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"Morgan." It comes out like a whisper. His name sounding so foreign on my tongue. It has been a while since I thought of him. Ever since that night with Cameron, I've been starting to forget him and now he stands before me, bags in his hands. I almost forgot about Cameron until he speaks up.

"Oh, so this is the famous Morgan?" He says with a slight chuckle. He walks up to him and the next thing that happened was very unexpected. He punches him in the face. I cover my mouth in shock but nothing else comes out.

Morgan mutters something between the lines of, 'What the hell?'

"That's for leaving her." Cameron says darkly. When Morgan regains composure, still clutching his nose. Cameron throws another punch. "And that's for coming back."

The next thing that happened was beyond my control. Cameron was about to walk back to me when Morgan grabbed his shirt and threw a punch which landed perfectly in Cameron's right eye. That's going to bruise. I was so caught up in the shock that it took me a few seconds to even move.

"Stop it!" I shouted to the two guys fighting in front of me. Apparently they went deaf, so I did the stupidest thing ever and stood between them, and that's when the punch came, it hurt like a bitch too and it landed on my right cheek. When Morgan realized he hit me, instead of Cameron they both instantly stopped.

"Oh my God, baby. I am so sorry!" He says in a panic and rushes over to me, so does Cameron. I hold up a hand and they both stop.

"I'm fine." I say. I look over to Cameron who looks really worried. "Cameron, I think you should go." This catches him off guard.

"What?! Are you serious, Harper?" He asks me. It looks like I hit a nerve.

"Yeah. Me and Morgan need to talk." I say as I look at Morgan who looks like he's really apologetic.

"About what? About how he left you? Huh?" Now he's just being an asshole. I grab Morgan's bags and take his arm.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow Cameron. Goodnight." I say as I make my way up the stairs, Morgan in tow behind me. I hear Cameron laugh bitterly.

"Whatever. Don't bother." He says as he walks off.


"What are you doing here Morgan?" I ask softly as I apply ice to his eyes which is starting to turn black.

"Baby, I came to apologize and to explain." I close my eyes at the word 'Baby'. It hurts more than the blow to my cheek honestly.

"Please don't call me that." I tell him as I hand him the ice and I go to the kitchen to rinse my hands, he follows me.

"It's a nice place." He says, trying to pick a lighter topic. "And baby, you look amazing." He tells me, but it didn't send my heart cartwheeling. It made me sick. Sick to the stomach. I scoffed.

"You can't just leave me like that and come waltzing back into my life like it was nothing Morgan." I tell him with my back faced to him.

"I know. By the way, who the fuck was that asshole? And what were you guys doing before I came, huh?" He asks defensively, kind of like he used to when we were still together.

"That asshole's name is Cameron and he's a really good friend of mine." I say with my back still faced at him, when I face him, I gather all the courage I had and ask him, "Why?"

He takes a deep breath. "Why what?" I instantly get angry.

"Fuck you Morgan, don't play dumb with me." I say, my voice raised.

He sighs deeply. "Fine. But I think you might want to sit down for this." He says softly. I scoff at him. I've caught that habit from Cameron.

"Don't worry about me Morgan. Just get it over with. Why'd you leave me?" I ask with 0 emotion which completely takes him off guard.

"Okay. So we've been dating for 5 years right?" I nod. "And after I proposed to you, I saw a picture, us in New York then eventually getting married, kids then what? I just got scared Harper. You gotta understand. I wasn't ready, I just felt like I needed time for me. I felt smothered." By this time, I was fuelled with anger, but I kept it at bay. He was literally in front of me now. That's my cue.


"You're an asshole and you need to get out of my house in 10 seconds or I will drag your sorry ass out there myself." I start shoving him away and he stops for his bag. He tries to protest but I kept shoving him until he was out my door.

"Baby, please." He tries to plead with me.

"I am not your baby, Morgan." And I shut the door in his face. I head straight for my room and immediately dial Quentin's number, bawling my eyes out.

I told him everything, starting from my feelings for Cameron down to the part where I close the door on Morgan, literally. He tried calming me down and it did work but I just cried the whole time. After an hour of crying I fell asleep, with Q on the next line.

Tomorrow, I have to deal with an angry Cameron too.

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