Chapter 5: A Little Play, A Lot of Ground

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As they continued through the woods, the heroes could finally see a local park. "We made it!' called Kaminari, "Finally, we can be out of this thousand mile wood!" They noticed some bushes right by an open area of the park. "Alright team," announced Deku, "Let's hide in those bushes and think of a way through." 

The heroes followed suit and took shelter in the shrubs. Shoji stuck one of his arms out and grew an eye on the end. "What do you see Tentacole?" asked Momo. He looked around for a few more moments and retracted his arm once the analysis was complete. 

"Ok," he reported, "There is a wide open field with part of a jogging track going around it. Not too far away there is a playground. On the other side of that playground is a bus stop. If we can sneak through the field and avoid those kids, we can hopefully catch a ride on the next bus. The sign says there is a bus every 30 minutes, and it is currently 11:20." 

"Well we better get a move on!" called Ashido, "No time to waste!" Before she could get out the bushes, Iida grabbed her shoulder. "Hold on, how are we going to get through that wide open field without getting caught? What if a dog spots us and starts chasing us?" Momo butted in, "Or worse, what if a child grabs us and thinks we're some kind of toy?" Todoroki thought for a second and added, "You're right, we need to stay hidden, but how will we stay out of sight?"

Just then, they heard something squish, "EW! What did I step on?" screamed Hagakure. The others tried to hush her, but thankfully, nobody else was within earshot. As she looked down, she noticed she had stepped on an old ketchup packet, "Guh-ross! Pick up your trash people!" The team also noticed a nearby napkin that sat right by a pile of garbage surrounding a nearby trash bin. Iida looked out to the left and saw a mother with a stroller coming in from around the corner.

This gave Iida an idea, "Alright, let's split up." he ordered. Bakugo scoffed, "Split up? What are we solving mysteries?" Then Jiro snarked back, "Yeah and if you shut up and let the man talk, you might get a Scooby Snack." Katsuki growled in response, sounding even more like a dog. "Good boyyyy!" Jiro teased as she patted his head, winning this battle of the wits.

Iida continued, "Some of you will jump into the stroller when it comes nearby, the rest of you will follow closely under some of that trash. Once the stroller is close, the team members in the stroller will jump out and hide under the trash with everyone else until we reach the playground. Then, we will sneak through the playground and hitch a ride on the bus."

"Great plan!" called Kirishima. Deku crossed his arms in front of his face, "Stealth mode!" Uraraka tilted her head in confusion. "Don't even ask." Todoroki muttered to her.

The mom pushing the stroller came by and stopped at the trash can to throw a paper coffee cup away. "Ok, here's our chance, go!" Iida whispered as he motioned everybody forward and enacted his plan. Half of the team jumped inside the bottom compartment of the stroller while the others followed closely by hiding under styrofoam cups, hamburger containers, paper bags, and other assorted garbage. "Ew, this sucks!" groaned Mineta. "Mind my cape!" complained Aoyama. 

As the stroller approached the turn going right by the playground, the other members jumped out and hid under the garbage with everyone else for the last stretch. "Well, I guess littering does have its benefits" commented Tokoyami. "Nice work Iida." called Deku, giving him thumbs up. The team crawled over to the small black dividers separating the grass from the playground and looked around.

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