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"Was that who I think it was?" Dalton finally breaks the silence.

"He's back." Tasha states the obvious. While I sit there, staring blankly at the theatre as if I could see through the building.

"Who was that though?" Dalton asks us. Tasha must have smacked him in the head since Dalton cries out in pain. "Ow! I was just asking."

Tasha places a hand on my shoulder and I relax.

"Come on Harper. Don't let that get to you. You're leaving in two hours. A clean slate. Don't let him mess you up, okay?" Tasha offers a warm smile and I return it to her. Convincing myself that she's right.

"Yeah. You're right. Poor ice cream, met its untimely death." I feigned grief for my dead ice cream. "Let me go get a new one." I stand up and walk to the register.

"Me too." Dalton joins me a while after. When we get back to our table, I see that my brother Quentin has joined us.

"Hey Q. Come to pick me up already?" He scoffs in response and I pout.

"So full of yourself, I see. I've come to join you guys for goodbye ice cream." He smiles and heads for the counter. I sit back down in my seat. So does Dalton.

"Does he know?" I ask Tasha who probably told Quentin the moment he showed up in the curb.

"He says he doesn't care." I chuckle at my brother's choice of words.

"I guess I don't either." I say as I lick my ice cream. When Quentin rejoins us, we slowly walk towards my house,

As I take one last look at the theatre, I mutter a silent goodbye to it as if I was actually talking to Morgan.

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