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"And so that's the story of how this Adonis bad boy owes me..." I finish narrating my story to Tasha on the other line. I am currently on my lunch break and I chose to eat out.

"Wow. Sounds hot H." Tasha giggles like a school girl over the phone.

"Ew. Seriously Tash? Sure, he's got Godlike looks but he is so rude I just feel like chopping his head off every time I see him." I muster frustratedly. "No one has ever made me this angry before."

"Sounds like sexual frustration." Tasha says in a naughty tone.

"What! No! What the hell?! I am still in my post-Morgan stage, I don't need to bring any other boys into my life. Especially not cocky assholes like him." I say as I finish munching on my burger. I was looking around when I saw a familiar head not from afar.

"Morgan is trash." Tasha says with a heartily laugh, I bet she's rolling her eyes right now. I laugh along with her, but when I finally realize who that familiar head is I had to end the call.

"Gotta go Tash, Love you!" I end the call without even letting her respond. I take big strides across the street and poke the man in front of me. He faces me and he smiles a cocky smile.

"Well, look who it is. My little bee." Did he just say I'm his? This guy is demented. "Are you sure you're not stalking me?"

The nerve of this guy! "Don't flatter yourself bozo." I say as I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "I just happened to be eating across here and saw your dumb face." His expression doesn't drop, keeping his cockiness intact.

"You didn't have to come over to me though." He states bluntly. A blush finds its way to my cheeks. He caught that of course. "Usually, girls who blush are cute, you're probably the only exception." And the bomb drops. I struggle to find a smart retort and apparently he got that and now he's laughing. At me. "It's okay little bee, don't embarrass yourself furthermore." He says as he ruffles my hair. I swat his hand away and punch his chest lightly. Which by the way, does not fazes him even a bit. Man, his chest is really hard.

I shake my head of the crude thoughts and zone back in to this idiotic asshole in front of me who is still having a grand time laughing at me. I take it as my cue to leave.

"Screw you." I say as I turn around to walk away but then a hand grips mine.

"Look, I'm just messing around. Come, join me for lunch." He says as he drags me inside the diner, not even waiting for a response from me. I try to wiggle hand my hand out of his.

"Let go of me, you jerk." He stops abruptly and I run into his back.

"That's not such a nice thing to say, don't you think little bee?" He says with a grin. I roll my eyes at him and he continues to drag me inside into a booth by the window. I try to pull the best sour face I could muster as I crossed my arms. A waitress hands him a menu and is staring at Cameron too long. Disgusting. "What do you want?" He asks.

"I already ate." I reply in a bored tone.

"She'll have the fries and a milkshake." He says as he hands the waitress the menu, who might I say, is having a grand time staring at Cameron.

"I said, I already ate. Apparently you're not only an idiot, you're also deaf." I snap bitterly at him as I look out the window. He laughs at this, of course. Such a bipolar boy, I tell you. Yesterday he was all scowls, now he's always laughing. Either way, he's annoying.

"Think of this as my thank you for getting me a job. Even though it was your fault I got fired." My eyes instantly snaps to his and I am met with daunting blue eyes.

"It was your fault, but there's no use arguing about that, huh?" I say.

"Correct." He says smugly. God! This guy is annoying! "You can stop pulling that mean face now. It really doesn't suit you."

"Don't tell me what to do."

His hands fly up in mid air in a defensive way. "Woah. I wasn't doing anything." Then he laughs. For the hundredth time today. I give up the bitchy act and comfortably sit back.

"Are you bipolar or something? Or was yesterday just really a bad day?" He shrugs it off and looks out the window, I do the same. I try to admire the California streets from this view. I can't believe I'm here. I smile at the thought. I notice from the corner of my eye that Cameron's been staring. "It's rude to stare you know." I caught him off guard and he gets startled a bit. This time, it's mine turn to laugh. He smiles at this.

"Hm. I just realized something little bee. I don't know your name yet." He asks me, ignoring my previous accusation.

"You'll have to find that out for yourself." I say with a shrug. He smiles and sits back as our orders are served. Of course, him and the waitress send naughty looks at each other. When the waitress leaves I scoff.

"Disgusting." I say as I shove a fry in my mouth.

"Aww, is little bee jealous?" I almost choke on my fry. I let out a strained laugh.

"Oh please, you wish."

"I do certainly wish so." He winks at me which earns another scowl from me. The table is silent for a while as he devours his meal like he hasn't eaten for days. I clear my throat and decide to break the silence.

"The fries and milkshake are delicious. Thank you." I timidly say.

"Yeah?" He says with his mouth full. I look at my watch and notice my break's almost over.

"Thanks for literally dragging me here. But I gotta go." I stand up and take out my wallet. He stops me.

"It's on me." He says darkly.

"I don't mean to insult you or anything, but you're having trouble paying your rent, I don't want to add on to your troubles."

"You're insulting me already, just quit being stubborn and let me pay for it." He says dangerously. I wouldn't want to know what happens if I argued.

"Fine. Thank you." I say as I tuck my wallet away. "I'm gonna go now." He nods at my direction, still looking like I touched a nerve.

Yup, that guy is definitely bipolar.

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