Chapter 14: Attack on Hamster

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The following Monday, things continued at U.A. Academy as usual. Mr. Aizawa still had the "sniffies", Bakugo was still mad, Ashido was still bubbly, and Mineta was still "the woo-rrrrst". It almost felt like Saturday had not happened and they had just gotten out of any other weekend. The same could be said for Sunday, as they had spent most of the day resting and catching up on schoolwork.

"So, how was everyone's-CHOO weekend?" asked Aizawa. The rest of the class paused before Kaminari shrugged and said, "Ah, you know, nothing too big!" Even if someone did say what happened, he wouldn't have believed them. Before Midoriya could fess up, Bakugo cut him a glare in an effort to get him to zip it.

After attendance, Aizawa started off class, "Ok, today we are going to be discussing-" until he was interrupted by some strange noises outside. It sounded like some stomping, followed by some squeaks. Everyone looked out the window and could not believe their eyes, there, in the distance, right in front of the school, was a large black and white hamster. "Mr....Cookies!?!?" screamed Ashido upon recognizing the gigantic gerbil. 

On the ground stood Hatsume, holding a strange machine that looked like a hairdryer, "Hey guys! What's going on?" she called excitedly. "That's going on!" shouted Mineta, pointing at the giant hamster. Hatsume looked back at Mr. Cookies, "Oh! He sure has been eating his vegetable, huh?" Jiro was losing patience, "Quit the cap, cut to the chase."

Mei was elated to introduce her new concept, "So, remember how I made the Resizer not too long ago?" she asked, bouncing like an excited child, "Well, I decided to make a smaller, more portable version of it, kinda like a ray gun." She twirled it around playfully before holding it up for all to see, "Behold! The Resizer 2.0!"

While the class was impressed, They were also scared for their lives. Knowing Hatsume, this could only go so right. Hatsume started playing with some dials on her new machine, "But this puppy can do more than just grow things, like last time, it can also shrink things!"

She turned the dials some more and pointed the Resizer 2.0 at the building as it whirred with a blue glow coming from the front, "Oh crap." Koda said.

A blue beam fired out and hit the school building, surrounding it in a blue glow. The building started to shrink, along with everybody who had the mistfortune of being inside at that very moment. "The whole building's getting smaller!" screamed Momo, "And so is everybody inside!"

Blades of grass towered over the school, everybody was freaking out. Hatsume picked up the school in awe. "It worked, it worked, it worked!" she screamed in joy. All of the tiny people in the school were screaming, first a giant hamster, now the school's small, now everybody know this is all being done at the will of a very enthusiastic Mei Hatsume. "Aw, look at how small you all are!" she cooed. "This isn't funny Mei!" called Iida, "You are putting everybody in the school at risk!" but she didn't worry, "I know! Isn't it great?" she yelled, "I promise to take good care of you!"

After a bit, Mei decided to end her little presentation, "Ok, now let me turn you all back to normal, sorry about the sudden shrinking! Next time, I'll warn y'all!" She started turning the dials again while Aizawa asked, "Can you please speed this up? I have a class to teach-ACHOO! Besides, us being smaller-ACHOO only-CHOO makes my allergies-CHOO worse!"

Mei fired it up again, but nothing happened. "What are you waiting for?" roared Bakugo. Mei started to chuckle nervously, "Well, it appears the machine is malfunctioning." she explained. "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?" screamed Bakugo. "Don't worry I can get this situated faster than you can recite the periodic table." reassured Hatsume as she kept desperately fixing the machine. As she fiddled with the controls, Mr. Cookies drew himself closer and closer.

"Oh no!" screamed Todoroki. "Here we go again!" screamed Midoriya.

The End(?)

Editor's Note: 

And that brings our little story to a big finish! As always, I want to thank everybody for supporting me on this adventure, the fact that it already has more than 1k views on Wattpad is amazing to me. You all rock!

Writing this story took much longer than I anticipated, and I would like to apologize for that. There was school work and all kinds of breaks involved, and "My Haunted Hero Academia" putting this thing on a more than month long hiatus. I still loved the idea of shrinking Class 1A and thinking of all the funny scenarios they would end up in.

Now for some announcements, for the next few months I plan to take a big break from writing stories, they're fun, but they take up a LOT of time planning and typing. I might do a couple of small things, but for now I really need some time off.

That being said, I do have one more announcement to make. If you remember at the end of "My Haunted Hero Academia", I announced that there will be a sequel starting the following October. Well, it's coming! I will start typing it around September to avoid crunch and I plan for it to be my last MHA fanfic for the time being. I already have a general framing device set up and a few stories in mind, a couple of which were planned for the first one, but for one reason or another, didn't make the cut. I can't wait to get started on that. 

Until we meet again, I want to wish all of you a happy day and that life keeps being great for you, me, and everybody else out there. I'm off to enjoy my Spring Break. In the meantime, Plus Ultra!

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