Chapter 4: We're About To Go Over a Huge Waterfall

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Class 1A was floating down the river, setting a course for the big city. As their raft traveled further  and further along the way, Ashido still could not stop being a pirate "Avast ye swans!" she yelled, "Send those curvy rats off the plank!" Bakugo had being having to endure this for the past ten minutes and was getting tired, "Will you cut it out already! You're not even saying it right!" he yelled. Ashido realized it annoyed him, so she kept going. "Argh! We got a hater on the port bow!" she responded, "Send him to Casey Jones' Locker!"

Before she could think of any more pirate sayings, the raft started speeding up. "Whoa slow down!" called Mineta, who, for those who are trying to keep tabs at home, wasn't doing anything productive at the moment, "We're gonna crash!" The boys in charge of the oars tried paddling faster, "We can't!" called Kirishima, "The current's too strong! I think we're entering some rapids!" And they were, the raft kept speeding up as the team desparetly tried to steer clear of the rocks and logs were getting in the way. "Hang on!" called Tokoyami. "Whooo-aaaaH!" everyone screamed as the raft kept speeding up, bouncing, and splashing about.

"I don't think we can keep this up!" called Midoriya, still trying to paddle the raft safely, "Uraraka! You think you can float us out of here?" Uraraka stood firmly, "I'll do my best!", as she prepared to find a place on the raft to touch. Doing so while holding her balance on an out of control raft was no easy task, especially with the front of the raft occasionally getting hit with a splash of water. 

Just then, a harsh wave jerked the ship really hard by a huge rock. Uraraka fell sideways and hit her head right on it, knocking her out. "Ochaco!" called Yaoyorozu, "Oh no, I think she's out cold!". Iida rushed up and held her close. "Mon dieu!" said Aoyama, "What shall we do now?"

"Uh guys?" alerted Kaminari, "I think you gotta look ahead!"

In the distance, the students could see the edge of a waterfall! The waterfall was so tall that the mist it kicked up made it impossible to see past it! "Everybody, row!" called Iida, but it was no use, they were not strong enough to steer clear of the edge as they approached it more and more. And as if things could not get any worse, some of the paddles broke from the strong currents working against them and from smashing into some rocks. "Oh no!" called Ojiro, "What are going to do now?"

"Leave it to me!" called Tsuyu. She lept off the edge of the doomed watercraft and swam up to dry land. As she surfaced she shot her tongue out as far as she could and wrapped it around a mast set up in the middle of the raft. Froppy pulled as hard as she could, trying to pull everybody to safety. "Go Asui!" called Midoryia. "I tol oo to call me Psuu!" the frog girl responded, not being able to communicate as clearly with her tongue so far away from her mouth.

She pulled as hard as she could, but the raft kept dragging her closer. Even with her hard sticking to a nearby tree trunk, she couldn't pull them in and was losing grip fast. "Muth...hold...oooon!" she told herself, but she still couldn't keep it up much longer. 

Just then, Yaoyorozou had an idea, "Sugarman! Eat this!". She produced a sweet snack for Sato, who consumed it as fast as possible. Momo also produced a rope and tied it to the ship's mast, "Grab on to this!" she commanded Sato, "Whatever you do, don't let go!" 

She then turned to her right, "Sero! Wrap him up and launch him over to Tsu!" Sero wrapped his tape around Sato and flung him around until he had enough momentum to reach dry land. As Sato landed, he turned to Froppy, "Don't worry, I'm here to help! On three we start pulling as hard as we can!"

"Onb...too...pwee!" Froppy counted with him before pulling. She and Sato pulled the raft as hard as they could, straining themselves in the process. The ship started moving closer to them. "It's working!" Momo yelled, "Keep pulling!" 

The two kept pulling, with the rope getting weaker. Suddenly, the rope snapped! As they floated away again, Sero then extended his tape in hopes of grabbing something. Sato caught it, pulling harder than ever, "I got it! Come on Tsu! One last tug!" As Sero tied the tape around the mast, they all pulled one last time, mustering up every last bit of strength they had left. "Come on you three!" cheered Midoriya, "Plus ultra!" They pulled harder and harder until finally, the raft was close enough for everybody to get off. 

"Three cheers for Tsu, Sato, and Sero!" cheered Hagakure. As the team started cheering, they lifted the three over their heads, praising them for their bravery.

"Of course, we wouldn't have done it without Yaoyorozu, ribbit!" replied Tsuyu as she turned towards the little ponytailed heroine. "Well, I uh.." she humbly tried to respond until the team lifted her up with the other three. 

After she had been lifted, Momo felt something and looked down, "Don't you dare be trying to grab our butts down there Minet-" she commanded until she turned to Froppy, "Wait why is your tongue still out?" "O Easen" answered Tsuyu. As Momo looked down she could see that Froppy's tongue was wrapped around the little purple creep, just in case he trying to "have a little look-see".

As they put the heroes down, Uraraka slowly came to, "Uhhh...what happened?", she groaned while rubbing her head. Midoriya turned to her, "Tsu, Yaoyorozu, Sero, and Sato helped pull us to dry land. We're safe now!" Uraraka started to look down, "I'm sorry I couldn't be much help." she murmered. "Don't worry about it." Deku responded, "You still did your best, besides, you have helped out plenty of other times in the past. " She remembered the first time she met Deku and saved him from falling flat on his face, "You're right! I just hope I can return the favor to everyone this time."

After the brief celebration, Class 1A regained focus, the still had to find a way to get to the nearest city. Shouji raised his arm with an eye on the end to look around, "Look! I can see a nearby city!" he announced, "We just have to keep going for a few hundred more yards! There's a bus stop near a park. Hopefully it can take us to where Hatsume is!" 

Kaminari perked right up, "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" And just like that, the team started climbing down the wall surrounding the waterfall and carried on through the last stretch of the woods.

Editor's Note: This is probably one of my favorite scenes to have written so far. For starters, I had fun writing the first action scene in the story. Also, Tsuyu has always been one of my favorites, so it was great giving her a scene where she gets to shine. One of my goals here is to give everybody something to do (though something tells me Koda might be one of the MVP's here).

On a side note, as of the day I am typing this, my second year of classes in college starts tomorrow. I cannot guarantee how busy I will be, but I will still try to upload at least one chapter a week. I still cannot wait to continue this story as I have plenty more ideas for what these characters will experience next. See you soon!

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