17|Captain Boxer to the Rescue!

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Nicole's P.O.V

Today was the day I would finally be able to get out of this room. The only problem... I couldn't exactly walk. I wasn't paralyzed or anything else that extreme, my mind just simply forgot. The hospital caused me to sleep very little during my stay which made the whole thing even worse. Finally at around noon the nurse came around with my mom and a wheelchair. They both carefully helped me, and out I went. The sun has never felt so pleasant, and my breathing was hesitant. This was fresh air! It was Autumn, October 30th to be exact. The leaves were being blown away by the ferocious winds roaring one way, then the next non stop. Nonetheless, I couldn't be more happy or content.

"Mom, do you have my schoolwork?" I asked. Spencer and Charlie brought me schoolwork everyday after school, but sometimes every few days. They hadn't come in a while and I was starting to feel lonely. Everybody stopped coming eventually, my mom was the first person that had come in weeks. Kimberly had gone back to Arizona and I hadn't gotten the chance to say goodbye. The only good thing that came out of this was I couldn't turn into a werewolf during the coma. The waves were hitting the rocks down below the cliff of the hospital. Poseidon must have been angry.

"Yes. I still can't believe you would rather be doing schoolwork in the hospital than watching T.V. Are you sure we're related?" She asked sarcastically. But I could barely hear her over my own mind. What was Spencer doing? Did he find a girl who would treat him right? Did he find new friends? What was Charlie doing? Was he still training? Was he still his usual quirky self? And what was Kimberly doing? Oh wait never mind, I had just seen her on T.V yesterday. It was her first match ever--- and I wasn't there to see her, or support her. What a good friend I was (note the sarcasm). I tried calling her but the line was busy, so I sighed and continued watching the same monotonous shows that marathoned all day. The nurse, who was the only one to keep my sane, Helen was her name, and my mother lifted me into the passenger seat of my mom's blue SUV, and we finally drove home.

"Mom?" I asked, making her jump in the silence.

"Yes?" She replied nervously.

"Do you think I could go hang out with Spencer and Charlie? They haven't visited in a while so I wanted to go see what's going on in their-"

"I don't think that's a good idea today." She took a long pause. "Their--busy." She finished.

"Mom what happened, and don't lie to me. You honestly cannot lie."

"Their onadoubledate." She whispers quickly.


"Their on a double date." This time she says it loud enough for me to hear.

"Good for them." My own voice scared me. I sounded calmer than I was actually feeling. What if those girls, or guys (don't have a problem with that) break their hearts? Oh yeah, I'm a Hybrid. I could just slaughter them, even though I don't know how to walk that well at the moment. The rest of the ride home was silent, and I couldn't stop myself from gazing at the leaves spiraling off of each branch, like when snow falls from the sky in the winter, or ashes shooting out from a fire. I rest my chin on my hand as I watch the view. I've never noticed how truly beautiful it is until now. I never realized how important all the people in my life are until now either. What secrets do they hold in their gaze, hiding them from the world?


Spencer's P.O.V

Earlier That Day

I was going INSANE! I couldn't control my own turning anymore, it happened at random. I was shedding, black clumps everywhere I looked. At the moment I had the fan going on at full blast while I flipped through a yearbook. The Halloween dance was tomorrow. The theme was apparently a masquerade ball, but I honestly forgot. I couldn't think straight. Everybody expected me to bring a date. I already knew who I wanted to take but she didn't want me, she would never want me. Red x's marked different girl's faces. Ones I had already tried to date, and ones that just freaked me out. As I kept marking the faces of the unwanteds, Charlie bursts into my room with a Captain America shield, a cape, a mask, and worst of all, superhero boxers.

"Captain Boxer to the rescue!" He yelled while running from here to there, trying to fly but falling flat on his face every time. I swear sometimes I forget that our parents are divorced and we hadn't seen each other in years. It feels just like it had always been before. "What you doing bro?" He asks while glancing at me from behind his shield. When I ignored him he came and snatched the yearbook right out of my hands.

"Hey! What are you doing!" I say as he flips the pages. He sees all the x's and his eyebrows furrow more and more every time.

"Spencer, you haven't even been on a date with most of these girls. You have to give them a chance." He says as though I were acting like the five year old.

"They weird me out though..." I say quietly.

"I'll make you a deal." I nod for him to go on, he does. "I'll go on a date with one of these foxy freaks if you go on a date with one of them too. You know-- a double date?" He says looking at me for any signs of emotion.

"I don't know about this-"

"Come on, we'll both be there to help each other out incase something goes wrong. What's the worst that could happen, they put boogers in our food? The best that can happen is that they are our soul mates and we are meant to be." He says dreamily while folding his hand together. I was starting to miss the sarcastic side of Charlie.

"But what about-"

"Dude, she rejected you. It's time to move on, you know, go with the flow." He says in one of those surf hippie voices. It was hard to take him seriously with that funky outfit going on.

"Yeah I guess you're right, what have we got to lose?"

Turns out we had more to lose than we thought. It only went down hill from that moment...


A/N~ Hey guys, I know it's been a while but I've been busy because school still hasn't ended for me. I am trying to make new covers for my books and so far I have made three different options for It's Kind Of Complicated. I'll try to show all the options if I figure it out, but for now I think I know which one I'll choose. Has anybody read the book An Ember In The Ashes by, Sabaa Tahir? My new favorite book. It gave me the same kind of feeling I got when I read the Legend series, and trust me that series was amazing! I can't wait for the next book to come out, I think in either August or October. Anyway now I started reading The Young Elites by, Marie Lu who wrote the Legend series too. I am already intrigued by it and I just started. So enough with all this book talk, I just wanted to say thank you to all my followers and readers for helping me reach my goal. When I first started this book I was expecting to only write one chapter and turn to the next chapter in my life (get the stupid pun?) but here I am on chapter 17 and still going. So thank you to everybody, and have a nice day my fellow Wattpad addicts :)

P.S~ Captain America! Isn't he dreamy? ;))))

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