Chapter 10: Some Big Help

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As the bus took off towards the big city, Midoriya and his friends sat back, relaxed, and enjoyed the ride, even though they could barely see a thing. Midoriya could hear somebody snoring and the sound of sucking. He turned to his side and could see that Bakugo had fallen asleep and still sucked his thumb, something he had seen Kacchan do ever since they were both four years old. 

Once Kirishima noticed, he tried his darnedest not to wake Bakugo up with his laughter, "Bro", he snickered, "that has got to be the least manliest thing I have ever seen Bakubro do."  Jiro was also more than amused, "Wish I had my phone on me." she giggled, "I would totally use this to blackmail him!" Tsuyu was concerned, "First the dress, and now this, how much more of Bakugo's dignity could he lose today?" but Sero butted in, "What dignity?" he asked savagely. 

In the back of the bus compartment, Ashido and Kaminari were bored to near death, "Are we there yet?" moaned Ashido. "No" answered Yaoyorozu, getting tired of hearing them ask every 30 seconds. "How bout now?" asked Kaminari, to which Jiro jammed him with her ears yet again.

Uraraka was sitting near Midoriya, "I sure hope Hatsume can fix this," she said, "I don't know what else we can face today at this size." Deku reassured her, "Don't worry. I know Hatsume can be a little bit...eccentric at times, but I'm sure she will get us back to normal." Uraraka lit back up, "You're right," she said, "besides, despite the constant dangers we've faced all day, seeing the world from this new perspective has been kind of fun." Ashido joined in, "Yeah, while being small is scary, it's also pretty cool! I always wondered what it would feel like to shrink and go on a crazy adventure!" Jiro agreed, "You know what? Being small isn't 100% some of the time I guess."

A few seconds later, something blew. The bus started to grind to a halt. Bakugo woke up startled, "Eh? What the hell just happened?" Sato spoke up, "I think something may be wrong with the bus, we must have broken down." They snuck out the bus compartment and could see some grey smoke rising from the front, luckily, nobody could see them and all the passengers were still safe and sound. To make matters worse, they had broken down just in front of the big bridge leading to Shibooya. Uraraka and most of the others felt crushed, "What are we gonna do now Deku?" she asked before Midoriya turned back to her dismayed, "I'm not sure, the bridge is too dangerous for us to cross on our own and traffic is backed up on both sides." He walked away, unsure of what to do next, he and his friends had made it so far but now it felt like it was all for nothing.

Just then, he saw a shadow approaching, "Someone's coming!" he whispered, "Everybody hide!" The heroes hid under a bench as the figure approached around a corner from behind some bushes. As it got closer, the person started to look very familiar, "Wait a minute!" everybody thought, "It's Mount Lady!"

Mount Lady was walking around at her normal height and seemed exhuasted. She sat down on the bench the kids were hiding under and moaned, "Oh man, patrolling lately has been SO boring, there's like, nothing happening in this dull city!" Iida sighed, "Yep," he thought "That's her alright." Mt. Lady was known for having a self image almost as big as her stature.

Mt. Lady was so bored that she fell asleep on the bench, hoping not to be bothered for the next few minutes, a long day of doing nothing can be very tiring. After making sure nobody was looking, Class 1-A slowly crept up to her and tried to get her attention, but to no avail. Iida spoke up, "Alright, it seems we have no choice, one of us is going to have to get on her face and wake her up!" Everybody immediately made sure that said individual was NOT Mineta, with Tsuyu wrapping him up in her tongue before he could even utter a single syllable. Uraraka volunteered, "I'll do it!" she announced as she raised her hand, "I can float on up there!" Iida gave her the signal, "Great! Just be careful up there!"

Everybody gave her some room, "Here goes!" she thought to herself before floating on up. Mt. Lady's face was a good distance up, and the little pink cheeked girl only had so far to travel before feeling queasy. She still pressed on as she got up to Mt. Lady's shoulders before finally landing on Mt. Lady's cheek. As she recollected herself, she could hear a faint groaning, "Really, she snores?" she thought to herself. 

