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As I run out of the beach, away from the boy who used to mean the world to me, I feel genuinely happy that all things were made clear.

Now I really had a clean slate.

I run faster. Letting my feet take me to where I'm supposed to be. Loving the way the air hits me as I run really fast.

When I see the familiar shop across the street, I catch my breath and smile.

I take huge strides and next thing I know, I'm staring at a boy who has his whole head in the car's hood.

"You look really sexy when you're working." I say as I lean in on the garage door. This startles him and causes him to bump his head which causes me to erupt in laughter but I rush to his aid anyways. "Oh my God. I am so sorry. I did not mean to startle you." I say in between laughs as he rubs his head.

"You fixed everything?" He asks me bluntly.

I smirk at him. "Closed all doors." He returns the smirk and closes in on me again. His hands find my waist instantly and he pulls me close to him.

"Good. Now where were we?" The second the last word left his mouth, his lips meet mine. He takes it like a man who has been deprived of freedom and now he finally has it. I kiss him back passionately, throwing my arms around his neck.

His eager tongue meets my lips and I grant him entrance. He pulls me closer to him and we make out passionately before the need for air becomes unbearable again.

When we pull away, we were out of breath again and we laugh. He rests his forehead on mine.

"You're mine now Harper Flemming." He smiles that evil smile I have grown accustomed to. "And that's not a question." I chuckle at this.

"I wasn't protesting." I look at his banged up eye and laugh. "We need to put ice on that eye though. It looks horrible." He laughs with me.

"Speak for yourself little bee, that cheek isn't looking too good either." He says smugly.

"I guess we're really meant for each other then, eh?" I quirk my right eyebrow up.

"I guess so." He claims my lips once again and I smile into the kiss. Genuinely happy that I found this hotheaded idiot named Cameron Johns.

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