18|He goes by Nick Rivers

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Spencer P.O.V

"I can't believe you already planned a date before we even made the deal," I spoke as fast as the words could come.  I threw shirt after shirt out of my closet, trying to find something decent to wear last minute. "How did you know I would even say yes anyway?" He gave me one look, "No, no, no! I... am not desperate!"

"Okay Spence. Whatever you say, buddy." Charlie replied while rolling his eyes.

"I am not desperate," I repeated, really only 'reassuring' myself. "How am I desperate when I haven't even went to see her for weeks?" He raised a brow and finally laughed, his eyes crinkling, water dropping down from them just like my pride. Every breath was a challenge for both of us, him, laughter. Me...trying not to shift and then claw his face off, ribbon by ribbon.

"How do you explain your mindless, trance like weeks where you have been trying to find a girl just like Nicole. It's getting a little creepy." Charlie shivered at the thought of my stalker-ness. He had a small plastic bag in his hand, which he threw straight at my chest and I caught it, opening it up and displaying the contents on my bed.

"What is this?" I hold up a pant leg.

"That is your fancy-shmancy outfit I picked out, knowing you--you would wear a track suit of a garbage bag." I nodded, knowing that he was right, but not about the garbage bag of course. Picture me making a nervous face, then smiling because I look stupid. "We leave in 15 minutes, so... hurry." He winked at me and quietly left the room.

I put the "suit" (not quite fancy enough to be called a suit) on, combed my hair back, and looked at my favorite picture once more before making myself teleport to the door. The picture is of Charlie, Nicole, and I all sitting together on the bank of a river that we live by.


"Be nice." Charlie glared at me before he opened the passenger door to go get our "dates".

"Everything is going to be fine," I closed my eyes and mumbled to myself. "Charlie and yourself will get home perfectly intact." An image flashed through my head of Charlie laying on the floor being attacked by a demon looking thing. I shook my head to get the image out but instead was replaced by a vision of one of those things coming at me. My phone went off which brought me out of my real life like state. I didn't think twice before I slid my finger across the bright screen and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Spence." Her voice did to me what sirens did to the unlucky sailors on boats. But before I could utter a ugly hello, the phone was snatched from me and spoken into from another voice.

"Ir fijado a sí mismo en el fuego y morir en una puta agujero." Then Charlie slammed the phone down and helped our guests into the car. "Spencer, this is Adelina." Then a girl slid into the passenger seat and looked at him with her dark brown eyes that were almost a black.

Now I'm going to stop here to take a moment. I should have seen this coming when the girl's name is Adelina (means darkness) and when she has eyes like Satan. Let's keep going.

She had long strawberry blonde hair that was practically red, and her smile was sinister.

"Hi." She looks down embarrassed. I smile at her then look out the window and roll my eyes. Oh god, what has Charlie gotten me into.

"And this lovely lady is Cassidy." Charlie says as Cassidy and him sit in the back seats. She has flaming red hair, and sometimes I swear I could see a glint of fire whenever it moves. We silently drove the rest of the way to the restaurant which coincidentally was the same restaurant we went to when Nicole and I got stranded. I'll just skip to when we are finally at the restaurant. We were half way through our meal of, well what do you know-spaghetti... when I got a phone call, I looked down at the screen and it was her. I looked up at Charlie and immediately got stabbed by his dagger blue eyes.

"I forgot my wallet. Excuse me Adelina." I lied and walked out to the car.

"Hello?" I asked nervously.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry about earlier." I scratched the back of my head, embarrassed. "That was Charlie."

"How's your date going?" She asked and then sighed.

"I guess your mom told you. It's going okay. Kind of going awkward."

I'd rather be with you!

I wanted to scream...I didn't.

"Obviously, since your talking to me." We both laughed.

"What are you doing out here babe? It's chilly." I rolled my eyes.

Adelina this is not a good time. I clenched my teeth while I thought that.

Then she kissed me! I barely know her. I didn't push away at first because I saw Nicole, but then there was no Adelina or Nicole. Just a devil, kissing me.....


Her long nails scratched me, and burned my neck with the fire of her touch. I tried to teleport myself out of there but nothing was happening. It was like when you try to use a lighter but nothing happens. The doors locked and now her smile was starving. Like a lion hunting an injured gazelle.

"Oh you puny human, all I have to do is choke you." She wrapped her talons around my burned neck and I could smell the flesh burning. My flesh!
Then she was gone.

"Sorry about that. Let's go now." Charlie said casually and got into the passenger seat where a demon just sat.

"What the hell Charlie? Where did they go?" He held up a small black cylinder.

"Heirloom that Ma gave me. It sends demons back where they came out of their mothers."

I nodded and turned on the car. I was starting to get more used to this demon/hybrid crap. I felt a sharp pain on my leg. My phone was shattered, how it happened....I don't know.

"Dude your bleeding." Charlie said with wide eyes.

"Where?" The car started spinning, and I couldn't keep my head up. I was shaking, and when I looked down there was blood.

Lots of it, in pools.

With my last breath I muttered a simple, "God damn it!"

Nicole P.O.V

I was sitting at home on a comfortable arm chair reading a book, when the phone rang. I picked it up from right next to me (my mom knowing that it was still hard for me to get up by myself put it there) and saw that it was the school.


"Hi, is this Nicole?"


"This is Mrs. Mcfarlan." The principal........of course.

"I talked to some of your teachers. Would you like to get your grades back up?" No I just want to fail in life.

"Of course."

"For extra credit they have agreed to let you show a new student the school." That was too easy.

"Sure, I'd love to. May I ask the student's name?"

"He goes by Nick Rivers. He said you might know him by Oliver." Oh my god. I should have known by his fake name. His favorite movie used to be Top Secret. "I'll schedule you tomorrow for noon, hours before the dance. Have a nice day."

Then she hung up.

A/N~ Hey guys, it's been months and I've been stressing about writing an update. Hopefully this update was good enough for now, because I am going to try writing more often now (no really I will). I know it's a short chapter but the next chapter is going to have some drama going on *laughs evilly* Just in time for the dance. I think it's easier to write while I can look at the rain outside and listen to Bohemian Rhapsody. I'll update again as soon as possible. Bye my fellow Wattpad addicts ;)

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