Chapter 22

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Y/n's pov
As i open the text i read it.

Your fired look i know you still love minghao and i know you still want to be a makeup artist
So No need to go to the airport were not going to america ok go be a makeup artist his makeup artist.
I then look up to minghao and then he looks at me and i just hug him. He hugged me back of course but we had heard cheering. We then both look to the side and see the people or fans cheering so ask minghao. Y/n: Why are they yelling who are they? The8: There carats i told them that i would be at this airport to talk to them. He then turns to the big crowd that had carats and reporters and im pretty sure random people.

The8: Everyone this is the person i hurt and i made her fill like shit i ignored her which caused her to breakup with me i was scared that if you guys seen her you would hate her or try to do something to her. The8: So i ignored everything that involved spending time with her which made her hate me and breakup with me and i know i deserved it and i don't know why she forgave me i don't even forgive myself.

The8: But i really like her she was our makeup artist butonce we brokeup she quite it's all my fault. He then falls on his knees crying. I then hug him while he's still on his knees but he did hug me back. Y/n: Of course i forgive you i love you why wouldn't i forgive you it was a mistake and everyone learns from them so im giving you a chance to learn for it. The8: W-would you be my girlfriend again?

Y/n: Yes i would. He then hugs me even tighter. We then hear a lot of cheering so we look at the carats and reporters. The8: Carat please be nice to my girlfriend ok her name is y/n and the rest of seventeen knows her and are really good friends so please be nice. The8: Do you guys like her? I then see someone throw a water bottel at mighaos face he then starts crying.

The8: Im sorry y/n that they don't like you but im disapointed that you don't like her because she is really nice funny pretty and this is what you think come on y/n lets just go. Before we could leave we heard carats cheering his name so he looks back. Carats: We love you and we like y/n don't be sad. He then starts crying even more and bowing to carats as in thank you for liking her.

After talking a bit more we go back to the car. The8: Wait i thought you and your dad were going to america? Y/n: He fired me just so i can be your makeup artist. The8: Really so do you want to be our maekup artist? Y/n: Welll not really up to me so lets ask hyunk and sehyung if i could work for you again. We then go to the dance practice place and we see that everyone is there.

Y/n: Im back!! Hoshi: Huh not on a plane? Y/n: Nope anyway sehyung and hyunk can i talk to you guys. Hyunk: Yeah. Me hyunk and sehyung walk out to the hallway. Sehyung: Yeah what is it? Y/n: So i was wondering if you needed a makeup artsit? Hyunk: Yeah we do why? Y/n: Can i be your new makeup artist? Sehyung: Wait really but no you can't. Y/n: Oh ok.

Hyunk: But you can be our main makeup artist you know the one in charge of the makeup like then main one. Y/n: Wait really? Sehyung: Yup so your hired. Y/n: Well what a interview i just passed. We laugh then walk back into the room. The8 So? Y/n: Im manager for it. Woozi: For what? Y/n: Makeup im your makeup manager. Alexa: Wait really i happy for you but boss me around and your dead.

Y/n: We kinda do the same kind of makeup but i won't ok. Alexa: Wait your moving back to korea right? Y/n: Yeah but you could keep that apartment im going to get a house over there. Alexa: Ok i wasn't planing on giving it back anyway. Y/n: Ok then also one more thing has anyone heard of mack i haven't seen him since last time he just vanished. The8: Maybe he got caught?

Y/n: Hmm probably. We then just start doing our own thing like me i started talking to minghao. Y/n: When is the concert? The8: Well the first one is tomorrow then i think the rest are after that but they haven't told us yet. y/n: Oh ok. The8: You should go to them. Y/n: Well i have to im your makeup artist did you forget? The8: Oh Yeah i forgot for some reason. I then shake my head and then wlk to wonwoo.

Wonwoo: What up kid? Y/n: Nothing just bored but where is mingyu? Wonwoo: He left me to go talk to dk. Y/n: Oh is that why joshua is pouting? Wonwoo: Yup. Y/n: You want me to help you get his attention? Wonwoo: Before i agree how and what would we do? I then tell wonwoo the plan that i have in mind and he ended up agree but i had maybe made a little mistake while helping wonwoo with his plan.


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