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The holidays rolled to an abrupt stop and January flew by like a bird fleeing from a shooting range. Excuse the weird references.

Soon enough, I found myself packing again. Quentin's not here to help though since he had to catch up in the semester he missed. Poor boy, must be drowning himself in homework now. I try to find the least bit of sympathy for my dear old brother, but no. I find it amusing that he is once again suffering school.

I chuckle to myself like a mad man. If anyone saw me they'd think I'm crazy laughing to myself.

And just like magic, I jinxed myself.

"Um, is there anything wrong lady?" A kid that looks to be around 10 stops by at my door. Damn. Why'd I leave that open. I blush instantly, embarrassed by the fact that I got caught laughing to myself.

"Uh... N-no." I stand up and brush myself from invisible dust. I smile nervously at the kid.

"Sure look liked you had been laughing by yourself. Are you sure you are okay?" The little kid suggested. Is he trying to say I'm crazy? And from uncomfortable to mean I go.

"Well my mental state should not concern you but thanks for stopping by kid. Goodbye." I say as I shut the door at his face. I can hear his laughter from the inside.

"Okay then. You take care of yourself, lady!" He says as he walks off.

What a rude kid! Insisting that I am crazy!

But then, I do feel like I am turning quite insane.


I drive back home before I leave for Cali. Since it's the same way to California anyways.

I was just sitting by the ice cream parlor, laughing away all of my problems with Tasha and Dalton when a red mustang stops at the theatre right across the street.

The same red mustang I've been riding in ever since it got its first paint job.

I froze right then and there, hoping to God that I'm wrong and that that's not Morgan.

But all prayers are for naught as seconds later, Morgan walks out of the car and escorts a woman into the theatre. Their faces plastered with the biggest smile ever and a hand draped around her shoulder.

And in that moment, a perfectly good vanilla ice cream meets the floor.

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