Chapter 9

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June 13, 2015
Nicole P.O.V
I was halfway in between sleep and the real world when the idiot that I was resting my head on, on the bus said, "I love you." Who says that, oh yeah, Spencer does. It felt like eternity but eventually Spencer woke me up to say that we were there. Where is there? I don't know, but as soon as we got out of the bus I could tell that we definitely weren't at home. As I stepped out behind a guy with dreadlocks and in front of Spencer I felt my heels that I some how still had with me, sink in sand. And in the moonlight(which is the only reason we could see.)little ways away I could see the waves rolling back and forth, then hear them slap the beach. I instantly ran down the high slope to the beach, I could hear Spencer shout behind me but I never stopped running. I have fond memories of when I was little---when my dad was still alive. Every year we would go to our beach house in Hawaii and my dad would throw me up in the air into the water. My mom would be watching from a few feet away laughing as he chased me around then tickled me until I couldn't laugh anymore. Then at night, all four of us including my mutt that my mom had to give away when my dad died and before she got a job so that we could have enough money for our small house and groceries. That was before she struck it rich and we moved into our huge house, and since then, we haven't got another dog. I always ask my mom but she says no without a reason. Anyway at night all four of us would sit outside and have a bonfire. And when it got hot enough my dad would help me roast a whole bunch of marshmallows for s'mores, while he told me stories about him or my mom and him. When I ran down to the beach I felt like my dad was still alive and that he was chasing me. I stood among the waves as they rolled over my feet, my dress either in the waves or wrapping/waving around me in the wind. I was holding my black heels that were so dark I could barely see them in the dark. Spencer stood behind me looking at the view.

"What are you doing?" He asked me. I turned to face him, and without realizing let my feelings show on my face(I hate when I do that.)and saw him soften. He pulled me into a hug, and I felt a tear run down my face.

"I miss him so much." I knew he could tell who I was talking about, because he said,

"I know, I do too." My dad was pretty much like a dad to Spencer when his parents got in fights before the divorce. "Now let's go swimming, that's another reason you came down here right?" I nodded my head and he started taking off his tux.

"Woah, I said I wanted to go swimming. Not skinny dipping." I said as I gave him a smirk.

"Well if you don't mind, I'd rather not ruin a $350 dollar tux." He said as he continued to take off his tux, and surprisingly underneath he had a t-shirt and shorts on. He saw my surprised look and said, "What were you expecting a sneak peak of Mr.June?" He said tilting his head side ways and giving me a devilish grin.

Ignoring his question I asked him, "How did you know that you were going to need to take off your tux? Without stripping." I added my face in a puzzled glare. The waves were still rolling over both of our feet and my dress was soaked at the bottom.

"Simple, I didn't. I just knew that as soon as that double date with Chatty Cathy was over I was going to take that stupid thing off." Spencer said, as I started laughing. Soon after Spencer joined in and we were both sprawled on our backs laughing our heads off. We had been by the sea for at least 30-40 minutes which would make it around 1:30, I couldn't tell, since the last time we saw a clock was on the bus and it was about 1:00 A.M when we got off. Without hesitation Spencer got up and ran into the waves, a huge one beat down on him. I started to get worried about him and was searching the upcoming waves for him but he wasn't there. Then I felt somebody watching me, so I turned around and there he was just standing there watching me look for him. He started laughing while I stood there hands on my hips, when I ran out into the waves he ran after me and soon we were both in the water. The moon being our leader as we howled and ran around like two crazy kids, which I suppose we were. We ran, and swam and swallowed a bunch of salt water, and by the time we got out we were both soaked. Spencer was fine since he still had his dry tux but my only clothes were my dress and that was done for. So Spencer and I walked to the nearest store, which wasn't that far since it was a quant, small town. The store was called The Shore Shack, which was like a store for tourists. So, they had lots of clothes, and since I had given my money to Spencer to hold we had enough to buy some clothes. It was a long night and the clock read 2:47 P.M, and we were still waiting in line to pay for our stuff. Spencer was trying to get Wifi and there was two teenage girls that were quietly screeching loud enough for me to hear. Apparently they thought that the cashier was cute, and when it was their turn to pay they kept giggling and asking him questions.

"How long does it take to buy two t-shirts?" I whispered to Spencer, he grinned at me.

"As long as that cashier is there, Angel." He replied back. 15 minutes later they had finally finished and we were next, and it only took us 5 minutes. We finally got out and decided to check when the next bus would come since there was still no wifi.

"It doesn't come until 11:00." I said exasperated. We ended up just waiting there on the bench until the next morning, and not long after we sat down we both fell asleep.

A/N~ so this chapter is short because I was camping and had little time to write, so I hope you liked it. I will try to publish as soon as I can. Have a nice summer fellow wattpad addicts ;)

P.S~The picture above is what the beach would of looked like. And happy Fourth of July!!!!🎉🎊💥🎷🎶🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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