14|Love Is Much More Complicated Then You Think Cherie

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Nicole's P.O.V

"Nicole don't come any closer! They'll kill you!" I hear a voice say and I turn around to see Spencer with a gun pressed up against his head. We were in a dark room that looked like a dungeon from the medieval era. There was no light except from the crack underneath a door that was to my right. My heart was beating rapidly as I ran to him and tried to fight the man with the gun next to him. I was only a few steps away from the man who's head was covered in black cloth, when the gun went off and Spencer slumped to the ground--dead. Before I could utter any cries (battle cries to be exact) the scenery changed and I was in a bright meadow with sunlight shining down all around me. I sat upon a hill under a tree that shaded a part of a creek that I was dipping my feet in. My dress was so long that a couple of inches was soaking in the water. Alongside me was a blanket and a basket that had a couple sandwiches, some fruit, and water inside. So I guess you could say that I was having a picnic. The grass was so green, and the water was so clear... it was much more different from the world that we live in today. Much less polluted, and no trash on the ground. Not only was the earth exquisitely different from today the clothes that I wore were too. They were almost--- Victorian, just kidding they are Victorian clothes and I know because we have pictures of my ancestors from those times. Most of them centered around my great, great, great, great, grandma and in some she would be smiling (yes smiling I know strange for an old photo where most people frown and looked away from the camera) with a strange man that I think she mentioned in her journals but sadly all of them were lost when my father went away. It seems as if a lot of things disappeared or changed when he left--like they could never find their way back. Then I heard barking and shouting coming from behind a hill next to mine, and as it grew louder I could see that there was a dog running alongside of the same man from the pictures. Even in the shade the sun felt hot, but it was just the right amount to be perfect.

"Dash! Over here boy!" The words came out of my mouth as if I had no control. That's when I realized that this wasn't a dream it was someone else's memory. I (technically she) looked into the small creek at her reflection, and my heart stopped. This was my great, great (etc.) grandmother's memory. She got up and ran up the hill trying to catch up to the man. "Grey where were you? I have been waiting here for more than a half an hour!" I said again with a heavy French accent, but I laughed jokingly as I said it. The red and white dog, (what looked like an Irish Setter)Dash jumped up on me and licked her face, she fell and laughed. Grey (a.k.a the strange man) helped her up and she weaved his arm through his as they laughed and skipped down to the blanket and basket. They laid there for hours her head on his arm while he wrapped his arm around her as the sun blazed down on them just talking. They laughed and I could tell that they really must have loved each other from the way they looked at each other. Then the scene changed again and I was myself again, but standing in front of me was my great grandmother Marie.

"Nicole I am here to warn you-" She started to say with her heavy French accent that was hard to understand at first, but I interrupted her before she could finish.

"But this is just a dream--you can't really be talking to me, can you?" I asked her.

"I don't have much time Cherie. I must be quick, in great time you will understand all that comes with being a hybrid but for now I must warn you about Spencer. You might not know or feel it yet but you love him." She said pausing then continuing, "It's already too late, he feels it too. If you love him he will come back to you later on in life, but if you care about him you must stop leading him on that way."

"What if I decide that I want to be with him? What if I already know I love him and I am ready to admit it?" I ask her furrowing my eyebrows confused.

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