Chapter 3- Killing Reasons...

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"I'LL KILL YOU!" Daz roared. He charged at the man only to jump up and knee him in face. The man stood there and took it,it didn't even faze him. "WHO EVEN ARE YOU?!" "I'm a Human,my name? Zaihan." "DAM THATS A COOL NAME!" "Thanks?" Daz elbows him in the stomach,still didn't faze him. "Why aren't you doing anything?!" "I'm just better than you." "I'm not using my full power though!" "?" Daz rips his shirt off revealing his small muscles and begins charging to his max power. Once he's done,the power Daz has scares Zaihan. "What?! How did you-" "LESS TALK MORE FIGHT!" Zaihan realizes that he can't take Daz's attacks like they're nothing.

Zaihan dodges a punch from Daz and kicks him away. "BACK OFF YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Daz gets even more angry and shoots blasts from his bare hands. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" "It's called a Ki Blast!" "A WHAT BLAST?! HOW THE HELL-" "I'm just better than you!" Daz blocks a punch from Zaihan and they resort to hand to hand combat. Daz uppercuts Zaihan,defeating him. "I'd spare you,but now,since you killed Zach,not a trace of you shall be left behind..." Daz uses his remaining energy by spamming Ki blasts at Zaihan,who gets hit by every single one of them,and Daz was right,there wasn't a single trace of him left. Daz starts heavily breathing,he's used alot of energy,infact, Daz thinks he just broke his own limits. "I need to tell Zallary about this..."

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Zallary yelled. "I'm sorry! There was nothing I could do! I was too petrified to save him-" "THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TRAINING FOR! YOUR SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES!" Daz goes from sad to angry again. "WELL YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FUCKING FEELS,DO YOU? TO LOSE A LOVED ONE?! EVEN IF YOU DID,YOUR STILL A STUPID HUMAN,YOU MAY HAVE LOST SOMEONE,BUT I'VE LOST MY WHOLE PLANET,HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOUR WHOLE RACE WAS ANNIHILATED?!" Zallary remembers how Daz lost his whole race. "I'm sorry,Daz,I totally forgot." "It's okay..." Daz gets back to his training. 2 hours later he gets interrupted by Crally. "Hi,Daz!" Daz blushes. "H-hi,Crally!" "I've been wondering,what's that tail of yours for?" "Oh,that. Uhm,how do I explain this? So,everyday when there's a full moon,we turn into Giant Monkeys,some call it Great Ape,others call it Oozaru. We only transform if we look at the full moon,though." "So Saiyans are like werewolves?" "Uh,yeah? I guess." Daz replied,not knowing what the heck a 'werewolf' is.

Crally and Daz continue to talk for a few more hours. "Y'know,I heard that there's a really tall tower,and if you climb it,at the top there's a white cat who'll train you,and give you something called a Senzu Bean." "What's that?" "I think it's something that heals you." "Oh." "Wanna climb it in the morning?" "Sure,I guess." With that Crally goes back home and Daz continues his training. "WAIT!" "Yeah,Daz?" "What time?" "Oh! Yes! How about...2:00 in the afternoon?" "Sounds good!"

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