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Where am I?

Why the fuck am I in the hospital?

I questioned myself as I looked around, slowly opening my eyes.

Looking around, I shortly realized I was at the hospital. For how long? I don't even have any clue.

For what? I don't even remember.

"Daddy, you're awake! You were scaring me! I was so scared to lose you."

My eight year old daughter Royalty sobbed as she hugged me tightly. I noticed that my mother was in the room, along with Ammika, Nia, Diamond, Aeko, Lovely, and my father.

"Don't you EVER do that to us again, Christopher! You scared the life out of all of us, son."

My father exclaimed, hugging me at the same time. Still confused, I just hugged my father back.

"What happened? How long was I out for?"

"You overdosed on cocaine, Chris. You've been out for two weeks. You consumed so much that the doctor wasn't sure whether you were gonna make it or not. You really need help for your problem. REAL help this time."

Diamond informed me. My mother then looked back at me with a small grin.

"I have GOOD news for you though."

"What is it?"

"Anastasia heard the news about you being hospitalized for your overdose. She came clean and admitted that it was all a lie. Now your team is suing her for the damage she has done."

Well, I guess that's ONE thing good that comes out of this.

Then I suddenly remembered; MAJESTY.

How is she doing throughout all of this?

Is she mad at me for my drug issues?

Oh god, I have to contact her.

"RoRo, can you please give daddy his phone?"

"You don't need your phone right now, Chris. It's not a healthy choice right now."

Nia interrupted. I coughed a bit, which hurt my stomach.

"Nia, please.. I just need to make one quick phone call. To let someone know I'm okay."

"Fine. Just ONE call."

Nia handed me my cellphone. I then started looking at all my text messages. So many missed messages from so many different people.

The only ones that mattered to me though was Majesty's.

Majesty: Chris PLEASE be okay, you can't do this to me💔💔

Majesty: whatever the problem is, everyone can help you work it out💔

Majesty: you have so much to live for😩💔 you have three beautiful kids (almost four), family, all of your fans. Please don't tell me this is real, Chris💔

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