Chapter 13: Questions and Hamsters

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When the dust settled, everyone got up and looked around, they could stand up comfortably and nothing seemed to tower over them anymore.

"You did it Hatsume!" Ashido cheered, "You returned us back to normal!" Everybody gave her a big hand, "We knew you could do it!" added Kirishima. Mei was flattered, "Well, thanks for believing in me guys! Sorry about the whole incident, as cool as it was." Midoriya reassured her, "Don't worry about it Hatsume!" before Bakugo had to butt in, "At least we didn't die or something." Hey, props to him for at least trying to be optimistic.

While everybody was celebrating no longer having to worry about being stepped on, an announcement came on, "Mei Hatume, presenting in two minutes!" "Oh crap!" she shouted, "I forgot about the presentation! What am I going to do now?" Tsuyu suggested, "Just show off your invention as a shrinking and growing machine, they'll love it." Mei was hesitant, "I'm not sure, that's not what I intended this machine to be! This whole thing isn't going as well as I intended." After she finished worrying out loud, she could hear some squeaking, "What's that Mr. Cookies?" she asked. It seemed like her little gerbil lab rat was trying to communicate with her.

Koda crept down to get to eye level with the hamster, "He says, 'I know you can do it Mei! You have done all kinds of great things before and always keep us waiting for whatever unpredictable thing you will do next. Also, please stop waking me up in the middle of the night to test out your 'hamster rocket boots'." Mei was surprised, "Mr. Cookies? You really feel that way?" Koda translated again, "If I'm lyin' I'm cryin'!"

Hatsume instantly bolted back to her energetic, slightly nutty state of mind, "Alrighty then, let's do it!" she yelled as she prepared her machine, "You guys go stand in the crowd, I'll take it form here!" And Class 1A exited the backstage area with Mt. Lady into the crowd, "Break a leg, sister!" called Hagakure.

A minute later, the announcer came back up, "Ladies and gentlemen, now presenting, Mei Hatsume!" the curtains pulled back to reveal Mei with her invention while Mr. Cookies sat in his cage on a table situated right in middle of the stage.

Once everything was situated, Hatsume started, "Thank you everyone, now before I begin, I would like to announce that this baby is another addition to my lovely family of beautiful inventions that one day, will change the world in new and inventive ways and make our lives so much easier and cooler.." 

"There she goes again..." Iida thought to himself, being reminded of his encounter with her at the U.A. Sports Festival. 

Mei kept going on and on until finally cutting to the chase, "Behold! The future!" she announced, picking up and holding Mr. Cookies above her. The audience seemed confused and was losing interest, as Class 1A subtly told Mei to continue. She announced, "This is an ordinary hamster, really small and cute. But, what if you want something big and cute? One so big, it could cuddle you?" She took him to the machine and placed him on the pad, "Well, with this baby, that dream can be more than achieved!"

Hatsume starting typing commands on the machine, "Ok everybody, hold your applause." The pad started its usual glowing and humming, as Mr. Cookies sat on the pad, illuminated by the bleu glow. "Prepare to be amazed!" Hatsume announced bombastically before asking, "Now, you're probably thinking, what could possibly be cuter than a little hamster?" The audience could not think of a good answer. 

Behind her, they could see Mr. Cookies start to grow, until he was the same height as Hatsume. "A giant hamster" She excitedly announced, "Ta-da!" The crowd was blown away and started cheering. "But that's not all!" Mei announced as she fired up the machine again, this time shrinking Mr. Cookies to the size of an ant. "Don't worry!" she announced, "He's completely safe!" The attendees were speechless.

Finally, Hatsume decided to grow her little hamster back to his comfortable size. "What scientists said was impossible can now be done with my Resizer!" before muttering, "Sorry, I couldn't think of a more clever name..." followed before promoting her future company, "Mei Innoventions, the future is today!"

Everybody gave her a standing ovation. Mei excitedly twirled Mr. Cookies around, "We did it Mr. Cookies!" before nuzzling him against her cheek. Class 1A ran up to congratulate her, "You were amazing!" Ashido cheered, "They all loved you!" Hatsume beamed proudly as everybody hugged and lifted her up, "Thanks guys!" she squealed, "but you are all the reason I got here in the first place! Without your help and encouragement, I would not have been able to pull that off, or worse, could have shrunk something without knowing what to do!" Everyone was bewildered, "You?" Aoyama asked, "Not knowing what to do? Non!" 

Mt. Lady stood up and placed her hand on Mei's shoulders, "I gotta admit." she said humbly, "you impressed me out there." Deku added, "Yeah, turning your mistakes into something new is exactly what a hero does. Sometimes you gotta turn mistakes into happy accidents." Kaminari was impressed with what he had to say, "Wow, you're starting to sound a lot like that painter on tv with the afro."

Some higher ups were approaching Mei, "Oh, sorry guys," she exclaimed, "I think these VIP's wanna talk to me" Uraraka bubbled, "You deserve it Hatsume, keep being amazing!" she cheered before Class 1A waved her goodbye for now. As she left, Class 1A only had one thing left to do, "So, Mt. Lady," Kirishima asked the platinum blonde pro hero, "think we could have a ride home?" She thought for a second, "You know, I think I've got time, but it may not be as easy as last time"

The sun was setting as Mt. Lady carried Midoriya and his friends back to their dorms. "You know, this has been quite the adventure." Deku stated. "Yeah," agreed Tsuyu, "Definitely not like anything I've done before." Meanwhile, Bakugo was just tired, "Welp, Imma go get some rest, see you fools tomorrow." Even Mt. Lady was kind of put off by his rudeness, before Jiro whispered "Hey, somebody made him wear a dress today, You should have seen it!" She giggled, "Oh, I can't imagine! Maybe I should find a way to be small, just to see what he's up to and how I can embarrass him for you!" before growing and leaving, "I will see you later! You kids keep surprising me, ok?" They all waved goodbye before going inside to get some RNR, finally at their normal size after such a big adventure.

Editor's Note: Sorry for the long wait between chapters but I'm back again. I'm off for Spring Break and things aren't so busy, so now I have time to finally finish this story.  I have one more brief chapter to add and I have a few announcements after that. Thank you for all your patience. Plus Ultra!

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