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Three weeks later, and I'm out of my rehab program.

THIS time is the time where I try my best to stay clean FOR GOOD. No more of that dumb shit.

Today is the day where I decided I was going to fly back to Dallas to surprise Majesty. I know she claims she's a lesbian, but time is running out. I need to show and tell her how I feel before it becomes too late.

Me: Kay, what's Maj up to? My plane just landed

I texted Kaydence as I stepped foot out of the airplane.

Kaydence: Chris?? It's been a while since we heard from you. We didn't even know you had any ideas of coming

Me: I know, it's a surprise. What's my baby up to?

Kaydence: your 'baby'? You have feelings for my best friend?🧐

Me: stop playin with me Kay

Kaydence: aight, my bad. She's at home with Michael and Dave

Me: Dave..? As in that nigga East..?

Kaydence: oh shit.. she didn't tell you...?

Me: tell me what..?

Kaydence: her and Dave have been seeing each other for about a month and a half now...

What?? Majesty and DAVE?? SEEING EACH OTHER?

This is what she does? I'm in rehab for my drug addiction, and she starts seeing one of my close friends behind my back?

As I stated time and time before;


Kaydence: Chris???

Me: aight, coo. I'll be over at her place in 10

Kaydence: Chris, don't do nothing crazy

I just ignored Kaydence from that point, making my way over to Michael's house.

Once I got there, I banged on the door like three times. After the third bang, there was Majesty answering the door.

"Oh, hi Chris.. I didn't think you were getting out of rehab this early —"

"Really? So you really over here claiming you lesbian, but you over here fucking one of my friends?"

"That's not your business who I fuck. Why are you so upset anyways?"

"Cause, Im in love with you! That's what I came over here to tell your ass! I came to surprise you! But clearly, you're over here on all Dave's dick!"

"You just prolly mad cause my dick is better to ride than yours, nigga."

I heard Dave call out from the living room. I started growing angry. I tried pushing past Majesty to get inside the house, but she pushed me back.

GIRLS WANT GIRLS | CHRIS BROWNWhere stories live. Discover now