15|Unrequited Love Sucks

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Nicole's P.O.V

His teeth gleamed like a secret that has yet to be told. I gasped, all eyes on him. Since birth he has been destined for a dark path, darker than any villain from any movie or bedtime story that you could imagine including Hades or Darth Vader. He walked in like he owned the place, he didn't take his shoes off and got sand all over the place. He turned the corner into the kitchen and came out with a tube of pringles. He chucked the lid at both of our moms and rested his feet on Spencer's lap.

"Could you throw that lid away doll face? And you turd eyes, give me a foot massage." He said and shoved a handful of pringles into his mouth. Remind you of someone? Then suddenly the crunching stopped as he turned his head with a murderous grin as he settled his eyes on the awestruck Kimberly. "'Ey baby sistah, long time no see." Even in this serious of a case I almost couldn't stop my laughter that was threatening to spill out but I kept it in. His accent was so heavy, he's been in New York all these years it sounded like. Kimberly doesn't respond, she's too shocked. After a couple minutes of awkward silence he gets up and stands right in front of Kimberly towering over her by at least a couple feet. Both boys were anxiously fidgeting and I gave them a look to stay right where they were or else they would die. The room was still and nobody made a move, well except for demon boy over there. He took another step closer to Kimberly and she took a step back only to run into a wall. But he took another step and I decided that was enough. I carefully walked over to him showing no signs of fear and swiftly slapped him hard across the face. His surprise was quickly masked with his normal devious face hinted with anger.

"I see you have finally come out of hiding Oliver, or shall I say Satan?" I say trying to hide how scared I was. Oliver McMahon was Kimberly's brother, that is until he turned psycho. He is three years older than us, which means that he would be 19 now. It all started a long time ago when they were both very young. Oliver was the most caring brother you could ever ask for, he was nice to both of us. Then when he was only 7 he killed a man but the crime wasn't heard of until Kimberly knew and was going to tell their parents. It had happened right in front of her eyes, and only being 4 she couldn't comprehend it and thought nothing of the situation. Oliver threatened her not to tell, but Kimberly only laughed. Oliver now feeling threatened himself smacked her across the face several times causing her to black out. When she woke she told her parents and that's when he was sent off to a boarding school far away from their precious daughter that they knew would have a bright future compared to the shrew of a son that they were damned with for the rest of their lives. Sending him away seemed like the best option at that time for them but even though what happened, Kimberly still loved and missed her brother until the day that they heard of his escape and of the murder rates going up in all the areas that he was reported to be seen in. One day they finally happened to find him in the alley about to win a knife fight with a man almost three times his age. By the time they found him and put him in the military he was only 10 but proved himself skill worthy of weapons. I guess you could call him a prodigy of the field of battle. Anyways Oliver despises Kimberly now since he thinks that she is the one who sent him to boarding school and then the military. And of course he escaped the military too and has been hiding out in the eastern part of the United States.

Oliver whistles and says, "Oh, I see you have finally became bold enough to stand up for your friends and family but what about yourself?" I am blinded momentarily by a punch that hits my nose. It gushes blood on impact, I knew that it was broken for sure Oliver never misses. Both Charlie and Spencer dive  on the beast but come out of the fight sooner than they started it with black eyes and broken bones. I knew immediately that this would not end well, our mothers stood in the kitchen in the same place as when I was singing just a few minutes ago. Does that ever happen to you where one minute you feel as high as the clouds and the next you feel as you are as low as hell? I gave both of the moms a look that said to get out of here and get help and they ran, Oliver paying no attention. His eyes were only focused on me with a look that showed that he was in control now. Helped me up and swiftly pushed me against the wall, finding a knife at my throat, cutting deeper and deeper every second. "Will you back down now or shall I get this over with?" He said and I spit blood onto his face making the knife go deeper into my neck. He takes another knife from his pocket and throws it behind him, a clean shot into the center of Spencer's hand who was holding a vase that would have been used to smack Oliver unconscious.

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