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I walk in to my old room and realize it is just how I left it. Nothing out of order. I drop my bag on my bed and sit my laptop down on my desk.

I look over to the window and recall all those times, you snuck in through that window. I shake my head of those memories and open up my laptop.

Once again, I find myself typing away to you.

Dear Morgan,

I know you told me to stop emailing you, I just wanted to tell you that I'm back home.

It's been 3 days actually. Everything's good. I went out with Tasha and Dalton. They didn't recognize me at first actually. Haha

They told me I lost a lot of weight and that I am looking really athletic now, yeah, I've been taking my running seriously. They also said I look better with my hair short.

Yup, I cut it Morgan. I don't know if you'll like it. I guess I'll never know.

I'm moving to California too. Things are starting to look up.

I still try not to miss you.



I click send and shut my laptop off. I grab my bag from the bed but it topples over and the contents spill. As I pick them up from the floor, I notice something underneath my bed. It's a CD.

I pick it up and examine it. I honestly don't remember what this is.

I fire up my laptop and shove the CD in. Then it plays.

The trigger to the river of tears now spilling from my eyes. I drop to the floor and cry my eyes out, for the first time since you left. Quentin probably heard the loud thump because he was rushing into my room in seconds.

"Harper, what's wrong?!" He frantically asks me as he comes closer to me. He then shifts his glance at the video replaying over and over again. It was a video of him in his car singing a Taylor Swift song, I remember that day. We were on the way to the beach and he was trying to ruin Taylor for me by singing horribly.

Mission accomplished. I will never listen to Taylor Swift again without bawling my eyes out.

Quentin quickly shut the laptop off and rushes to me.

"I forgot how his voice sounded saying my name." I say into Quentin's chest as he cradles me.

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