Chapter 12: A Small Fix

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A few moments later, Mt. Lady casually strutted towards the entrance of the convention center, having "borrowed" some clothes from one of the thugs that miraculously managed to fit her. She also decided to use one of the duffels bags the robbers had on hand, with the shrunken Class 1A stowed safely inside. She had unzipped a small opening allowing them to see (and because Jiro was still scared of the dark)

As she entered, the complex was huge. "Whoa, no way!" she gasped before looking towards her bag, "now how are we going to find your inventor friend?" Uraraka chimed in, "She has long pink hair and always has a huge pair of goggles on." Bakugo sighed, "Trust me. She makes her presence known." 

Mt. Lady kept looking for Mei Hastume, everywhere she looked she could see all kinds of inventions and booths. Mt. Lady kept searching, "Hmm, no sign of your pink haired inventor friend yet, I wonder where-" but before she continued, an announcement came over the building's loudspeaker, "Mei Hatsume, presenting in ten minutes, please report to backstage."

Mt. Lady perked up, "Ah! She must be headed that way, hopefully I can find us a way to get back there before she gets started." She searched for anything resembling a stage area, before finally seeing Hastume walking into an entrance leading to the backstage. She tried to follow Mei, but was cut off by security, "Sorry ma'am" the guard stated, "Authorized personal only"

She walked off and placed the bag down, "I'm sorry guys." Midoriya cheered her up, "It's ok Mount Lady! I can find a way to sneak past those guards." Uraraka stepped up as well, "You guys stay by the backstage entrance, we'll take it from here." Mt. Lady nodded, she let Midoriya and Uraraka out of the bag, keeping the others safe with her. "Ok" she warned, "Be careful, it's pretty busy here!"

Deku turned to Uravity, "Ok, now stay close, this could get pretty dangerous" he warned before taking her hand. The two pint sized heroes made their way across the room, but it sure wasn't easy. Dodging unsuspecting passerbys and avoiding being stepped on was no walk in the park. Eventually, they made it through unharmed and slipped past the guards.

Meanwhile, Hatsume was backstage preparing her device for presentation. Deku and Uraraka snuck around the small workshop, many tools and strange devices lay everywhere. Mei was heavily concentrated on her invention, and knowing her, getting her attention would be quite the challenge. They hopped on another desk not too far away from Mei. "There she is" whispered Uraraka, "Now, how are we going to-?" but she was cut off by some squeaking. The two noticed a cage and turned behind them, it was Hatsume's hamster! "Quick!" whispered Deku, "Open that cage, I have an idea."

The black and white hamster was alarmed to see two humans standing around his height. He ran around his cage for a bit, which quickly got Hastume's attention, "Mr. Cookies? Mr. Cookies? What has gotten into you?" She got up out of her desk and was surprised to see who was on his back.

"Deku? Uraraka? Oh my gosh what happened?" she cried. Deku tried to calm her down, "It's ok, it's ok, we're safe. Mt. Lady is waiting by those guards, she'll help explain everything." Hatsume was still a bit scared, but did as requested. 

As Mt. Lady was let in, she placed the bag on a table and let everybody come out. "What the heck?" squealed Hatsume, "What happened to you guys?" Bakugo was pissed, "You happened to us you airheaded geek!" Yaoyorozu gave him a stern look before calmly explaining, "Your invention from yesterday shrunk us in our sleep last night. Thankfully though, we're all safe."

Mei felt so guilty, before exploding with excitement, "OH MY GOSH! Do you know what this means? This means I, Mei Hatsume, made the world's first shrinking device!" Kirishima made her keep perspective, "Yeah, it's kinda cool, but pretty scary." he noted. Jiro bluntly interjected, "Yeah, I nearly ended up a human smoothie!" and Mineta angrily added, "And it feels like everything is trying to eat me." 

Hatsume's heart sank, "Oh, I'm so sorry for putting you all in danger like that." she was about to cry.  Uraraka floated up to pat her on the cheek, "There, there. It's ok, your cool invention did not mean to shrink us. Besides, in spite of the moments of terror, it's kinda fun being this size." Uravity wiped a tear off Hatsume's cheek, "You think your invention can grow us back?" Hatsume sighed, "I don't know, I don't even know how the heck my device managed to shrink you all in the first place." Iida tried to lift her spirits, "Come on, you're the Mei Hatsume! You can do this!" Deku spoke up, "Yeah, I've seen you do all kinds of amazing things over the years, you can fix this."

Mei cheered up, "You know what? I can give this a shot! I just need some find of fuel for this, something that can boost the size of whatever the machine is used on!" She turned to Mt. Lady and had a 'lightbulb moment'.


"Now just hold still!" Hatsume told Mt. Lady, who was sitting on a bench about to get some blood drawn. Mt. Lady squirmed, "Just be careful ok? I hate needles!" she cried. The platinum blonde Pro Hero held in a small scream as she felt the needle extract some blood from her. After collecting the DNA sample, Hatsume got out a Hello Kitty band aid, "There, all better! Thanks for your help Mt. Lady. It's an honor to finally meet you!" Mt. Lady nodded, "Happy to help, just don't do that again!"

Mei took the blood sample and used it to fuel her machine. "All right, stand on the pod, just like last time, hopefully this will work!" The shrunken heroes stood on the machine. Just like last time, a blue beam formed, with the machine whirring to life, until...


The machine worked alright, but a bit too well. The once five inch tall Class 1A was almost too tall for the room. "Oops!" called Hatsume, "Looks like I over did it!" The whole class felt like giant sardines in a tiny can, "You're sitting on my hand you damn nerd!" roared Bakugo. "It's not me!" argued Midoriya. 

Mineta, meanwhile had found himself squashed under Momo's chest, "Don't even think about it!" she scolded him. Ashido was getting a little claustrophobic, "You can fix this, right Hatsume?". Mei was determined, "Alright, just a couple of places back on the machine and, BINGO!" She fired the machine up again, "Hold, on! This should be it!" The blue glow could faintly be made out from under the students as it activated yet again.

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