Chapter 3: A Small New World

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As the heroes finished preparing for their journey, they carefully started their quest into the big dangerous world, by having Bakugo blow the door away at full force. "What was that for?" asked Iida, offended, "Even though it is part of the dorm, that door is still school property!" Bakugo turned to him, "Well, it's not part of the dorm anymore, besides, how the heck were we supposed to open it at this size?" Iida sighed through his nose, he knew it was no use reasoning with the sparky sparky boom man.

"Where do we go Midoriya?" asked Kirishima. Izuku explained, "Well, there are some woods nearby that lead to the city after we cut through them for a few miles." Kaminari spoke up, "Well, you're the leader, so lead the way bro!"

As they ventured forward, Class 1A looked around and admired their surroundings. "Wow!" called out Uraraka, "I never thought I would have such a bite sized view of this place. Being small really gives you a whole new perspective on things, doesn't it?" Yaoyorozou agreed, "Yes, it's bit scary but look at all those plants, even the grass looks like long flowing cat tails. I never noticed how much it bends in the wind" Iida made sure to get their attention, "Yes, it is nice, but we also have to keep an eye out, you'll never know what kind of dangers we will bump into, such as-"

"OH %#*&! A RAT!" screamed Mineta. A dark rat quickly approached him, which now looked like a large dog, with its monsterous red eyes pointed right at him. Midoriya jumped in to fend it off. Then the rat called its friends over, the team was surrounded. "Time for some pest control," said Bakugo, "DIE!!!" as he blasted one of the rats a mile away. Midoriya pulled his fist back, "San Francisco...SMASH!" he yelled, sending another rat flying. The other students helped fight off the pack of angry rats, with Kaminari shocking one, Jiro jamming another with her earlobe jacks, and Todoroki burning one until it was almost crispy.

 As the dust settled, all the rats had been cleared, with the last couple running home in fear. "That was close," said Yaoyorozou, "Just be thankful it wasn't a-" She was interrupted by Ashido, who was trembling in fear and pointing right in front of her, "S-S-S-S-S-SNAAAAKE!" as a huge green snake looked right towards Ashido and her friends. Almost everybody screamed in terror. "Maybe it's harmless." added Hagakure. Just then, the snake quickly snapped forward, eating Mineta. They all screamed even more, except for Jiro whose prayers had finally been answered.

Koda walked up to the snake and tried communicating with it. The snake turned to him and listened as the two appeared to start having a conversation. After Koda said a few more things, the snake turned its head around and spit out Mineta. "I just saw my life flash before my eyes" he groaned as Jiro buried her face in her hands out of disappointment. Koda then turned to everybody, "Don't worry" he explained, "he's our friend now. I told him our situation and if he knows the way through the woods. He says he knows how to get there, so I asked him if he can give us a ride."

The snake straightened out and offered the students a ride. "I didn't know he could talk." Bakugo whispered to Kirishima. The heroes sat on the snake with one leg sticking off either side, like they were riding a banana boat. "Don't make any obvious jokes" Jiro scowled to Mineta, hoping the little purple perv would keep his big mouth shut. 

"All aboard!" Koda called as the snake took off like a train, with its body slithering, twisting, and turning across the fields. It was kind of a wild ride, but Class 1A still managed to hang on nonetheless. Eventually, the snake stopped just outside the forrest, "Thank you for the ride," said Koda, "We really appreciate it." The snake nodded and slithered away as the class waved goodbye. "I think I hate snakes juuust a little less now." muttered Ashido. Deku spoke up, "Ok, we made it to the woods, so let's stay close together and travel through until we find the city."

The team ventured through the woods, marveling at the large trees, rocks, and logs, but also remembering to stay focussed and avoid getting lost. A large deer crossed their paths, with its son closely following. "Oh 'deer'!" called out Kaminari, being the only one cracking up at his own joke. "DEN-KI!" yelled everyone else. Later, as they passed another log, Kaminari felt the need to crack another joke, "That log is almost as big as the one I dropped last night." "Shut up, Dorky..." Bakugo snarked. "What? I'm just trying to pass the time with some jokes." replied Kaminari. "Then please stop." requested Tsuyu. 

"AWWWW LOOK!" called Hagaukure, "A little rabbit!" The girls squeezed at a large rabbit they could see in the distance, until it ran off. "Remember girls," said Iida, "Stay focussed!" "Oh, you're no fun!" pouted Ashido.

After a long while of walking around, the team felt tired. "How much longer?" cried Kaminari, "My legs are about to fall apart!" "Almost...there." panted Deku. "You said that ten minutes ago!" whined Mineta. 

Shoji broke the silence, "Guys, look!" There was a river flowing nearby. "You know," started Kirishima "if there is one thing I learned from watching Survivor, it's that rivers often lead towards civilization." Sero responded, "That's great, but I'm not in the mood to walk along such a long river!" The whole team agreed. "Hold on!" yelled Momo as she noticed some wood, "We can probably make a raft, that way we don't have to follow the river, we can just ride it!" "Great idea, Yaoyorozu!" called Deku. They all worked together to set up the raft, with Momo and Sero providing material to help keep the parts intact.

Once the raft was ready, they set sail. Kirishima, Sato, Bakugo, and Deku stood at the side with oars, in case they needed to steer clear of rocks and other obstacles. "Now this is what I call white water rafting!" called Kirishima. "I feel like a pirate! YAR!", called Ashido in her best pirate voice, "Moist the main snail!, Keel the port blubber! Aye Captain!" The students were on the 'high seas', hoping to find dry land and civilization soon.

Editor's Note: Nice to see you again! I am really enjoying typing up this story so far and I hope you are having just as much fun reading it. Just a small heads up, I am going back to college soon, so it will be a little tricky for me to stay focussed on this story but hopefully, I won't be too busy this time. I also hope soon to have a weekly upload schedule for chapters, as with the last MHA fan fiction I made.

As you can tell, starting with this chapter, there will be music embedded in the story, so I best recommend reading this on desktop. One fact about this story I can share is some places I looked at for inspiration, as with the last story. I looked at a lot of shrinking related works like Honey I shrunk the Kids, Ant-Man, and shrinking based episodes of shows I grew up with, like Phones and Ferb. My one problem with these examples is that the characters were much smaller than what Class 1A would end up. One non shrinking example I looked at was the Toy Story movies and games, to see how small characters would interact with a typical human world.

Hope to see you all again soon! Have a day!

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