Chapter 8: A Cat-tastrophe!

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"Uh, are you guys sure you know where we're going?" asked Ashido. Todoroki was lighting the way through the vents while Jiro was trying to retrace her steps, which was much harder since she had nothing to listen for. 

"Just admit it, we're lost!" groaned Bakugo. Jiro turned around and shushed him, "Shut it, I'm trying to listen for any sounds, even if we don't go out the same way we came in, there has to be another vent we can use to get out of here." Kaminari was in the back and bored out of his mind, so he did what any reasonable person would do in this scenario, he started yodelling. His voice echoed throughout the dark metal maze. Jiro jerked her head back and glared at him, "Are you trying to get us more lost?" she snapped. Kaminari smirked back at her, he loved teasing her every now and then.

 Kirishima perked up, "Is that all you got?" and proceeded to yodel back at Kaminari. The two went back and forth for a bit until eventually, Jiro had not choice but to ignore their little yodeling contest.

Suddenly, Jiro felt herself about to fall forward. As she yelped, Todoroki grabbed her and pulled her to safety, "Whoa," noted Shoto, "that must be a long way down." Midoriya stepped up and looked down the seemingly bottomless abyss. "Now, how are we gonna get down there?" he analyzed, "Now, my quirk can't safely pull people down, Uraraka can only make people float andKacchancan'treallydomucheither"

Everybody else stood at the edge until Kaminari caught up, still in the zone with his yodeling. So much so that he was not looking where he was going. He bumped into the crowd, sending everybody hurtling down the pit. "Dammit you dimwitted Pikachuuuuuu!" screamed Bakugo.

Thinking quickly, Sero shot his tape on the walls beneath everybody, creating a sort of trampoline in the process. As they bounced up, Kaminari tried reasoning with Bakugo, "Sorry, man, I got caught up in the moment" he explained before descending. As everybody bounced back up, Bakugo retorted, "Yeah, well 'sorry' doesn't fix the fact we could have died!" The two went back and forth until the bouncing stopped. "Quick thinking there Sero!" praised Iida.

Jiro spoke up, "Hold up, I'm picking up some sort of low pitched vibrating noise" as one of her ear jacks shot right ahead of her. 


Just ahead, they could see another light coming from a left turn in the maze, "Sweet!" called Kirishima, "That looks like our way out of this place!" Uraraka let out a sigh of relief, "Finally", she was happy to soon be out of the cold, spooky air vents. Todoroki lead everybody through the last straightaway leading to the vent. As he peered out, he could see a door leading outside, and a white cat sleeping in a corner. "Ok," Shoto explained, "We gotta get out the vent and avoid waking up that cat"

Just then, he heard what sounded like a weird combination of a sneeze and a small explosion. He turned to see Bakugo with a cloud of smoke evaporating away from his face. "What? I'm allergic to these damn things" he explained. This was more than enough to wake the cat up from its mid-day nap. As if things could not get any worse, Bakugo sneezed again, giving away the location.

As the cat approached the vent, everybody panicked, "Quick!" Midoriya whispered, "Everybody hide!" Some of them stood to the wall while others tried to move as far back as they could. The cat approached the vent and looked inside. Once all seemed well, the cat swiped inside and grabbed Mineta. "HELP!!!!" he screamed. "Mineta!" some people screamed, while Bakugo stood in disbelief, "Ok, how the flip did he do that?" he shouted, "Achoo!"

As the cat carried Mineta away in his mouth, Class 1A knew they had to do something. "What are gonna do Iida?" asked Kirishima.

"Use your head!"

"BUT I DON'T WANNA USE MY HEAD!!!" Kirishima yelled as Iida carried him like a battery ram, slamming right through the vent. The cat spat out Mineta and rushed towards the tiny heroes. Before it could try to eat anybody, Aoyama shot a laser into the distance. The cat's attention was diverted as he continued, "Quick, while he's distracted, go!" he yelled as everybody made a beeline for the door. Aoyama shot his laser at the handle one last time, allowing the cat to jump on and indirectly pull on the handle.

Once outside, they made a rush to the street. Before they could make it much further, that cat got out of the house! "Oh shoot!" warned Ashido, "We got company!" They quickly noticed a pile of abandoned items left on the side of the road to be thrown away. Amongst the pile was skateboard and an old R.C. car. 

"I got a plan!" called Iida, "Kaminari, think you can power up the old car with your voltage?" Kaminari sparked up, "I'll do what I can!" he responded. Iida got behind the skateboard, "Alright, I'm going to push this skateboard as fast as I can. Some of you can hop on here. Sero, you strap anybody else to the R.C. car while Kaminari powers it and Shoji steers!" "Right away!" answered Sero. 

Once everybody was strapped in tight, Iida took off with the R.C. car right by his side. The cat tried was catching up. "Uh, he's getting closer!" warned Yaoyorozu. Iida sped up with Kaminari upping his voltage, allowing the R.C. car to move just as fast. And just like that, the hungry little cat was left in the dust. 

Eventually, the car ran out of juice, as the man behind the machine started short-circuiting, "Yaaaaay....." he slurred. "Welp," said Jiro, "Looks like our little battery is dead." As they stopped, they noticed something nearby, "Look" said Hagakure, "It's a van for that flooring business downtown, maybe we can hitch a ride on that." Midoriya put his hand to his chin and thought about it, "You know what?" he said, "That's not a bad idea, we can hitchhike on that van and it can take us downtown, there's a bus stop there we can use to find Hagakure!"

 Before the driver got back to the van, Midoriya led everybody into the back as they hid behind some carpeting. "Ok," he warned, "Here he comes." The doors closed and the van took off. "Downtown, here we come!"

Editor's Note: Sorry it's been a while, but I'm back. I've been a bit busy with school lately, along with having some writer's block. However, I still have a few more ideas for where the story will go and am always excited to come with fun scenarios along the way. I'm hoping to have another new chapter up some time next week, if not, the following one. See you soon everybody!

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