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"Boy, get your ass up now!"

I woke up on my tour bus the next morning by my mother yelling and hitting me with a pillow. I jumped out of my sleep and looked up at her.

"What's wrong, ma?!"

"What the hell is this damn TMZ report talking about?!"

"What TMZ report...?"

"Go up there and read it for yourself, Christopher."

My mother handed me her phone with the TMZ article up there.

It read;


This morning, a Florida native came clean about R&B bad boy Chris Brown having inappropriate contacts with her after his show in Tampa.

The women goes by Anastasia Wright. Miss Wright had attended his concert earlier that evening. She claimed she had a wonderful time until it was time for the after party.

The after party was held at a club nearby the area. Wright claims that Brown approached her in the club, taking her back to his tour bus so he can have his way with her.

Wright claims that Brown stated that she is "too fine to be gay."

Miss Wright is now pregnant with Brown's fourth child. But, she plans to keep it.

"WHAT?! This is all such BULLSHIT! This girl is evil as hell!"

I really can't believe this hoe! She really made up this terrible ass lie just to her some attention off of me! This is beyond disgusting!

"Who is this girl, Christopher? And what the hell is she talking about?"

My mom questioned sternly. I shook my head angrily and started to explain.

"Anastasia is this girl I met at a club in Tampa. But SHE approached ME in my section. I thought she was cool, so I told Cooley to let her slide. SHE came onto ME. Next thing you know, we was back in my tour bus. BUT IT WAS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CONSENSUAL!

I seen her again at the Dallas show and the club afterwards there too. It turns out, SHE'S A LESBIAN AND HAS HAD A GIRLFRIEND THIS WHOLE TIME!

So, this whole rape shit is just a lie so she can make it look like I took advantage of her so her girlfriend won't freak out! And for her to get money off of me! She don't wanna take responsibility of her actions!"

"This is a hot ass mess, Christopher! Now we have to come out with a statement! This might even be taken to court! All because you don't know how to use a condom!"

"How is me not using a condom equivalent to her cheating on her girlfriend? THEN on top of that, lying about RAPE?!"

"First of all boy, you better stop raising your voice at me! I don't care how old you are or how famous you get, I will beat your ass! You need to realize that you're Chris Brown! These females will do everything and ANYTHING to sleep with you. They don't care if you're using protection or not. So that's why YOU need to care. Now look, you're stuck in this bullshit!"

My mom screamed as she was becoming more frustrated at me.

I was just as frustrated, so I wasn't even sure on what else to say.

"What do we do now...?"

"We're probably going to have to postpone the rest of the tour dates until all of this is under control. Because I already know she's going to want to take you to court for this. Wait until this all dyes down, then you can finish. But most definitely not right now."

My mom then walked out of my tour bus. I groaned out of frustration, then picking up my phone to text Majesty.

Me: Maj? You there?

Majesty: Chris wtf is going on right now?

Me: I could explain I promise. That bitch is crazy as hell and she's a liar. I NEVER raped her

Majesty: that's the girl I met at your show. Her and her girlfriend Jaylnn

Me: I PROMISE you, I never raped her. That would never even cross my mind. You been a fan of me for a long time. You know all the rape lies these bitches make up just to get attention

Majesty: she's really pregnant tho?

Me: yes.. but NEVER raped her!

Majesty: I never said you did, Chris...

Me: now she's gonna wanna try to take me to court and start this whole bullshit up! I can't ever catch a break

Majesty: just try your best to calm down, love. If you know it's not true, then don't let it bother you. Everything will work out.

Me: you think so?

Majesty: I know so. I gotta go tho, the plane just landed in Cancún. I'll text you whenever I can, xoxo

I sighed, being left by myself once again. I literally can't take this anymore. There's just so much going on, every single day.

Everyone always has to lie on me. For no apparent reason.

My eyes wandered around the bus, spotting the other left overs of cocaine I completely forgot about.
"This place is so beautiful, I love it!"

I exclaimed as my mom, Michael, and I were walking around.

I really can't believe this whole thing about Chris. I mean, there IS usually a pattern of this. Every time Chris has something going on for himself, a different female comes along with either an abuse story or a rape story.

It's been happening ever since Rihanna.

So no. I don't believe a damn thing this Anastasia girl is selling out. She even seemed off when I seen her in person.

A little later on in the day, I had texted Chris. Hours went by and he had yet to respond. Later that night, I had figured out why.

There was a new TMZ report that was posted.


My entire heart dropped. Tears started to form in my eyes. Automatically, I dropped to my knees and just started praying like crazy.

Lord, please look over Chris...

Please make sure he is okay...

You can't let this happen...

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