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A soft knock awakes me from my deep slumber. I look over to my digital clock.


"Harper, I'm going out to buy groceries and lunch, anything specific you want me to buy?" Quentin softly asks outside the door. I stand up and comb through my messy hair. I open the door and he greets me with a smile.

"You look like..." He trails off, I give him a forced smile, apparently that's all I could do lately.

"Crap. I know. Thanks bro." I gently punch his shoulder. "Um, I think I just want a restock on my shampoo and soap. And oh, tampons if you don't mind?" I awkwardly smile at him. He groans at me.

"I do mind but okay. Gee. You're always trying to embarrass me H." I chuckle at this but it comes out strained.

"You love me anyways. Thank you!" I give him a quick hug and shut the door, I hear him slam the front door. I head for the bathroom with my towel.

"Wow. I do look like crap." I say when I finally see my face in the mirror. My eyes are adorned with big bags, and my hair is sticking up in all directions. My brown eyes which used to look to be full of glee, now look dull and lifeless.

I wash my face, immediately loving the cold water hitting my tired face then I proceed to shower.

I haven't cried since Morgan left. Not a single tear. I think he took all of my emotions with him when he left through that door.

I finish my shower quickly and I get dressed in my workout attire.

Grey shorts with a black tank top and the Nike shoes you gave to me on my birthday.

I did my usual weekend routine too and checked my emails, just incase you responded. I sort of miss my phone too, I abandoned that when you left. More like smashed it into smithereens.

When I opened my mails, I noticed a one sitting on top of the inbox. My eyes almost fell out and my heart threatened to jump out of my ribcage.

Morgan finally replied! I was really getting excited.

But then all the excitement was shoved down a black hole once I read the message.

"Stop emailing me."

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