Chapter 11: Little Heroes Can Do Big Things!

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As Mt. Lady made landfall in Shabooya, Class 1A's spirits were soaring. "We're finally here!" cheered Ashido, "Everybody give a big hand for Mt. Lady!" As the class cheered for her, Mt. Lady could not help but chuckle at the little pink girl's obvious, yet cute pun, "You're welcome!", the vain yet gentle giantess said, "Now, where is your inventor friend hanging out at?" Midoriya spoke up, "There must be some sort of convention center somewhere in the city hosting the event." "Ok," said Mt. Lady, "Let's start searching!" before she shrunk to her civilian size, "Don't wanna attract too much attention (or too much damage) while searching the city."

Mt. Lady found a secluded corner and placed the students down, "I'm wanna whip my phone out and see if I can find directions to the convention center." After typing it in, she could see that there was one just over a mile and a half away. "Found it." she announced, "Just a few turns away!"

She continued her journey, with Class 1A on her shoulders and in her left hand, with her phone in the right. While searching Mt. Lady pointed out, "You know, taking the time not being so big really puts things into perspective, I never truly realized how big some of these buildings are!" Kaminari added, "Yeah, tell us about it!" Mt. Lady added, "You know, I'm kind of jealous, even when I am my normal size, sometimes, I just wanna escape all the big responsibilities and expectations that come with being me."  Yaoyorozu was puzzled, "Huh? I thought you liked being  all big and famous and important." Mt. Lady sighed, "Yes, of course I do, just sometimes, being big isn't so easy."

Just then, a loud crashing noise could be heard, followed by the ear-piercing ringing of an alarm.  

A large gang of thugs could be seen taking huge bags of money out of the hole they blew in the building's wall. Mt. Lady perked up, "Finally, some action!" she screamed excitedly but upon seeing the alleyway, was dismayed, "Oh no," she exclaimed, "This alleyway's too narrow for me to get through." Midoriya spoke up, "May we assist you Mt. Lady? We'll rush in there while you block them off" Mt. Lady shrugged, "I guess I don't see why not. There are five of them, so be careful." she warned. Mineta sulked, "This better not be like that internship." he thought to himself, still shuddering over all the chores she forced him to do in place of "training"

She placed everybody down before calling to the criminals, "Hey! Why don't you losers pick on someone" before growing "your own size?" The bad guys gasped, "Oh crap, it's her!" before another one chuckled, "Don't worry, there's no way this broad can catch us, this alleyway is too thin for her big fat a-" before he could feel something small punching him in the cheek, feeling more like a hornet sting. As we was knocked into the wall, he exclaimed, "Ow! What the heck was that?" 

Class 1A stood their ground, "Respect the pros!" Kirishima called, "Looks like you bozos need to learn yourselves some manners!" The robbers laughed, "Really? You pint sized parasites think you can beat us?" Kaminari volted up, "Oh we don't think, we know!" Midoriya lead the group, "Ready?" he yelled. "PLUS ULTRA!" the students all yelled before leaping into action. 

Tokoyami flew around one enemy's face like a fly. The criminal tried to swat him away, but the bird boy was too fast. Tokoyami stopped right by his face. As the enemy came in to smack him, the dark crow dodged at the last second, causing the thug to hit himself so hard, his nose nearly bled. He suddenly started to slip, almost like he was on ice. He fell on his face right by Todoroki. Tokoyami quipped, "You're stepping on thin ice there pal!" before Shoto intervened, "Are you sure? That ice seemed pretty thick to me."

Bakugo used his explosions to fly up to another enemy, charging up one big explosive punch yelling, "DIE!!!" as he smashed right into the bad guy's chest. As he got back up, he could see a tiny blue haired boy, "Catch me if you can!" he yelled before running in circles. As the thug tried to follow him, he lost balance, something was tied around his legs. Sero had hitched a ride on Iida's back and tied the big bully's legs together. 

Jiro shot her earjacks right into criminal number 3's ears, "Here's a little mix for ya!" she yelled as she assaulted his ears. Once regaining focus, the thief yelled, "Why you little!" as he grabbed her. Kaminari looked up in shock. "Help!" Jiro yelled, "Get me down!" as the villain pinned her against the wall. Denki rushed up to the thug's legs and after taking a deep breath, let out every last bit of electricity he had. The villain twitched and screamed before being knocked unconscious. While falling, Jiro slipped out of his hands, screaming as she fell to her supposed doom.

Uraraka quickly bounced up and floated them both down to safety. Jiro rushed to Kaminari, who had now fried his few functioning brain cells, and exclaimed, "You're my hero!" hugging him as he groaned, "yaaaaay......"

The fourth lawbreaker tired to step forward, but could not move his feet. Mineta bounced up and slapped him in the face, "I'm the only one who can appreciate Mt. Lady's assets, do you understand me?" He could then feeling something slimy burning away his shoes, as Ashido taunted, "Oh, did I do that?" as she did a windmill dance move, spraying acid all around her. The villain screamed in pain with every step he took, "You're lucky I'm not my normal size!" Mina warned.

The last thug saw that he was outnumbered. As he tried running away, he could feel something squirming up his shirt. Froppy popped out of his shirt's neckline and spat something stinging on him. "Augh!" he groaned, "This slime stings!" Froppy confidently answered, "It is not slime, it is mucus!" before looking back and quickly jumping away.

Deku lept in front of the last thug yelling, "Don't come back! SMAAASH!" before knocking him to the other end of the alleyway. All the bad guys were knocked out. Mt. Lady was astonished, "That was impressive!" she praised, "I have never seen anything like it, I should have never underestimated you!' All of Class 1A was flattered, "Thanks Ms. Lady!" said Midoriya, "Any chance the police will show up?" Mt. Lady looked in the distance and could hear a faint siren, "They should be here any minute!" before extending her arm, "Come on! The convention center is literally a few steps away!"

She carried them over to the convention enter building and let them on the ground, "All right everybody, here you are! I'd love to stick around but I gotta scram, I'm afraid people will be distracted by my presence." Iida spoke up, "Thank you so much for your help Mt. Lady! I don't know what we could have done without you." Mt Lady smiled, "No, thank you for helping me with those bad guys."

Mineta complained, "Yeah, I'm sorry to break up the party, but how are we supposed to get in there? We are too small to open those doors, not to mention the fact that waltzing around in there is borderline suicidal, but as mentioned, Mt. Lady is going to steal all the attention. Her outfit alone is a dead giveaway!"

After that statement, Mt. Lady perked up, "Hold on!" she said, "Let me see if the bank robbers are still there, I have an idea!"

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