Chapter 2: A Small Start

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Deku woke up the next morning. He had wanted to sleep in a little longer, but the harsh sunlight seeping in between the blinds had other plans. He yawned and stretched his arms out and like most teenagers, tried to reach and grab his phone, only to catch nothing. The covers did feel much bigger and heavier to him "Wow, I must be that sleepy" he thought. His eyes were still half open and for some reason, he was having a hard time keeping his head on the edge of the pillow.

He tried to look around, still dazed and confused, but something felt off. The ceiling felt much further away than usual and his room felt much bigger than usual. Even more shocking, his bed felt more like a big soft football field. As he recollected his thoughts, Deku tried to get up and look around. "What the hey?" he yelled, "I'm smaller?". He thought to himself "No, this has to be a weird dream. If I try to fall back asleep, maybe I'll wake up for real. On the other hand, this is a pretty cool dream."

Still thinking he was asleep, Midoriya got down and started looking around his room. His ever extensive collection of All Might figures seemed like life size statues, almost like a wax museum. He couldn't help but stand next to one and say "I am here!" in his best All Might voice while flexing his muscle in the air, just like the figure's pose.

Before he could think of anything else, he heard a knocking on his door, "OPEN UP DEKU!". Midoriya sighed "Oh," he thought to himself "I guess Kacchan is in this dream too." He tried to make his way to the door, which is much easier said than done when you are only so tall. When he was right by the door, he was blasted right onto his butt. "Ow!" he called out, now realizing that since he can feel pain, he is certainly NOT dreaming anymore.

As the smoke cleared, Midoriya could make out Bakugo's shape, only this time, it seemed to be small too. The explosive teen walked over to Deku and noticed his new height, "Oh great, it looks like it affected you too Deku." Midoriya looked confused, "What is going on? Why are we so tiny all of a sudden?" "That's what I've been trying to figure out!" Bakugo snapped, "I woke up the same way too, and Kirishima barged into my room with the same problem!".

Midoriya was still trying to wrap his head around everything, "Maybe we should check on the others, just to see if they have been shrunken too." Reluctantly, Bakugo decided to group up with Midoriya to see if everyone was ok.

The hallways were quiet and empty, with nobody in sight, "Maybe we should check the foyer!" Midoriya suggested. The two boys traveled down the staircase, which was still easy enough for them, considering their quirks helped give them unique forms of mobility.

Once the boys were in the foyer, they could see everybody else gathered around, but just as they feared, they were also shrunken too. "Glad to know you're ok, just in time for our impromptu meeting!", Yaoyorozou greeted them. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sucks for me too." grumbled Bakugo. Momo invited them over to meet up with the other students, who were still in their pajamas.

As the two joined the miniature squadron, Shoto started. "So, what in the world is going on?" he asked. "Well, everything's....bigger." answered Kaminari as he looked around. "Thanks for the input, Lightning McTeen." snarked Bakugo. "This all just doesn't add up" said Yaoyorozou, "We suddenly wake up roughly 5 or so inches tall, and the only things that have also shrunk are our pajamas and our hero costumes. I know because I had it laid over my chair last night and this morning, I noticed that it was shrunken down too." Mineta looked over and pouted in disappointment, only to be smacked in the back of the head by Shoji.

"Aw! And we're not even chibi-fied" whined Hagakure. "Just thank GOD we don't sound like those stupid Chipmunks!" added Bakugo, looking on the bright side for once. Jiro silently agreed, she was not in the mood to make a Christmas album.

Deku tried to analyze the situation, "It's so weird, yesterday was normal and villain free, so it couldn't have been anybody's quirk andwedidnotevendrinkaweirdbottlelikeAliceinWonderlandsincethisisnotsomesortoffairytaleand-"

"Alright, alright take it easy." Kirishima interrupted, "You're goin' a little too fast. Now, let's think about it some more, what else could have caused this?"

Suddenly, it all added up! "That machine Hatsume showed us yesterday!", Uraraka explained, "She must have accidentally made a shrinking device. That's probably why we started to feel lightheaded last night. We were also wearing our hero costumes when she tested it on us yesterday, which explains why they are also our size!"

"Well then, no time for our little pint-sized pijama party," called Jiro, "We gotta find Hatsume! She'll know what to do (hopefully)". Deku remembered her announcement from yesterday, she was on her way to the invention convention in Shabooya, she must have already started traveling there.

"Well we better catch a ride there!" said Ashido, "Maybe we can find some transportation, like a bus or something, that can take us there" "And how the heck are we gonna pay tickets and not get stepped on?" asked Katsuki. "We'll just sneak right on!" said Kirishima, "There's probably somewhere on board we could hide, like the overhead compartment or maybe even a luggage unit under the bus."

Deku was reluctant to hitchhike without pay, but he agreed, he and his friends needed to grow back to normal, even if they had to break a few rules. "Alright everybody," Iida commanded, "Let's get our hero costumes on and venture on out! It's best we be prepared for any dangers that we could encounter!"

The meeting was adjourned and the hand-sized heroes made their way to suit up. After all, the smallest of things could pose the biggest threat to them now. After changing, they all met up one last time, "All right men", called Kirishima, "let's roll!" and they ventured off into the big new world.

Editor's Note: Welcome back! The story is now really getting started. Originally, I had the cause of the shrinkage be the result of a villain invading UA that Class 1A fought. I then considered having the cause be Hatsume and felt split on which one was better. I asked my friends (and if y'all are reading this, you all rock!) what they preferred and the resounding answer was Hatsume! Sure she is not a mad scientist, but this isn't canon, though I will sorely miss a line I had planned for the invasion where Aizawa would say, "That's the third time this month". I can't wait to continue this story and I hope to see you all again soon! Don't be afraid to leave some feedback along the way, I'd love to hear from you!

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