Chapter 1: An A-Mei-Zing Presentation

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It was a pretty typical day at U.A. High School, well, as typical as a high school full of superpowered adolescents can get. Mr. Aizawa was handing out results from yesterday's geometry test. "Yes!" shouted Kaminari, "A C+! I knew all the hard work would pay off!" "Way to go Thunder Dolt, you want a trophy for that?" grumbled Bakugo, who was just not in the festive mood. "Aw come on, let the guy celebrate," said Kirishima. Bakugo snorted, "If that's the case, fine, just don't get a big head."

Sero rolled his eyes, "Look who's talking." he said slyly towards Midoriya. "I heard that!" yelled Bakugo, "And don't side with him on this, Deku! I'm the big hero around here, you are all small. Small, teeny, puny-" Iida snapped, "That's enough! You're making a bad name for everybody else here flaunting your ego like that!"

"Oh, yeah? Well-", Bakugo wanted to talk back again, but before he could finish retorting, Aizawa sneezed. "Bless you" said half the class. The other half just sat there and stared, letting the awkward silence continue. "Spring is here," the sleep deprived teacher explained, "allergies must be acting up again." As she produced some tissues, Yaoyorozou spoke up, "Need any medications? I hear herbal green tea can help." As he grabbed some of her tissues, Aizawa turned her down, "No, don't worry about-CHOO!"

As he continued blowing his nose, a voice came over the loudspeaker, "Class 1A, please report to Room 213 in your hero outfits". The name of that place rang a bell, "That's where Hatsume usually works" thought Deku, "I wonder what she wants to show us this time". He remembered that last "run in" he had with her when she was helping upgrade his costume, an incident both he and Uraraka still preferred not to discuss. After suiting up, they made their way to the lab. "You students go ahead, " said Aizawa, "I'll just-ACHOO!" as he walked away.

As they entered the room, it was nearly pitch black, with no sign of anyone or anything else to be found. As they wandered into the center, part of the room lit up. "Welcome fellow test subjects!" a familiar voice yelled, "Behold, the future!". Hatsume jumped out, only to screw up the landing and trip over some metal drum lying around. "Wow. Talk about an entrance" groaned Jiro. Hatsume got back up and gestured her arms to a large blue pod with a strange set of rays over and around it. She stood there and kept gesturing, waiting for a reaction like she had just told a lame joke. Eventually, the awkward silence was broken, "What is that?" asked Midoriya.

"It's my new invention!" she explained, "You know how you are all so powerful, but eventually get tired or suffer side effects from using your quirks too much? Like how Uraraka vomits after floating, or Midoriya used to break his arms, or Aoyama-? " "All right, we get it!!" exclaimed Aoyama, feeling personally attacked. Hatsume continued, "Well, with this machine, all you have to do is step on this pad, and for 24 hours straight, you will have almost unlimited stamina with NO side effects! Like an energy drink!" "Then why didn't you just make an energy drink?" grumbled Bakugo. "Because it wouldn't be as cool, duh!" Hatsume answered as she gestured to the machine again, "So, what are you waiting for? Step right up!"

"Are you kidding me?" said Bakugo, "I have no time for your little machines, they could probably kill somebody. Besides, I'm the best there is, plain and simple. I don't need some stupid device to make me any better!" Hatsume's heart sank, "Fine, forget about it.", she said as her head pointed down and her lips started to quiver while she stepped back.

Feeling sympathy, Midoriya stepped up, "Well, I guess there is no harm in trying." "MOVE ASIDE NERDS!" Bakugo yelled and he pushed everyone out the way, "THERE IS NO WAY HE CAN BE ON MY LEVEL!" Uraraka stepped up, "If you insist." she said uneasily, still rather skeptical. More students stepped up, until all 20 of them were on the large pad. "Great! There's room for everybody, just as I hoped!" squealed Hatsume. She sat down behind some control panels and started typing in a few commands after lowering her goggles.

"Ok everybody, ready?" she called out. "Uh...", the class responded. "Great!" Mei responded, "Here we go!". The pad started to glow, creating a blue beam around the test subject students. The machine grew louder and louder as the glow grew brighter and brighter. It got so bright that some of the heroes even needed to cover their eyes. After a few seconds, the glow stopped and the machine started to grow quieter until the whole room fell silent again.

"Yes, it works just as planned!", yelled Hatsume as she removed her goggles as she excitedly got up, "Well, how do you all feel?" Todoroki spoke up, "Well...I don't really feel anything yet." he shrugged. "I don't feel any stronger" said Mineta, "Do I look any stronger?", as he gestured to the girls. "No, you still look like a joke." Jiro answered.

Hatsume looked confused, "Aw, I thought this was going to work. It totally worked on Mr. Cookies yesterday." She motioned to a little hamster in a nearby cage. "Oh right, this is my pet and wonderful test subject, Mr. Cookies! Don't worry, I take good care of him!" The hamster turned to Koda, who could hear him say, "Get me out of here".

All the students stepped off the plate, Hastume kept looking down for a bit, feeling sad that her presentation was a fluke. "Sorry your machine didn't work" said Deku, "I'm sure it took a lot of effort, just a couple of fixes and it could be working again." Hatsume brightened up a bit, "Thanks for coming by. On the bright side though, I have an announcement, tomorrow morning, I am making my way to the National Academic Invention Convention in Shabooya!" she proudly proclaimed as she held up a poster for the event. As the students clapped for her, Kaminari asked, "What exactly is that?" Bakugo coldly responded, "It's like one of Deku's nerd cons, but for geniuses!"

Just then, Aizawa knocked on the door, "Alright you lab rats-ACHOO-back to class!" "Good luck out there!" called Tsuyu as the class left. "Thank you!" responded Hatsume, "I'm ready to make a name for my babies!" The rest of the day continued as normal until class was over. As the students walked back to their dorms for the evening, Deku felt a little something, "Guys, anybody else feeling a little lightheaded?" Kirishima tried to answer, "A little, must be from all that math and history we had to blaze through today."

As the students entered the foyer, they simply made their way to their rooms, ready to say hello to the weekend. Midoriya finished showering and lumbered into his room, "Man, what a week." he mumbled, "So glad that geometry test is out of the way, such a nightmare to study for." He was already in his All Might pijamas, something Bakugo still teased him about. He collapsed on his bed, placing his phone on his nightstand. Midoriya still felt very funny and lightheaded and fell asleep within seconds.

Editor's Note: Hey everybody! I'm back! This was a funny idea for a fanfic I had for quite a while and could not wait to get started. I had another project on here I planned to finish first, but I decided to do this instead since I could not wait any longer and had time to do this. I will probably add these notes at the end of almost every chapter to provide some insight or behind the scenes facts. Next chapter will be where things really start to get interesting and the story really begins. Currently this and most of chapter 2 are the only chapters I have finished, but I hope to find a way to squeeze typing this up into my schedule, especially with school starting back up in less than two weeks. Until then, take care and I cannot wait to see you next chapter!

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