Chapter 7

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June 12, 2015—Continuing on from the beginning of Chapter 1

Nicole P.O.V

After that night I avoided Spencer for a while, and spent more time with Charlie. Almost everyday we hung out, except when we had lots of homework after school. And yes Charlie enrolled into my school, and all three of us were in all the same classes. Why would you need to watch the Olympics every four years when you could see it live everyday. After I found out about Hybrids I confronted my mom about it, and she told me all about how my dad had gotten into a fight, and was killed by another hybrid. She also told me all that she knew about them, and that you wouldn't know what you were until you turned 16, then things start changing. When you turn 16 it could happen right away, happen later, or if it happened to late you could, well, die. Anyway after that day Charlie and I would train to fight since one day instead of college we would have to go to one of the schools that was special for Hybrids, and Hybrids only, the first Hybrids even made a few for the generations to come after them. So continuing on from the beginning........

****6:20 A.M, June 12, 2015****

I flip him over on his back without even trying, right away as I looked into his eyes I could tell who he was, Charlie.

"Hey, I think you're getting better at this," he says then groans in pain.

"I'm so sorry, but you know that you shouldn't surprise me like that. Especially if you aren't going to try that hard." I say as I help him up, and then blushes.

"Yeah, I totally wasn't trying, and look how good I did without it." He said as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Mmhm," I said sarcastically giving him a glare.

"Hey have you had any swimming lessons yet, you know incase you are about to drown in a river?" He questions me, and gives me a devilish grin. Uh oh, I think.


"I think right now would be a good time, is your mom home because her car isn't here." He asks

"I guess not, why?"

"Well you're "coach" which is obviously fantastic me has decided to give you swimming lessons for free at no extra cost." He says the last few words like the Australian guy from those stupid info-mercials." And with that he runs towards me, lifts me up and carries me on his shoulder, as if I were being held hostage.

"Charlie let me go, these are my favorite pajamas and I don't want them to get soaked!" I scream and kick to save my pajamas which consisted of a t-shirt and shorts. Classy right?

"Too late now, I have made up my mind." I feel him start to carry me bridle style, and by this time I can already tell what he's planning to do.

"CHARLIE DON'T YOU DARE!" I scream at the top of my lungs. All he does is laugh and then I feel myself swaying, then falling and I take a deep breath. All of a sudden I feel weightless, and see blue all around me. It may sound like heaven, but really it was just my pool--yes Charlie threw me in the pool at 6-o-clock in the morning. I wasn't going to let him get away that easily so I just stayed down there looking life less. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I could hold my breath for as long as I want under water, I don't know what kind of supernatural being that's from but all that matters is that Charlie doesn't know. About 20 seconds after I went under the water I saw Charlie coming, he looked genuinely guilty. He lifted me up and carried me out of the pool. He started to check my vital signs, then check my breathing, then started to do compressions. That's when he was about to give me the kiss of life, when our lips were about to touch I lifted my head and kissed him. I felt him tense up then pull away.

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