Chapter 9: The Big City

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After a while of being driven around, Class 1A finally made it to the middle of the city. Once the truck driver opened up the trailer door, they waited until the coast was clear before exiting the truck, being careful not to be spotted, or stepped on. "Thank GOD we are out of that truck!" yelled Bakugo, "That trip felt like months!" Aoyama was clutching his stomach, "Ah zut Alor!" he complained, "I'm getting motion sickness!" Uraraka felt his pain, "I know, hopefully that bus ride will be much smoother!"

This reminded Ashido, "Hey Deku!" she called, "Any idea of where the bus stop is?" Midoriya took a few minutes to get familiar with the area before he felt confident in his answer, "Should be on that far side of the city. Right now we are in the middle of the city, and the bus stop is more near the right hand side," he explained as he extended his arm out in the desired location, "right by the long bridge, hopefully we can still catch a ride once we make it there!"

"Well we better get moving!" exclaimed Kirishima. As they explored the city, they could not help but marvel at how the already tall buildings now looked bigger than ever before, but they still had to be careful, with such a busy city it was so easy to get lost, or even end up as roadkill, even if they were at their normal size. Cars seemed to roar right by, even though they were driving around 20 mph. 

As they ventured down a sloped part of the sidewalk, they could hear a brief ringing in the distance. "BIKE!" Iida warned as everybody quickly dodged the cyclist rolling down the hill, unaware of the small pedestrians around him. Once he had cycled past, their problems were still not over, a HUGE group of cyclist immediately followed. "Gangway!" Kirishima yelled as the pint sized students quickly scrambled into a dark alleyway nearby. 

As they stopped to catch their breath and get a quick headcount, Jiro groaned, "Aw, what is that stench?" Mineta shrugged, "Wasn't me." but that was not what everyone was picking up. They had hidden right by an overflowing dumpster. At the top, they could vaguely make out something digging through and tossing things out. Before Class 1A could think about what it could be, the strange creature turned out to be a raccoon. Yaoyorozu was grossed out, she and her family had a rather unpleasant history with pest control. Ashido on the other hand, was elated, "AW! It's so cute and fluffy!" 

The raccoon heard the noise and quickly perked up. It looked towards the small crowd and jumped down to inspect, but it was not in the friendly mood. "Uh, Kota?" Jiro asked nervously, "Could you please try to reason with him, like you did with that snake?" Kota tried to speak to the raccoon, but it did not listen as it kept snarling. "It's no use" he explained, "The raccoon is too rabid for my quirk to work on him!" Bakugo was indignant, "What kind of stupid bull is that?" he asked before Midoriya lightly hit his arm. "Only one thing left to do." Iida announced. 


As they ran away, Bakugo was confused, "Oh come on!" he yelled, "Can't we just kill it? It's already sick anyways!" but Kota turned around and gave him the big ol' puppy eyes. Even Bakugo inevitably caved in, "Alright fine, we'll let the stupid rodent chase us around for a bit."

The crazed raccoon was gaining ground! The teens tried their best to escape it. They jumped up and bounced off the tarp roof of a small newsstand, giving them a small boost. But even this was not enough to evade the black and brown rodent. 

Eventually, Midoriya noticed something on the ground ahead, "Quick! Into the gutter!" he yelled. They rushed over as fast as they could, luckily, they were just small enough to fit through the gap, the same could not be said for the raccoon. "KISS IT YOU TRASH PANDA!" Bakugo screamed as everybody slipped through, into the  darkness below.

As they landed, Aoyama gagged, "Euck! Smells like dirty cheese!" he exclaimed as he held his nose. The gang could not help but scrunch their noses at the awful stench, nearby was some sewage treatment flowing past. "I am not swimming in that." Tsuyu said, and she meant it.

Midoriya quickly tried to regain focus, "Ok, at least we're safe from most harm for now. Now, if we follow the edge here to anywhere nearby the bus stop, we should still be able to make it. Just whatever you do, don't fall into that stream." "Yeah, yeah" Bakugo responded, "No need to tell me twice. Now hurry up so we can get out of this literal crap hole!"

As they continued through the dark smelly sewers, Kaminari couldn't help but think out loud, "Hey, you think we'll find any turtles down here?" Jiro could not help but roll her eyes at the obvious reference as she pressed on with everyone else. 

After a few more minutes, they could all hear a familiar hissing noise from above. "That must be the bus!" exclaimed Ashido, "We made it! Now, how to get up?" Bakugo looked up and stepped in front, "Leave this to me!" he announced. 

"DIE!!!!" he yelled, as he blasted a manhole cover straight up into the sky, giving everybody enough time to crawl back up. Once they did, the cover landed right by the hole. "Uh, Kacchan?" Midoriya asked humbly, "Should we put that manhole cover back in its place? What if somebody falls down?" Bakugo ignored him, "We don't have time to worry about that! Now let's hurry up and catch our bus!"

They snuck over to the bus stop and hid behind a bench. As passengers were being loaded, they could see somebody placing their luggage in a large compartment under the bus. "Alright," Bakugo explained, "Let's hide in there, nobody will see us and especially not mistake me for a toy again!" Jiro seemed hesitant, "Gee, it's a bit dark in there." she murmured before Todoroki reassured her, "Don't worry, I will use my flame to light up the dark unit."

When no one was looking, they made a run for it. "Sweet! We made it!" called Mineta. "And not a minute too late!" cheered Kaminari, "Nice job leading the way Midoriya." Bakugo was offended, "Come on, I helped too!". The crowd went silent, before a couple slow, awkward claps arose, "Now that's more like it!" Bakugo said, before the doors closed and the bus was ready to take off. "Here we come Shabooya!" Class 1A  screamed in excitement.

Editor's Note: Well, I'm back. Sorry it took so long to make this next chapter. I put this project on hold throughout October for the Halloween series and had to take a break from writing for most of November. I am currently about to enter Finals Week at school, so they next chapter might be a while, but I promise to have a new chapter up sometime soon. See you soon everybody!

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