Chapter 7: A Fairy Peculiar Rescue

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Class 1A kept a sharp ear out as they searched the vents. Jiro led the group, using her ear lobes to detect any sign of Bakugo. "You picking anything up?" asked Iida. Jiro's earlobes kept moving, "Nothing yet." she answered until they picked up a small noise, "Wait a minute..." she said as they approached a four way crossing, "To the left" she motioned. As they followed her more, the noise started growing clearer.

After a few more seconds, they reached what seemed to be a dead end. As they looked up, they noticed another tunnel leading towards the source of the sound. Jiro turned to Yaoyorozou, "Think you can make a rope to hoist us on up?" she asked. Momo sighed, "Sorry, no can do, I don't have any body fat left." Jiro paused, "That's right," she thought, "She has been using her quirk a lot today."

 "Now how are we gonna get up there?" asked Mina. Tsuyu bounced up to the ledge, "Ribbit!" and wrapped her tongue around Mina, Kirishima, and Shoji, pulling them up too, "Come on guys, use your quirks!" she called.

Midoriya lit up with blue and green lightning emitting from his body as he parkoured up the walls. Uraraka tapped Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Koda, and Hagakure on the shoulder as she floated herself, along with them to the top. Mineta threw his balls to the wall and bounced up, "Hardcore parkour!" he yelled. "Hardcore parkour!" yelled Kaminari in response, "Now, how am I going to get up?" he asked. Jiro turned to him, "Hold still, I got an idea." Before he could respond, one of Jiro's ear lobes wrapped around Kaminari and yeeted him to the top.

Once everybody was up, they continued following the voice, with Jiro still leading the way, "I think that voice is coming from that room!" she whispered, "It must be that little girl from earlier!" They snuck through one last straightaway, before stopping at a light in the middle coming from beneath. The light was coming from the little girl's room. The heroes huddled together and peered through the vent. They saw the little girl facing away and holding something in front of a dollhouse almost as big as her.

The girl walked away to get something and the students could not believe what they saw. Bakugo was seated at a little tea party in the dollhouse, now stuck in a little pink tutu. Everybody tried their darnedest to not crack up and blow cover. 

The girl's mother stepped in, "Alright sweetheart, nap time!" The girl pouted, "Aw, mom, five more minutes?" The mother's eyelids went half shut, "Deja vu" she said, "Come on, you've had a fun day, time to rest up so you have more energy for the rest of the day." The girl could see there was no point in negotiating with her, "Ok, yes ma'am." she said. 

"That's more like it" the mother said as she tucked her in, "I'll see you later." she said as she cut out the light and gently closed the door. The girl dosed off in a matter of seconds.

Bakugo looked up and saw everybody in the vent, who could finally have a moment to laugh their butts off at him after holding it in for so long. "Yeah, yeah, Laugh it up you idiots!" scowled Bakugo. Midoriya hushed him, "Sh. Shhhh. Keep it down Kacchan. You don't want to wake her up do you?" as he pointed over to the snoozing child. Bakugo rolled his eyes in response as he waited for his rescue.

The vent opened as Sero wrapped his tape around Midoriya and Yaoyorozu before lowering them down. Jiro used her ear lobes to swing on in too, "Alright Ms. Nesbitt," she teased, "Let's get you out of here!" Momo helped remove the tutu, which was just over Bakugo's regular hero outfit. "Alright," he said, "Just get me out of this hell hole already." Jiro turned to him, "You keep this up and I'm telling everybody back on campus about your little tea party." she teased. Bakugo turned beet red, "YOU DO THAT, I'LL KILL YOU!" he roared. 

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