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I collapse to my bed once I get in. It has been a really tiring day.

I close my eyes for a little bit and stand up to get changed into my running attire.

I pick up my phone from my dresser and call Quentin quickly since he has been texting me non-stop this afternoon. I didn't get to reply though because I was buried in paper work.

Quentin answered on the fifth ring. "H!! You have no idea what happened today!!" Quentin shouts over the phone.

"No shit." I say with a chuckle.

"Seriously, H. Anyways, so today..." Then he rambles on about how he ran into Stacy in school and about how he got a date with her this Saturday. At the end of his narration, safe to say, he was out of breath.

"Good for you Q. Glad to know you finally grew some balls and asked a girl out." He faked laugh into the phone and I told him I'm going for a run.

"Take care H. Love you!"

"You too Q. Tell mom and dad I called." Then I shut the phone and made my way towards the door.

It hasn't been a week since I moved here in Santa Barbara but I am getting pretty well acquainted with the place. When you run all the time, it's really easy to familiarize the streets.

It was well around 9 in the evening and the streets wasn't buzzing with much cars anymore. I passed by the town's community college when I saw a familiar face walk outside the school.

"Holy hell." I say as he rounds the corner. The puzzle pieces are finally falling into place. That's why he wasn't free every 4 to 9 in the evening. He had school! When he saw me, his face looked priceless. He immediately turned abruptly to the other side trying to avoid me. I run up to him. "Hey, wait up!" When I touch his shoulder, he flinches.

"Stop following me!" He bites back with eyes that promise danger. I challenge him anyways.

"Who got your panties in a twist, grumpy pants?" I tell him with a small laugh. He walks away, I catch up to him.

"Won't you just leave me alone?" He says bitterly. I roll my eyes.

"I'm headed this way anyways." I shrug.

"Then I'll head the other way." He turns around, I do the same.

"Oh look at that, I'm headed this way too." He stops abruptly and groans.

"You are so annoying. Go away." He growls at me. Sexy. Oh my God. The inner voice seriously needs to shut up.

"I'm just trying to make friends." I say defensively.

"Pick someone else." He says as he continues to walk away. I still follow him anyways. It's fun riling him up honestly. He finally gives up and lets me walk with him. "If you tell anyone about that, I will behead you. Trust me." And I didn't question that he would.

"My mouth is zipped." After a few seconds of silent walking, I decide to break it. "I don't know why you have to be ashamed though." He stops all of a sudden and faces me.

"It's none of your business, HARPER." He says like he's trying out saying my name for the first time.

"How did you know my name, CAMERON?" I challenge him back. Liking how his name rolls of my tongue nicely.

"My boss. It's not really hard to find out who you are really. Apparently you're really friendly. But with me, you're hostile." He tells me while still walking.

"I wonder why that is." I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes. We pass by a McDonalds and my stomach instantly growls. I stop him. "By any chance, have you had dinner yet?" He looks at me, puzzled.

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