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"Thanks for walking me home." I tell him as we reach my building. He gives me a boyish smile. He looks way better when he's smiling though. You gotta admit that he looks hot when he's all riled up though. Oh God. I need to see a shrink for my crazy thoughts.

"Thanks for dinner." He replies.

"I'm really sorry about your shirt, please, just let me buy you a new one." I tell him as I look at the big wet spot on his shirt.

"You've said like 10 times tonight, and for the tenth time. No. It's just tears. I don't mind." He shrugs.

"Sorry for ruining the night with my sob story." I say while scratching my head, feeling embarrassed.

"It seriously is nothing. I swear." He smiles. "You still owe me your story." I look at him, puzzled.

"I told you already, I even ruined your shirt in the process."

"That was the story of your boyfriend leaving you. Not your story." He states bluntly and then smiles. He turns to walk away. "I'll see you around little bee."

"Goodnight Cameron." I say loud enough for him to hear, I wave to his back even though he can't see it.

I walk up to my room repeating this week's events in my head. To top everything all of, I just spilled my sob story to a guy who I got fired, and the same guy who infuriates me to no end. But somehow, just somehow, I feel comfortable with him.

By the time I reach my room, I decided not to let these thoughts get the better of me so I quickly dress into pajamas and surrender to sleep.

No longer needing help from sleeping pills.


The first thing that comes to mind when I open my eyes is that, today's Saturday. I head straight for the kitchen to get some water.

A week has passed since that night I spoke of Morgan. I've been seeing Cameron daily, like many routines I have developed, Cameron just slid into one of my many routines. First it started out as me hijacking his lunch breaks, apparently that diner is where he always eats his lunch at. I didn't want to eat alone so I bugged him until he finally just let me eat with him. Then he joins me out for my runs after school. More like forced him to run with. Nonetheless, I annoy him on a daily basis and he tips me off too so it's a win win.

I down my water and sit on the couch to watch some TV.

It's different with Cameron though, I can't explain it. I suddenly had a lightbulb moment, so I stand and get dressed and head for Target.


Knock knock

The door swooshes open and I am greeted by a grumpy looking Cameron.

"On weekends too?!" He complains.

"Good morning to you too." I show myself inside, pushing past him. I've been to his house quite a few times since our friendship began, I sorted of made it like my second home, well you can't blame me when his sister literally pushes me to be comfortable. I've become well acquainted with his sister and his nieces since then. Like I said, blended right into my routine.

"I don't know how I let you worm your way into my life." He rolls his eyes as he closes the door and heads for the couch. I notice he is shirtless. Just as my eyes begin to wander to his amazing body, I shake my head. Damn these crude thoughts. I walk over to the couch adjacent to his and sit down.

"That's because you actually want me to. You just don't want to admit that." I say as I smile at him, he scoffs at that.

"I'm sensing you're here for something but forgot because you got distracted by my attractiveness." He hints at his half-naked body. I fake a gag, even though he was correct. I couldn't help the blush showing though.

"Glad to hear your cockiness is still intact." I say as I throw him the paper bag I was carrying. He picks it up.

"What is this?" He asks me.

"A new shirt. I told you last week I'd get you a new one, remember?" I grin at him.

"You're so stubborn, I told you not to." He rolls his eyes.

"You've told me many things not to do but I still do them anyways. What's new?" I chuckle, so does he.

"True." He diverts his attention to the movie playing on the TV.

"Soooo..." I start.

"Shut up." He says without taking his attention off the TV. I decide to be the annoying brat of today and stand up to block his view from the TV. He stands up to shove me aside, and me being the small person I am, gets shoved to the side. This time I turn off the TV which earns a scowl from him.

"What the hell Harper??" He stands up in front of me. I crane my neck to look him in the eye. He's challenging me, see if I get flustered. I stand my ground even though the closeness of our bodies is really bothering me.

"Take me out." I say innocently. He scoffs.

"No." He bluntly says as he turns the TV back on and sits down again.

"Come on!" I beg like a little kid with all the pouting.

"You can try begging all you want, it's not going to work on me."

Let's see about that..


"I can't believe you got me to actually go to an amusement park with you." Cameron says lifelessly. I grin at him.

"You can't resist my charms." I wink at him and drag him to the first ride I see.

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