16| Ay Dios Mio!

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Nicole's P.O.V

Beep, beep, beep. I heard repeating over and over again. Finally, not being able to take it any more I opened my eyes a little, than a little more. Until finally I took in the brightness of the world that lay out before me.

With beautiful colors of white, and...... more white, and. Hold on a minute everything was white, where was I? I sat up too fast and felt bile rise up in my throat. I leaned over the bed and the white mixed with a disgusting greenish-brown color. My head was pounding and I saw bruises up and down my arms. I started to scratch my neck and felt a small bandage wrapped around it.

Ugh! I sighed loudly, I was confused. What had happened, what was I missing. When I got bored and was tired of the only thing that I could hear being my heart monitor I pressed a big glowing red button, only wanting to see what would happen.

 And soon enough I heard the sound of running coming down the hall, heels clicking and shoes angrily slapping the floor for something that they did a long time ago. Soon the door burst open and a crowd of people rushed in, along with a nurse who looked annoyed and tired while blowing hair out of her face.

As I looked around at the faces, it took me a while to remember who they all were. I felt strange, something had happened and I couldn't remember.

Then I realized...

"Mom?" I said quietly in a whisper. My mother had tears in her eyes as she nodded and came to hug me. Then I realized everything else.

"Kimberly, Charlie, Spencer, and Katherine?" I said confused but confusingly enough, I don't know why I was confused. "Where is that spawn from Satan now?" I said angrily trying to sit up again but failed and fell back onto my pillow that smelled freshly cleaned.

"Uh, we don't really know. He was carried off by that werew-" Spencer paused realizing that the doctor was watching us all very closely. "That strange wolf, I've never seen anything like it." He finished.

"So how long was I out?" I asked knowing it had been at least a day or two.

"It's been two months." Kimberly says to me sadly. Then I closed my eyes and thought about it. School had started. My father's birthday that my mom and I always celebrate to let him know that he hasn't been forgotten has passed. All my chores that needed to be done and will now need to be made up for the lost time. And all the time I had lost, and all the memories that I would never be able to make again were lost. The clock had already struck twelve at the ball. Opening my eyes again I noticed that the nurse had seen my paint pallet that I had painted the floor with and I felt myself blush (A.K.A- my vomit). The doctor grabbed her pager or walkie-talkie, ( I couldn't really tell since I was starting to feel dizzy) and said, "Bob, can you tell the cleaners to come to room 444 as soon as possible. There has been an accident." I felt myself blush again as I wiped my mouth again, feeling as though something was still there from my "accident".

"So how long do I have to stay here?" I asked, wanting nothing more but to get out of this tragic place.

"Uh, that's the thing," Kimberly said nervously. "The shortest amount of time is a couple weeks, maybe even a couple days depending on how the tests go." She finished.

"And the longest amount?" I asked.

"A couple years-" I cut her off.

"A couple years!" I screamed. I had only consciously been here for a couple minutes, there was no way that I could last years in here. How do people do it?

"Visiting hours are over. Nicole needs her rest you can see her again tomorrow." The nurse said, aggravated. Everyone left, Spencer being the last. His eyes never left until the nurse literally pushed him out of the room.


Spencer's P.O.V

I could only think of her. What was she thinking? What was she feeling? What was she doing? Yet, none of them could be answered because she still couldn't come home yet. A million thoughts, memories, and fantasies about what could have went differently in my life were running through my mind at once. Then there was knocking. I ran to it thinking that Nicole was finally let out of the hospital, it had already been a few days so maybe she got lucky and the tests just happened to go well. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that we are back in Oregon now so life has went back to usual, at least as normal as it can being a Hybrid and all. My smile kept growing wider as I thought about how I would tell her that she wasn't allowed out of my sight ever again (just because I am a hopeless romantic does not mean I am wimpy or gay, that's Charlie's job). I swung open the door but it wasn't her, it was her. Brianna.....

"Hey babe." She said right before making out with my face. Lipstick smearing everywhere. I wanted to vomit in her mouth. She was so fake, for example almost all of her hair is extensions, she has packed on makeup that made her look like a clown, and today she wore tight fitting booty shorts and a halter top that was just too tight. Oh and don't forget the fake tan and Starbucks that she held in her hand (why are girls so obsessed with Starbucks?). I shove her off of me (technically she is just pushing my face towards hers with her disgusting hands that smell like crap, literally) and she gives me a pouty look.

"Brianna I told you that we are done. I just can't look at you without wanting to pull my own eyes out with my bare hands, eat them, and then kill myself. You are just so fake, and make me buy you a Starbucks drink every time we go to the mall, and that is every day." I said sadly and agitated. "Brie, why can't we just be a normal couple who can just sit and watch movies? Or even just talk?" I finished and she just stared at me. Then suddenly my face burned. She had slapped me. And soon after she slammed the door herself and started the car, but only after did I hear the car crash into something.

"Ay Dios Mio!" I yelled running to my room. When I first met Brianna she had been nice and like a dream girl. We hung out and talked all the time, but then she changed... She was a dream girl but not mine.

"Honey! It's almost time for practice, your going to be late!" My mom yelled from downstairs. Basketball season had just started so that meant that the Charles man and I were back out on the court that smelled like gym socks and armpits.

"Coming mom!" I replied. I quickly pulled on my shorts and grabbed a random t-shirt that was laying on the floor. Looking around for the last thing I needed, I realized it wasn't there. "My ball. Where is my ball?" I said to myself, my eyes open in confusion. Then I heard a banging noise from the room next door.

I rushed over and opened the door to the next room. "Charlie, give me back my ball. It's time for practice if you didn't hear mom." I said to him. But he was just sitting there staring at the ball, which is unusual because he's always smiling. "Dude, what's wrong?"

"Well I realized that Dad must have given you this, and I haven't seen him in years. It just kind of dawned on me that he never sent me anything for my birthday, or Christmas and I guess that I just wish he had. I at least wish I could talk to him." He said .

"Maybe basketball can take your mind off of it. I'll race you." And I took off running, soon after I could hear him gaining on me. I didn't know what to say. All these years I had given letters and packages for him to send to Charlie, but he's been lying. Maybe Basketball could take my mind off of everything too...

A/N~ So this is another short chapter but I had extra time so I decided that I would finish and publish this chapter today. I will focus on my main stories the most but will eventually update my others too. I've finally started actually reading Lady Midnight and it is very good so far. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, goodbye fellow Wattpad addicts ;)

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