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"Just the guy I was looking for." I smile at him. "Let's take a walk, yeah?" I tell him and he follows me. We walk around town in silence for a while before we decide to sit at the beach.

"Morgan." I say at the same time he says "Harper."

"You first." I tell him. He clears his throat and starts his speech. "Look, baby, I mean, Harper. I am really sorry. I know it was so heartless of me to leave you like that because I was scared to commit but you got to understand." He looks at me, his blue eyes pleading. "I was so confused, leaving seemed to be the best thing at the time. But that time I spent apart from you made me realize that I need you in my life. That I can't be without you. I am ready to settle down baby. I'm all yours. I'll never leave you again." He says as he takes my hand in his. I smile at him, a genuine one.

"If you said that to me, like 5 months or 6 months ago, I might have swooned at your words and forgave you in a second." I smile to him, I take my hand from his. "Morgan baby, you see, when you left me, I realized things as well. As you 'realized' you needed me in your life, I realized I didn't. That I can be without you." I finish off the sentence with a smile and my hand on his cheek. Cupping it lightly.

"You were going out with girls, I saw you that day at the theatre, I was leaving for California that same day." He interrupts me.

"Wait, I can explain. That was just Georgina, she was just a friend." He says nervously.

"Honey, you don't need to explain. When I arrived in Santa Barbara, I left you back in Oregon." I said sweetly and ruthlessly. "When you left me to discover yourself, I had to look for myself too. I was so lost. And now I'm better. I don't need anyone in my life who can just leave me like that. Did you even know how that made me feel about myself? No. You don't. You were only thinking of yourself. Well now, you're free to discover any part of yourself Morgan. It's over." He panics at my last words and tries to beg for me but I stand my ground and walk away from him. Feeling like a weight has been taken of my shoulders.

"Is it because of that guy?" he says when my back is turned to him. I know he's referring to Cameron. I stop in my tracks. "He'll never love you like I do Harper." I smile at this and I proudly face him.

"Me and Cameron are not in love, but I really like him. But of course you're right, if he will ever love me, he won't love me like you do, because he'll love me better. This is goodbye, Morgan."

"This is how it ends then." He forces himself to smile and for a second, I transport myself when I use to look at this guy and think he was the world.

"Hi, I'm Harper Flemming. Your buddy." I extend my hand to the boy in front of me. He doesn't take it though, instead he looks at it and then at me.

"Buddy?" He questions.

"Yeah. Apparently I am supposed to get you acquainted with the place." I say while rolling my eyes. "I could just leave you to explore the place yourself though and you could just put in a good word for me to the principal?" I suggest with my brows raised. The boy laughs at me and shakes my still extended hand.

"Nah. You're my buddy, you're going to be stuck with me for a long time." I smile at him.

I smile as I recalled the first time I met Morgan Ericson.

"Yeah. This is goodbye."

Asphyxiateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें