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I make my way up the stairs to Cameron's apartment in the morning, as I was nearing their door, her sister walks out, with her babies in tow.

Even though she was rather really rude to me yesterday, I still smile and greet her 'Good morning'. Surprisingly she stops and apologizes.

"Hi. You're that girl that got my brother fired and then hired again, right?" She asks.

"Yeah." I chuckle and scratch the back of my neck.

"Sorry about yesterday. It's just that my brother is always out and about with different girls, tramps to be honest, and whatnot but he never brought one home and I kind of got mad when I thought you were one of them." She explained, looking very sorry. "Not that you look like a tramp, I was just overreacting and I was on edge, I am so sorry."

"It's totally okay now. I understand. I'm sorry I got your brother fired." I offer her a warm smile.

"I'm pretty sure he did something idiotic to be fired for anyways." She rolled her eyes, earning a chuckle from me. "And thanks for paying our rent. We were about to get kicked out if it wasn't for you." She smiled, looking very thankful. I felt really nice having helped them. Thanks Q. "We'll pay you back, I promise."

"Not a problem, really. I owe it to Cameron." I smile at her.

"I am Nat by the way. It's Natasha but I prefer Nat." She offers me her hand and I take it.

"Harper." We shake hands. "I have a friend named Tasha actually, it's kind of funny." That made her crack up which also made me laugh.

"Well it was really nice meeting you Harper, I have a feeling I'll be seeing you around. See you later." She waves goodbye and takes her kids downstairs. Weird. I wonder why she said that.

I continue to their door and knock endlessly until Cameron opens.

"Impatient, are you?" He greets me with a scowl.

"Good morning to you too." I sarcastically greet him. I take his hand, rather large hand, and lead him out. "Let's go. I am going to be late because of you." He snatches his hand away.

"Gee. Can you wait, woman?" He says as he goes back to lock his door. I cross my arms as I wait for him.

He looks like he's having a fun time taking it real slow with the locking thing, so I call him out.

"I don't know about you but I really don't want to be late." I snap at him. He laughs for the first time and it sends goose bumps to my skin. "He sounds sexy when he laughs." My conscience tells me. I shiver at the thought. NO FUCKING WAY.

"Calm down. We'll be fine." He smiles devilishly. After he finishes, we get into the car and I bring the engine to life.

"You know, I don't really know anything about this 'job' you're taking me to." He says as he gets in into the front seat. I blushed at what he said. I completely forgot about that! He was just being so rude and I completely forgot. "Wow. I bet you forgot. That's rich." He grins wickedly which makes me scowl.

"Okay. Whatever, I forgot. Big whoop. I can give you a briefing on the way." I quickly recover from my mess up. "So you work at Big Wheels Automobile Shop, I'm not sure about the specific address but you'll figure it out." He nods as he takes mental notes.

"You work every weekday from 9 in the morning to 5 in the evening I think." He quickly protests at that.

"Wait, I can't. I have stuff to do every 4 in the afternoon 'til like 9 in the evening." He says coolly while looking straight ahead.

"Look, I don't care, you sort that out with your new boss. What do you have to do that is so important anyways?" I ask like a jealous girlfriend. I bite the inside of my cheeks at the thought. EW NO.

"None of your business." He bites back.

"Whatever." I stop the car when we get there. He gets out and as I was about to drive off, he tapped my window so I rolled it down.


"Don't worry little bee, I'll pay you back. See you around." He says as he walks in.

Little bee? I AM NOT A LITTLE BEE!

I mentally cut his head off for the horrible nickname. I drove off to work making it just in time.

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