2 pm. So she was relatively free until then but usually she'd find something to keep her occupied. But it seemed like Sister had something else in mind.

"Of course Sister." Shutting the door quietly behind her, Dahlia followed closely behind Sister to where ever their destination was. There wasn't much more the woman could surprise her with. Like dear Satan, she was arranged to be married to someone she didn't know. What more could you throw at her?

"I wanted you to meet the ghouls who will be assisting Cardinal when he becomes Papa. It's important that you know them and be able to tell them apart." Sister had turned down another corridor. She had been wondering when she'd be meeting the other ghouls. Rain had been the only one she'd seen in passing but he didn't talk much. He simply seemed shy and reserved which she respected. But this excited Dahlia, perhaps she could befriend at least one of the ghouls? Considering they'd be working so close to Cardinal, she'd be seeing them quite a lot. The dull pain was swirling inside her like usual except it seemed to be growing less with every step. It made her curious but she pushed it aside for Sister had stopped before a door.

"Now I imagine you know the dangers of ghouls. Of course you should remain unharmed as they've heard of the circumstances. But don't show any type of fear, they pick up it easy." Dahlia nodded while nervously picking at her nail polish. Meeting new people wasn't exactly her strong suit but she had been doing that a lot this week. Sister turned the knob and pushed up the heavy door where multiple heads turned at the noise.

There was two ghouls sitting off to the side with their guitars in hand, one seeming to be tuning it. She could easily tell that one of them was Rain but the other of course she didn't know. The other was holding a black guitar and radiated a very friendly aura. Maybe even a little timid in certain situations.

"Ghouls and Ghoulettes, this is Dahlia Amato." Sister gestured to the woman standing nervously beside her. So many eyes were on her in that moment and it all was out of curiosity. Almost like Dahlia was a shiny new toy in the playroom and everyone wanted to pounce on her. Still Dahlia managed a small wave in greeting before the Ghoulette's jumped up.

"We were wondering when we'd be meeting you! Hello, I'm Cirrus and this is Cumulus!" Both of them were jumping with excitement. They seemed extremely friendly and it put Dahlia at ease a bit. She obviously couldn't see their smiles but it was obvious enough. The one named Cirrus grabbed onto her arm and tugged her over to the two standing on small stage.

"This is Aether and Rain who I think you've already met." Aether waved at the small woman standing closely to the ghoulette. He could sense that she still seemed really nervous but there was another feeling hidden, loneliness. It was obvious behind her eyes, she was definitely out of her element here. Cirrus tugged her away to where the others were standing.

"And this is Swiss and Mountain. Be careful with Swiss, he cheats at uno all the time." Dahlia giggled alongside the ghoulette. Whereas Swiss was crossing his arms and tapping his foot.

"Cheat me? You're thinking of Dew." Apparently all of them took uno a little too seriously. Who would've thought a bunch of summoned demons liked card games this much. It made Dahlia smile at the thought of a bunch of ghouls fighting and throwing the cards around.

"Thinking of Dew, where is he?" Cirrus looked over the room searching for the fiery ghoul. Either he had gotten himself into trouble or was 'occupied'  by yet another sister of sin this week. There was an influx of sisters this week in and out of his bedroom, more than usual.

"Swiss, I'm going to fucking kill you!" And speaking of the little devil. Dahlia could instantly feel the room change in temperature. The heat was instant, it could've knocked someone on their feet. But Dahlia always welcomed the warmth, it was comforting and reminded her of summer back home. Swiss put his hands up in surrender while slowly backing up. He nearly would've knocked Dahlia over if it wasn't for Cirrus still holding her wrist. Dewdrop was stomping over to where the others stood before he recognized a different scent in the room.

His eyes admittedly darted to the tinier female standing next to Cirrus. Well fuck that's interesting, he could sense the nerves in her stomach and it made him smirk. He knew a human was joining them this afternoon but not one he thought was this delicious looking.

"Dew, this is Dahlia! Remember the future prime mover?" The fiery ghoul hissed. Dahlia glanced up at him and it frightened her, not in a bad way unless you considered the circumstances. It was the desire that swirled in his blue eyes that unnerved her. Or maybe it was the pit in her stomach that sparked when looking at him. This couldn't have been good at all but it felt so good.

"Dannazione." Dahlia whispered, she prayed to Satan that known of them knew Italian. He wouldn't stop staring at her, almost like he was trying to unravel her or maybe even undress her. Dahlia couldn't tell but either way in the back or her mind, she liked it. Maybe even a little too much and she should've been scolding herself. Dahlia was suppose to be a soon to be married women, she shouldn't have been thinking about how gorgeous the ghoul was before her. Or how much she wanted to just touch him. Dear Satan, she had just met him!

"Dahlia Amato" The way he purred her name made her shudder. He was only slightly taller than her but it still seemed somewhat intimating, or maybe it was just the presence of him that did. Cirrus glanced at Cumulus with curiosity, this wasn't how this was suppose to go down. All of the ghouls could sense it but they were just hoping Sister Imperator was clueless. Dahlia Amato was off limits except Dewdrop just couldn't seem to follow the rules, could he? He could fuck anyone in the clergy but the possibility of him trying to seduce the future prime mover was a bad move. Cirrus tugged on Dahlia's wrist to move her away from the ghoul, it seemed innocent like someone just wanting attention.

"Why don't we show you around? There's so much to see!" Cirrus glared at the ghoul itching closer to the human. They definitely didn't want to make a scene in front of the Imperator. This would have to be taken care of after everyone leave. Dahlia blinked a few times before looking up at Cirrus in a daze.

"Of course, lead the way." Dahlia tried to smile but it wasn't believable. If anything, she wanted to stay right there with Dew. She wanted to know everything about him, to be as close to him as humanly possible. Dew held his breath at the sound of her voice, he could only think about what she'd sound like under him. Was it a dangerous thought? Sure but he was certain the curiosity was just because she was new and shiny. He'd get it out of his system and move onto another sibling. 

Except the spark was already lite and they had no control of how much it burned. They were simply fucked.

una scintilla - a spark
dannazione - damn

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