Chapter 11- Is He A Pirate Or In The Mafia?

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Nicole's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to find a bright light being shined at me. I tried to block the light away from my eyes, but instead found out that my hands were tied around a chair and that my legs were tied to the legs of the chair. My head was pounding, and I was dizzy and everything in my line of vision was moving, I closed my eyes hoping that, that would stop from my head's drum solo. Where was I? What had happened? Most importantly where was Spencer? The last thing I remember was us playing laser tag and then.......oh no! My eyes flew open and I began to struggle as hard as I could but my wrists and ankles started burning.

"Oww." I said gritting my teeth, not wanting to scream, I would get out of this, I have trained for this. I stopped struggling and willed myself to stay calm, my heart was beating rapidly and my wrists and ankles probably had burns on them. The only thing calming me down now was Spencer, I had to make sure he was alright, so I couldn't die yet right? But even worse, Charlie was coming to pick us up so what if they kidnapped him too. I startled to struggle again and ignored the pain. I heard a door open and I started to panic again, this is where it ends Nicole say goodbye to your wonderful life.

"Well, well, well look who is awake. Hello Ms. Bloodstone how are you doing on this fine evening, but more importantly how is your father doing?" I heard a deep voice, I knew instantly that of course it was a man but he also had an Italian accent. Was this some kind of sick joke, was he trying to remind me that I had lost my father in some war he went off to? Was he trying to remind me that I lost one of my best friends, and that when I did lose him my mom became an alcoholic for a while until she got help.

"Is this some kind of sick joke I have no father, he DIED years ago!" I said in a sickening tone making myself sound venomous. While I put on the act of being tough, all I got was a laugh. And not the normal kind of laugh, a serial killer laugh, I shuddered.

"Ha, unless you mean he's dead to you." The man said and started laughing again, as he took a few steps forward into the light. I look at him closer and see that he looked about in his early 40s maybe, about how old my father would be. And he had dark black hair, a moustache, and the greenest of eyes they looked like a shade of mint. As he laughed I could see he had a golden tooth, and now all I could think of was 'is he a pirate or in the mafia?' eventually he was doubling over and slapping his knee. I rolled my eyes, and finally he stopped laughing.

"How is it funny that my dad is dead? Is there something that I'm missing here?" I asked him with a confused look, I was oddly calm for the situation that I was in.  He gave me a confused look and all the hints of his laughing had disappeared.

"What are you talking about, your father is not dead. We have been contacting him for the past few years." He stares at me as I keep the confused look on my face 'what the heck is he talking about'? But before I can ask what the fudge he is talking about the door bursts open and a gun fires off. I duck my head while gunshots ring out all around us 'well Nicole at least this will be a quick death'. I close my eyes and try to get out of the chair but it still restrains me from moving.

"Nicole?" I keep my head down not wanting to look at who was in front of me. I admit that I was afraid that there would be a gun pointed at my head and that the person holding it wanted me to be looking straight at the gun when I died. "Nicole, open your eyes you are safe now." I hear the voice say, my ears were still ringing from the gunshots so I couldn't hear straight. I kept my eyes shut and pointed my head down.

"If you are here to kill me just get it over with." I said not even trying to fight back, I couldn't anyway because of these stupid ropes that were binding me to the chair. They were probably made out of wolf's bane for all I knew. I felt a warm hand lift my chin up, and finally I opened my eyes to see that Charlie is in front of me. Right away he somehow cuts the binds away, I don't know how he did it without getting burns, but he took them off in one try. After he cuts away the binds I immediately get up and rap my arms around his neck, at first he is surprised but quickly after he hugs me back just as tight.

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