Part 2 Chapter 2 Merging

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Governor Trevat Ishani was busy in his study at one time. Suddenly, the room was bathed in a colorful corona effect. A multidimensional wave suddenly appeared in Trevat's study. The wave was so powerful that it could have had a secondary effect like a hyperdrive engine suddenly running in Trevat's study. The room seemed to be distorted, and an extremely powerful human-shaped energy field appeared coincident with Governor Trevat. The head of the object was right where Governor Trevat's head was. Before Governor Trevat had time to react, it was as if his head exploded because there was a lot of foreign information that entered his head, so that Governor Trevat lost consciousness. Even if we looked deeper, his personality was destroyed due to the transfer of that information. Just less than 1 second later, Governor Trevat was thrown off by an explosion from the electronic device that was on his desk. The device emitted flames and burned the desk of Governor Trevat. Not only was it the effect of the multidimensional wave, but the entire governor's chamber of Trevat seemed to be hit by such a great force that it caused part of the ceiling to collapse and a number of construction iron frames embedded in the walls of the room to soften. Some of the iron ornaments were bent. The corona discharge also caused all the devices in Governor Trevat's room to explode. Electrical and plasma discharges occurred everywhere because of the devices in the room.

The incident set off an alarm across the planet Myto as it was unusual, and the security forces and the rapid reaction force immediately moved into Trevat's governor's room. The planetary defense system was activated and an alert was immediately sent to all existing military starships. Many military starships that were near the Myto system were moving towards Myto. Even for the time being, civilian ships are not allowed to approach the planet Myto and are directed to several temporary staging points. Outside of the dimensional wave area, however, there was no effect at all, so people in the same building but far away from Governor Trevat's room did not know that this was happening.

The secretary, whose room was right in front of Trevat's, felt the effect of the dimensional waves by seeing the corona effect seen in Trevat's room. All the devices in the secretary's room were damaged, some even exploded because there was plasma inside. However, unlike in Governor Trevat's room, there was no distortion in the secretary's room. A fire started in the secretary's room. Trevat's three secretaries screamed and were thrown to the floor by the explosion of the device. After some time, they tried to get up.

"Protect Governor Trevat!!" said a secretary, trying to stand up. Luckily, none of Governor Trevat's 3 secretaries were seriously injured. Even though they struggled to stand up, their heads were still dizzy from the impact of being thrown to the floor.

The shout caused the bodyguards, who were outside the room and were unaffected by the incident, to rush in and rush for the fire extinguisher kit. One of them immediately opened Governor Trevat's office, which was followed by 2 of Governor Trevat's secretaries. One secretary ran out of the room looking for help because all the electronics in the room were broken.

After the secretaries opened the door to Trevat's office, they saw Trevat lying on the floor, his desk on fire, and, as in the secretaries' room, all the devices were broken and some were still splattering sparks or plasma. Besides that, the whole room was badly damaged. There were even parts made of bent metal. Flames and plasma sparks flared up everywhere. In addition, there is electric arching that occurs in several places because of the residual power of the phenomenon that occurs.

Immediately, the other two secretaries dragged Trevat out of the room, while the guards who were present tried to extinguish the fire, especially the one near the governor Trevat's body. After seeing Trevat's condition, they were relieved that Trevat was still alive, although from an eye examination there were burns, and apparently there were no other more serious injuries. They guarded Governor Trevat's body while waiting for first aid from the health workers who were always in the building.

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