Uraraka tried what she could to wake the woman up. She tried shaking  and lightly pinching her cheek, or whispering softly into her ear but Mt. Lady was still asleep. "Come on, wake up." she muttered before her eyes slowly opened. "Not now", the platinum blonde heroine groaned, "Just five more minutes." before looking at her shoulder and seeing a small pink girl on her shoulder, "What the heck?" she exclaimed, "I must be dreaming, it's some kind of fairy." Uraraka blushed, this was the second time that had happened that day.

After a few seconds of confusion, Mt. Lady looked closer, "Wait, you look kind of familiar" before the rest of Class 1A came out of hiding where she could see them, "You're those kids from that high school!" she exclaimed, still rubbing her eyes. Yaoyorozu announced, "Oh, thank goodness you're awake, sorry for interrupting your nap!" Mt. Lady sighed, "You should be, I was dreaming about Richard!" before trying to fall back asleep, "Please, step aside, I think I grew in my sleep again."  

But Uraraka kept persuading her, "No, look around you, everything else is normal, we are the ones who are not normal size!" Mt. Lady groaned as she was not amused of being bothered whenever she was trying to relax, but examined the situation, in hopes that would make these kids leave her alone. She could see that the bench and trees were at normal size, but the students weren't. Once she realized something was up, she had to double take, "Ok, what the heck happened to you guys?" Midoriya explained, "You see Hatsume made this machine andSheDidNotKnowItWasAShrinkingDeviceAndNowWeHaveBeenTryingToFind-" before Yaoyorozu decided to do the talking, "Basically, what he's try to say is that Hatsume accidentally shrunk us and now we are trying get to the city over there to find her, but the bus we snuck on broke down."

Mt. Lady looked uninterested, "And what do you want me to do about it?" Midoriya was desperate, "May we please have some help getting over there? I have seen you do all kinds of cool things when in action. I know you're the only one who can get us over that bridge without even breaking a sweat." but she was uninterested, "What am I, some kind of taxi? And besides, this suit is not made to get wet." before ignoring them.

Class 1A felt defeated, as Midoriya walked off. For the first time, he seemed to be completely out of ideas. "Wow, some kind of hero she is" Jiro mumbled as she followed everybody else.

After seeing everybody in such a state, Mt. Lady finally gained some sympathy, "You know what? I got plenty of time! What kind of hero would I be if I refused service to people in need?" Deku and the team perked right up, "You mean it?" he yelled. Mt. Lady nodded, "You bet," before extending her hands, "Climb aboard!" she announced. She scooped everybody up and placed them on her shoulders as she charged towards the water, "Everybody buckle up!" she called before growing. Class 1A was blown away! She looked on her shoulders and joked, "You all look like bugs from up here!" Kaminari teased, "Just don't let us bite ok?" Mt. Lady laughed as she continued. Deku was speechless "Oh my gosh!" he thought, "I can't believe we are hitching a ride on the Mt. Lady. OhMyGoshThatSoundedSoInappropriateOutOfContext!" 

She dredged though the water, which at first felt like a kiddie pool, before reaching the middle of the river, which was almost up the her chest. Nonetheless, she kept going before finally making it to shore. They had finally arrived in Shibooya.

Editor's Note: Happy New Year everybody! I am so sorry about the long wait, Winter Break was more busy than I anticipated, but nonetheless, I am back! We are in the homestretch of this story, with at least three or four more chapters left. When I started this story, I knew Mt. Lady had to have some sort of involvement. Initially I planned for her blood to be used for a DNA by Hatsume to grow everybody back, but tossed that out when I came up with the idea of Mt. Lady giving them a ride. I was really looking for ward to resisting Mt. Lady, she's a cool character and I felt like this was an opportunity to show her nicer, more selfless side. 

I hope to see you all again soon. Plus Ultra!

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