Chapter 2

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8:00 A.M, April 11, 2015

I woke up at 7:30 Kimberly was still sleeping(what a lazy bum). This is the time my mom usually gets home. I got dressed, and ran down the stairs. My mom was sitting at the table bandaging up her arm, just as I thought she would(atleast she didn't die).

"What happened?" I asked. My mom jumps out of her chair, then tries to act casual even though we both know that isn't possible.

"Where's Kimberly?" she asks, even though I can tell that she is just trying to change the subject. Instead I am the one who changes the subject.

"What happened?" She doesn't answer right away, in fact she takes too long."Where were you actually last night?" She starts taking things out of her work bag.

"I told you last night, I was at work doing an extra shift." I gave her a look that said, really mom? "So how did it go last night with the bonfire?" She asks me without looking at my expression. Right when I was about to confront her, Kimberly comes down.

"There you are for a minute I thought you were taken by the werew-" She was just about to finish when she turned the corner and saw my mom, even though she stopped talking I stuffed a piece of bread in her mouth to shut her up anyway.

"We'll be upstairs getting ready for this beautiful sunny day right Kimberly?" She said something that was muffled by the piece of bread stuck in her mouth so I took that as a yes and I started heading upstairs. When I reached the second set of stairs I heard the phone ring it was probably for my mom. I kept walking then stopped right in my tracks when my mom said

"Nicole it's for you!" I ran down stairs, yanked the phone out of her phone. "Hello?" I said, there was nothing for a while then came a voice.

"Hello, is that Nicole?" I could feel my face light up.

"Charlie! Is that you!"

"No, it's Ronald Mcdonald the killer." He says in a sarcastic voice.

"Ha, ha very funny." I say in a mocking tone. "But seriously what's up?" There was a moment of silence then he answered

"My mom told me that we could stay over for a couple days. Also she said we are moving back to Oregon." Like I said before, Charlie used to live in Oregon but then he moved to Paris, France when we were 7 for his father's job. After a while in France his parents got divorced and him and his mom moved to Spain when he was 9. Now he's an expert bull fighter, and owned a few stallions.

"You're kidding right, this is unbelievable!" After I said that I could practically hear him smiling over the phone, then he said

"That's not even the best part, I am moving to the house that's right next to yours." My mom and I have been waiting for months trying to figure out who would be moving in next to us, and it turned out it was better than my mom and I had expected. I was speechless, and, well I sort of fainted out of joy.

12:44 P.M, Later that day

After what felt like years, I opened my eyes to the light and had to squint, because, for some reason I was outside. Its surprisingly not raining today, and it had to be at least 84 degrees, which is hot for Oregon. I flutter my eyes open again, and sit up slowly, right away my head starts pounding. Then I remember that I fainted, but was that seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years ago, I couldn't tell. Somebody softly pushed me to lay down again, and then I heard a deep voice the same deep melodic voice with the ever so slight Spanish accent. I knew instantly who the person was, Charlie. At the moment I didn't care about the pain I sat up and wrapped my arms around Charlie's neck just like when we were little and he would comfort me about my dad leaving my mom and I. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks, and all I could stutter out was

"I-I- missed you." He hugged me back, and wiped my tears away and said

"I begged my mom for months to come visit you, and she ended up deciding just to come back to Oregon permanently." We sat there for a while just hugging each other, leaning back against a tree until Kimberly ran up the hill with some lemonade.

"Finally you're awake here this is for you." She said as she handed me the glass of lemonade.

"Charlie this is Kimberly my best friend, she lives in Arizona. Charlie and I have known each other since we were 5 and he will be my new neighbor." Charlie and Kimberly both said hello to each other. After that Kimberly asked me

"Hey Nicole do you want to go swimming?"

"Sure, just let me ask Charlie if he wants to come." Kimberly slumped a little and crossed her arms as I asked him, which is strange for her. "Hey Char do you want to go swimming?

" Sure, just let me go get something to drink, and change. " Kimberly and I raced down the hill, by the time we had started running my headache and pain was gone with all the new excitement. We raced up the stairs, and almost tripped Katherine, Charlie's Mom.

"Sorry!" Kimberly and I both yelled out. We burst in to my room and change into our swimsuits then run down stairs to our Olympic size pool. Oh yeah, I probably should have mentioned that my mom gets new/upcoming or popular bands gigs, so let's just say we have a lot of famous people over for dinner. By the time we got to the pool Greenday was practicing some of their songs, I guess their eating over for dinner. Charlie, Kimberly, and I all went off the diving board at the same time and we almost died. I was looking at the sunset when somebody picked me up and threw me into the pool A.K.A. Charlie! When I reached the surface again there was one huge splash then another following it. Kimberly had just pushed Charlie into the pool.


8:45 P.M, Even later that day

"Well, this was fun day." I said, and today has actually been one of the best days I've had in a long time. Kimberly was already inside talking to her parents on Face time so it was just me and Charlie under the stars with a blanket to keep us warm.

" You'll never understand how much I've missed you, even with Face time it's not the same as talking to you in person." He said while gazing into my eyes, his blue eyes looking into my dark brown ones.

" Well tomorrow I won't be knocked out so we can actually do stuff." I said while looking up at the stars then resting my head on his arm.

" You know I don't care if it's boring I just want to spend time with you." I didn't need to answer the question he pulled the blanket over me as if to keep out the cold and we layed there and soon fell asleep under the stars. And you might be wondering why I wasn't worried about the wolves now, well that's because I felt perfectly safe in Charlie's arms with a fire blazing near by, and the crickets humming their peaceful music around us, it's like one of those movies where everything goes perfectly, but then something bad happens. Well, little did I know that something was pulling up faster than I pull into a drive through when I'm starving.

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